ITT Good Old Days

ITT we post photos of that time when Earth was ok to live on, and actually passable as a nonshit planet.

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I git you, Hrvoje



keep posting if you have more bro






Remember when men were tradesmen, owned businesses, or were farmers instead of working for kikes as automatons?


You just keep posting images of Nazis though, what gives?


He was our last chance.












everything was better when Eurasia was a bombed out hellscape.

hitler was arguably the most courageous man that ever lived. a true hero to europeans everywhere. the USA fought on the wrong side of WW2 :(


You should seriously consider hanging yourself, traitor








We were on the wrong side dumbass.

Found the liberal faggot

I don't have any photos from before humanity.

I too think we fought on the wrong side. The only reason the world is decaying right now is because of the axis losing.

unfortunately Poland also









i love you pol , just updated my collection even more




waaaait a minute



You mean when Europeans were a third of the global population?






the white race will never again attain these heights of glory

getting BTFO by Russians is glory in your eyes?

its only matter of time now

dying and living, living and dying
death is not the same as life
i'd rather get killed by a russian commie in the filth of war than live in the filth of peace today

Thanks for the rare Hitlers poland

you sound like a terrorist




i'd never take the lives of my countrymen like the craven mohammedans
but given the tools and the organization and the leadership i'd fight politically with no holds barred
go tell mi6 i want them to see


I am afraid you are correct. looking to what the future holds, I am glad I chose not to have children and spare them from the blackness that approaches. I have a few more things to tie up and then I am ending my life. Living in this time has been a nightmare and I look forward to the day I leave it.


Prepare for feels

and you are posting here? Im really tempted to tell you to GTFO

when the hand of genocide to snuff us out i aim to go down biting it
i cling to life solely that i may put this indignation and rage to use one day
albeit in a just and dignified way

also in a world of such degeneracy and dilution, raising a white, happy, christian child would be more of a FUCK YOU than killing yourself

