What is your response?

What is your response?

America was founded on individual liberty, not fucking socialism

Why am I forced to pay for things I don't use? How can you be against socialism and still force people to pay for things like the military?

Where did I say I approved of that?

My house has never caught on fire. Why should I pay for fucking fire guys? And I only drink filtered water. Why should I pay for water purification? It's communist.

Its not an incorrect comeback, it addressed the idea of paying for stuff you don't personally used. It doesn't justify why nationalized healthcare is obviously worthwhile like a bunch of local infrastructure that is mostly funded by municipalities.

When people aren't smart enough to move a conversation forward they shouldn't use inflammatory language or simplistic metaphors.

Because libertarians are retarded.

There is nothing inherently wrong with public services.

National means something slightly different than just public though, and the argument against nationalized healthcare has nothing to do with the argument of whether anything should be public.

It's about whether HEALTHCARE should be public.

Arguments people make against it include that it allows people to be unhealthy, it is very expensive, it could reduce scientific progress, and it could result in shortages and rationing like canada.


Ruined by activist judges

>civil society

Destroyed by open borders

>the greater good

A meaningless platitude

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to curtail government oversight and expenditures.
Blow me.

>It's called democracy... the greater good.
>democracy is good because democracy is good

This isn't an argument, so there's nothing to respond to. Democracy has run its course precisely because of this mentality. Given enough time, in any democracy, people will eventually accord themselves more rights than responsibilities, at which point, there's no longer enough to go around, but also no people to make things go around, but who just sit there and watch the world pass by. "what we pay for" is a system disconnected from reality.


if a society pulls resources from those who can handle themselves to subsidize those who cannot, it is a sure, albeit slow, path to eventual collapse

>What is your response?
Get fucked old bitch, i won't pay your that shit and i sure as hell won't pay into the pension pyramid scheme that will collapse before i ever get the chance to partake it it.

Gas the boomers age war now!

There is a huge difference between paying to support the Commons which we can all take advantage of versus paying to support special privileges for a select group of people with a victim complex who happened to whine the loudest.

All democracy is, is that we get to vote for shit. No money involved. Simple as that.

Public money is for things that people don't want but should have.

It's that simple.

If you want a kid, pay for it yourself and stop freeloading. But that would require women to take responsibility for themselves and we all know that will never happen.

Thousands of men commit suicide every year due to a lack of hookers. Why aren't we subsidizing whores to sleep with depressed men to make them happy? This is a democracy.

etc etc. The problem is these people want to drain resources from businesses and government for their own personal benefit, but the "socialism" aspect of public services needs to be kept in check and only used for things that are truly necessary. Having kids while working may be really tough, but making you comfortable isn't the job of the government. Public services make sense for transportation and healthcare because they improve the public's ability to maintain a healthy work schedule. You wanting time off because you chose to have a baby is a luxury, not a need. Why should businesses have to pay for your personal life choices? Hell, why not just indefinitely pay you once you become a mother and you never return? After all, that's inconvenient.

It's a slippery slope, and in general comfort is not something that needs to be supported by the government. You build your own comfort.


Not only that but making more and more demands as a female hire(like maternity leave) will just ensure that businesses never hire you. Why would they take you on when you're at a ripe age to get pregnant and become a massive burden on their business? They'll just smile at you and choose men as often as possible. So asking for more maternal benefits is ultimately shooting yourself in the foot because you're making yourself unhireable.

How does she still have circulation? How have her feet not rotted off?


What the fuck

Marxism needs to die

Why should I pay for this fat fucks healthcare? Because socialist programs like public school are so great, huh?

Isn't the fundamental point about democracy is that it should be it should exist voluntarily, and if its a forced democracy that is nothing more than a dictatorship by the many?

We should have the option whether we want to take part in the state or not.

Oh, but then the welfare state wouldn't function properly.

Who woulda guessed gois.

The military grants social benefit.

Me paying for children that I did not help create, nor get a say in how they are raised, does not benefit society, but rather creates a burden.

Men are the natural caretakers anyway. Historically, children ALWAYS went to the man until the mid-late 1800's, when the very first feminist victory happened, and created the tender years doctrine. The tender years doctrine said that children deserve to go with their mothers, who are the natural caretakers (by the way, a claim that modern feminists fight against anyway).

All children should go to men in a divorce.



I want to see her in clothes just to get an idea how can she fit that in there.