Can we get a hate thread going for these dirty, scheming yellow monkeys?
Jap Hate Thread
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Japan is perfect in every way
Japan is wonderful. It's great.
Great culture, great food, great women, great cars.
Japan is great.
The yellow fever is strong with these ones.
>still mad japan turned away a whole bunch of britistanis
t. gook diaspora
Fuck all the yellow apologists. We need to nuke these motherfuckers back to the stone age.
This I fucking hate all these gook worshiping fags.
dump incoming, fuck Japan
I mean, God forbid we allow them to re-arm and rape Asia a second time
Look at these fucking teeth! What kind of backwards race would allow this to happen? They're even worse than the fucking bongers.
They haven't changed since WWII, can't believe the Yasukuni shrine is still standing
their women are so ugly they have to make a dick festival to touch one
As an addendum, this is how they view LeMay. What the fuck
Question: what does Sup Forums think would be the best method of removing the jap from civilised white society? If we give them inch, they'll just rape Nanking again. It's in their jap DNA; they're basically one step away from fucking animals.
Fuck libcucks with their anime shit, the jap cannot be trusted.
I like Japan
They are civilized and don't emigrate to my country
Internment camps worked the first time
Didn't indentured servants move to Mexico in the 19th Century?
Get the fuck out of here, you disgusting race traitor cuck! This is a jap hate thread, not a jap cuckoldry thread.
what country let its kids to dye like this?
their women are so ugly they have animate them
kys degenerate
why are you so buthurt about chinese cartoons?
what did the nips ever do to you to warrent such buthurt?
No, fucking jews
Japs are a great ally, because it's one of the most importantant laws of power that
You should never place too much trust in friends. Learn to ally with your past enemies
why are they called yellow? they look white with slant eyes to me. like taco niggers look more yellow than asians.
>Japan hate thread
>in a website that literally is 2chan translated with babelfish
Newfags these days I swear
japan is the best example of healthy nationalism, this thread is dumb
Why can't we live in peace for once. No day passes without a [Country] hate thread. I'm saddened by this attitude.
>t. chinese student
Don't hate the Japanese.
They need to start having more babies tho.
kys weeabboo. Anime is degenerate.
Japs are honorary Aryans. Nothing bad to say about them.
Go back to /r/the_donald
id still fug