7,6% :3
7,6% :3
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I can´t believe how cucked we are...
Better than expected.
At least more than the lefties
Yeah that´s right, i hope the number will grow till national election in september
in one of the most leftist states that is
bretty good
Old people are stupid and will vote nothing else but CDU and/or SPD.
And young people are brainwashed idiots who vote nothing but left.
I don't think anyone on Sup Forums except a german or two cared about AfD. We especially don't care about them now when a lesbian goldman sach jew leads them.
>7.7% now
Can we go up to 8% or dare I say more?
Fight we must from this avalanche of cucks and neocons.
Hitler lost all elections, this is just the beginning leaf, the first election after the 2015 migration crisis and the biggest nations out there are right leaning, by 2024 I wouldn't be surprised if gas chambers are being built
Cheers to the seats you won. I sense the real outcome would be 18-25%, if life was fair. I just cried for the first time since 15 years, because of fucklife reasons. Can you cheer me up, meming the Schulz-Train make stop in the Final-Endhaltestelle? Just a final laugh before ikms?
AfD has reached the amazing, unprecedented, un-cucked levels of 7.5%(!!!!!!!!) support! Wow!! Can you imagine that? Only 92.5% of Germany remains cucked, this thing is basically in the bag 4th Reich soon!
Linke ist übrigens inzwischen unter 5% gefallen.
the new leader is a goldman sachs lesbian Jew with two black children.
>I know let's lose the voters we have in an attempt to gain a few new ones
Wilders was never gonna win outright, he built up and VVD had to grow a bit of a spine, that one was a win.
AfD is retarded, that's the problem. Few good stances don't make up for it. Even this level of support is surprising.
>Es gab ja das Wort "Gottkanzler" im Netz
Topjournalismus bei Phoenix
>Germany literally stuck between voting for someone who will flood their country with more refugees and someone who will flood their country with more refugees.
Just move to America, at least when the race war pops off here you'll have guns to fight in it
No that would be a harmful opinion and youd go to EU jail
said monteNEGROan
>kanzler is a lady
>surely our candidate must have a vagina too!
>kanzler has short hair
>look our candidate is pragmatic and practical too!
that's why she won't win. elections are shallow, people would rather vote for the old dog than for a younger copy
The best result ever
A reminder that Merkel is going to win a fourth term because the SPD alternative is far worse than what she could ever be.
This picture should tell you enough.
A reminder that this is their exact plan.
>oy vey Merkel is getting unpopular?
>let's run a person even shittier than her so people will vote for her again
these faggots are zionists and as neoliberal as the GOP in the U.S.
A totally fail party. They have literally nothing to offer anyone. Only idiotic racists who know nothing about politics vote for them. And they won't even do a damn thing for those racists since their only possible coalition partner is.. wait for it... MERKEL'S PARTY!
fuck em, i hope they drop under 5% as soon as possible
Quick rundown on NATO situation in Montenigger?
Why does Soros look cartoonishly evil?
someone make a general
Germany is willingly committing suicide.
AfD cucks will never come over 10% in west Germany! Only subhumans in east voting for AfD.
Based horse-archers
Most people don't support it but it doesn't matter because almost every politician takes orders from Western embassies and this "country" is more like a feudal estate of old.
>thinking that anything based could happen outside the Anglosphere
Will there be a referendum?
I read that there has to be or it's unconstitutional, but that could just be RT stuff.
as long as AFD is not 25%+, germany remains politically cucked.
Ceaușescu-like trials for Merkel and co when?
nobody asks your non existent embassies... rekt
How are they his masters, Schulz looks pure jewish, they're more like his pals or partners in crime.
No, and it would be constitutional. But not really legitimate. Montenegro is a nation of false communist-made identity and similar to Belarus, only our Lukashenko managed to ruin almost everything and is Western-aligned so he gets good PR.
Rhodesia gets thrown under the bus
>based a-amirite?
South Africa get fed to feral baboons and commie
>those evil bastards deserved it
>based Anglosphere
Why don't you just become links
This will end bad. Our grandfathers, at least, died fighting.
have fun with your Kalifat in the West, while we're building Mauer 2.0
Quick rundown on what was this election? I mean, is this for Chancellor or president or what?
Laught for a good minute
true to the fact, that post ww2 people become sadomasochistic and willing to not to stand for own nation... but economy is good and getting better compared with the rest of the Europe!
Wrong reply
So you think it'll ever be undone or are you guys in for keeps?
Danke für den Thread. Jetzt bräuchten wir nurnoch öfter nen AfD general und neue memes.
all pol/German/Finish threads seemed to be under attack from pesky ruski and other balkan inbreds
If history teaches me anything (and I love history), shit here will explode sooner or later, follwing other geopolitical disturbances which I suspect are inevitable.
But in near future we'll almost certainly join NATO and ruling satraps I spoke of will formally be deposed.
In reality they did their tasks and West will ensure their friends don't suffer anything or lose their stolen wealth.
Some new pro-Western cucks will assume "power", there's already several lining up.
I'm not really anti-Western anyway, but I can't really be pro-Western while they support crooks who made this place their own private property.
Gib mir (((Chulz))) in der Endhaltestelle, die jedem bei diesem Wort in den Sinn kommt. Ein letztes mal lachen, bitte.
Cool, thank you so much for enlightening me.
Go well
After all this time and all you have seen, you can't believe it?
No problem, same to you.
31% :3
keep redpilling your friends, family, coworkers
Ich werde versuchen dem nachzukommen
>Die Linke erased
>SPD and Grüne weakened
>AfD 5+%
It's a small victory for us and a harsh loss for leftards.
It's all a game bro, in the end, all things considered, the only thing worth supporting is yourself.
Pro-western, anti-western, leftist, rightist, pro-DPS or pro-DF, ultimately it's all a cuck show played by the big corps in the west, they play the strings and they play it according to self-interest.
I follow politics just out of habit from time to time, but the cynic in me says that having some strong idealistic stance about anything really is naive and foolish because it's just banging your head against the wall.
All the seeming change that may occur, shit exploding and power shifts happening - it's all peons thinking they're making some actual difference.
As degenerate as it may sound, just work hard and pursue power, here or abroad. I wouldn't be so concerned by the petty bullshit happening in our obscure, irrelevant failed home states.
Pursuing power with no desire to do good is just empty pursuit in my opinion. It wouldn't make me happy.
Drop dead, Hannelore.
I was born and still live in the West.
I voted and will vote again AFD.
Sozis btfo
How tf can ppl still vote for SPD and CDU? I can understand those who go for Linke or AfD, but CDU and SPD betrayed the Germans for years.
Those two replace Petry.
Replacement for Petry.
Alice Weidel - Lesbian
Alexander Gauland - Old
92.4% of all germans want to be diverse, tolerant and cucked
Alex "Der Judenhammer" Gauland
>a moderate right-wing party can't get more than 10% in Germany
Looks better imo
Look I am for AFD, but if you are going to write "7,5%" and not "7.5%" you deserve to lose for being a stupid piece of shit.
>Thinking that a comma is the same as a period.
>49% of Austria voted for a populist right-wing
>Geert is now the 2nd biggest party
>nearly 35% of the french voted for a person with the name Le Pen, even with the media brainwashing
>AfD already gaining seats
>Jimmie is excepted to win even by the lefties
>"y..you are losing, guise"
you have to go back
Afd is like die linke pro russian
that enough of a reason not to vote for them.
Barack, please.
and people will still try to escape to the west if we stop sending you money...
no they just aren't anti russian retard
>no they just aren't anti russian retard
even that's too much.
You do realize that the money is being sent from west to east?
Look you use a comma to seperate every three digits beyond the decimal point. For values 0 you use a period to seperate the digits.
If it means have dirty refuges kill you so that way you stop spreading this mistake then so be it.
But are they pulling the consensus in their direction?
>when you are so deep in shit that 7% is a reason to celebrate
Same result as the goddamn pirate party had last time, a complete meme party that is already forgotten.
>falling for the "we're only gonna keep da real refugeez" meme
good job, mummy wins in september and it's going back to 1 million sandniggers/year
>Look you use a comma to seperate every three digits beyond the decimal point.
No, in Germany we use a point for that.
pic related
hes the new hitler?
Bump for new memes
don't explain it to him, hans
he has to go back
YOU do realize that the money is being sent from from south to north? ;^)
t. Seppl
not german but i hope they win.
am i going to get in trouble if i " accidently slip" some meme posters in public?
Where do you get that abstruse idea from?