Stop hacking the world.
You have been warned.
Stop hacking the world.
You have been warned.
Other urls found in this thread:
>blocks your path
>blocks your path.
no u
suck adick nomeenoss
Hello John, how's the misses?
Who's doing the hacking?
Electronic currency can be traced. Why would someone hack knowing they can be found?
what about moon?
Im surprised leftards arent crying Muh Russians yet
funny NOT, but last hack, although still to have some effects, has been lamers attempt. user groups- are all NSA and GSHQ infested, so ... suck on my fat pipe
If you've reached the point where you've "figured it out" and there is nothing left for you to understand.
Stop contributing.
Your opinion is worth more than any dollar amount and your time is more valuable than anyone can measure.
c0M3 @ M3 BR0
a1 1Z sUp3r L33t HaX0rB MaYn3
Anonymous are nonexcisting anymore. And if they do still excist then i think they went to antifa.
I doxed 2 of the mask fags that showed up to HWNDU in Albuquerque. Turns out they were part of a rather large network if 30-45 people.
It didn't look like they did much, but they still exist apparently. Normies who think the "#" in "#OPwhatever" is a Twitter/Facebook hashtag are the worst kind of cancer.
There are those who claim the cucumber tastes better pickled, and there are those who know.
How'd you do it?
Epic lulz Le legion IZ here XD XD XD we dont forgive or forget Le anonymous IZ here
The same ways it's always been done.
I unironically miss that brief period when "Anonymous" wasn't so cringe worthy and actually did shit for lulz. I had a lot of fun in those IRC rooms. Now all that's left is normies making YouTube videos who don't even know what DDOS is.
Dear Sup Forums,
It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.
We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no.
Tonight at 12:00am Pacific Time Sup Forums will officially come to an end.
"kek u cant do sh*t"
Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.
You're probably all thinking
There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Moot, Heaven and Hiroyuki here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.
As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.
The clock is ticking, gentlemen.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
- The Leader
Anonymous is fucking stupid and have been for years.
There's a crazy guy here in NH named Mike Gill who believes that everything is corrupt. He had a Facebook page called State of Corruption and has billboards across the state slandering people.
The judges, FBI, DEA, every police department in NH, the state senate, the governor, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Aspen Dental, a hospital in Manchester, fucking AUTOFAIR. All corrupt according to Mike Gill.
The guy is fucking psychotic, doesn't understand the first thing about evidence or legal precedent, and makes an ass of himself at all times.
Anonymous released a video saying that they have no proof but everything Mike Gill is saying is true.
It's actually harming the hospital's reputation, which sucks because it's doubling as a rehab facility for the heroin epidemic that's hit NH.
tl;dr fuck anonymous and fuck Mike Gill.
Says YOU!!!!!
Gonna go ahead and file that under "empty threats"
I hacked user's webcam. Here is what I got.
do it anonymous FREE US from this evil
what if i buy you all a round of Sup Forums gold accounts? On the house...but please...think of the children here posting swastikas before destroying Sup Forums!! There's only several other free speech boards out there, and after this one, and maybe the next one get shut down, they'll only have a few more left before new ones will pop up.
Please sir i beg you, leave us 4channers alone, think of all the fun youll have with Sup Forums gold accounts!!!!
Do it.
Anonymous has been dead for years. You won't scare anyone by showing the rotten carcass carcass of what used to be a mighty beast and especially not by showing it in what used to be the home of that beast back in it's glory days
>Anonymoose actually thinks we have that much power
You guys have really gone downhill
Anonymous being able to do literally anything.
Anonymous is still a thing? Wow
It has been a while since I last saw this copypasta. Reminds me of /b. Good times.
>In 3 and a half hours it will be 12:00 A.M. Pacific Time
>It's roughly 10:10 A.M. Pacific Time
Alright lads, how old is this pasta?
Delete that image.
There's only a handful of anons left in that hidden site. It's comfy and we don't want normies flooding in.
That shit had so much potential. It's a shame we were all so retarded
come on dude, how am i suppoesed to know where moot, heriki, and heaven are? I dont know them or have their contact info, so i literally cant just call them up or get them on discord and say, hey come down to pol. I know you are serious, but i really am not literally able to forfil your request, please is there anything else i can do instead? i think most other pol user are in my boat. they are hard to reach and we just dont know them.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
digits prove im right
kek u cant do shit, script kiddies think they have power.
if you are the leader tell me what the last website i have been on other than Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
>t. larper
>not knowing this is ancient bait pasta
It was Reddit. The last website you were on was reddit.
Are you the infamous hacker know as Sup Forums?
Im going to check back in 3hrs, see ya later
Probably 13 years old.
>Child Porn
>What is Sup Forumsday? (06)
>Cruel Jokes
>Implying only we make "cruel jokes"
>Founding Website
>What is Project Chanology (Sup Forums)
Monero cannot be traced. Even tracing bitcoin/ethereum becomes difficult after mixing them a couple of times.
T. Alberto Barbosa
Now Sup Forums is mainly porn requests. It's really fallen from its peak around 2007 when it consisted of the most absurd trolling schemes, bizarre in-jokes, and ridiculous stories. The board was still entertaining after that but eventually it hit a steep decline.
The Fappening killed Sup Forums. It's been all porn ever since. It's when I switched to Sup Forums.
There's actually more C.P. than ever before thanks to the advent of kik/snapchat.
post some more kike, with permission, I'll have your location- no problem!
OP WhiteRose
lure Normies into putting on the mask
brought to you by
Soros inc
Take of your mask. You are Antifa tier. We warn you. You are Legion. We are the critical autistic mass. We destroyed you. You are dead web meat.
gimme computer the fucc
The last OP I participated in was #OPiceISIS.
The state of the IRC was pathetic. They were just mass reporting accounts manually and doing some shit running python. They were linking Reddit threads trying to get help. I gave them a few tips on doxxing and bailed. It's beyond saving if it was ever worthwhile in the first place.
>pic related
It's my world to hack.
Try and stop me you niggergendered niggersexual niggerkin.
>Manually Mass reporting
Wonder why still give a fuck. Infiltrating them and spreading FUD is a walk in the park.
It is way beyond pathetic. Those are some shit tier "community management" companies, mostly getting hired by different entities around Soros puppet companies who have some experience as kikebook group admins but nothing more. They still believe they can lure CSS and 400lbs basement dwellers into helping them, based on a long gone myth. but tho I guess not the company themselves or the entities behind give a fuck as they get paid with tax dollars at the end of the day.
>N do. Surrender. I want Moot, Heaven and Hiroyuki here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.
>As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.
>The clock is ticking, gentlemen.
>We are legion.
>We do not forgive.
>We do not forget.
>- The Leader
We Are Lesion
>mlp in the id
checks out
Hack bitcoin public blockchain instead
>nigger making animal grunts
can anyone translate what this poser is trying to say?
please do it ,can't take more daily red pills it's driving me nuts
the truth is damaging