How can the kikes weasel there way out of the USS Liberty incident? They intentionally attacked us and sank a ship, killing US sailors, and yet we still give them the largest aid package in history? what the fuck!
How can the kikes weasel there way out of the USS Liberty incident? They intentionally attacked us and sank a ship...
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You must be tired, go back to bed
fuck off kike
You forget that the jews own the US.
That was 50 years ago, who cares anymore?
Its even worse. They shot at the soldiers who were fleeing in the life boats, they were literally aiming for no survivors and they knew it was an American ship. All survivors and even 2 Israeli pilots said they knew it was American.
What the fuck?
The holocaust was 70 years ago. Who cares anymore?
Anyone who doesn't want to see this happen again. If the Jews in Israel perpetrated 911 they need to made an example of. I don't generalize people. Hostile actors need to die publicly and the world needs to seek out this evil until the lights go out.
Pretty embarrassing how you burgers let them get away with this shit, the fuck is wrong with you?
The soldiers were all threatened by the US government after they were rescued not to talk about it and its been swept under the rug by the media ever since. Maybe T_D faggots and Tucker, Cernovich etc who pretend to give a shit about America will actually say something about this terrorist attack since the 50th anniversary is coming up.
Trump did mention the Armenian genocide so maybe there is hope the US government will finally honor these soldiers.
Just shows how informed you are, dumb hick.
The ship didn't sink and got to port on its own.
Friendly fire incidents happen all the time among allies.
Uh they were rescued 16 hours later. The attack was 2 hours long. There was a Russian vessel that stayed in the distance ready to save them if the ship was about to sink. They didn't get to port on there own.
America is in Israel's back pocket. When this became news, it was just allowed to fall out of people's immediate memory. And no media source would dare to bring it back up because it's old, and the jewish MSM would crucify them.
damn even the russians had our backs....why is this a reoccuring theme, russia declared our gretest enemy, always ends up actually having our back more than anyone in seriously dire moments....makes you think?
"you must give us more money so we can upgrade our systems so it doesnt happen again goyim"
Satan is the prince of the air. We are the "Chosenites". We are pharisees. We are "Judeans". We are "Jewish". Gib moni bls. Sanders sucks. Cryptos are awesome. Aipac ftfw!
>In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3.32 million (equivalent to US$22.9 million in 2016) to the U.S. government in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3.57 million ($23.3 million in 2016) to the men who had been wounded. In December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million ($17.4 million in 2016) as the final settlement for material damage to Liberty itself plus 13 years' interest.
With American and Nazi Haavara monies?
your a fucking shill
> Total US Aid to Israel By Decades
>Fiscal Year $ Millions, Current >Percent Military
>1949-1959 652.9 .06
>1960-1969 834.8 30
so basically we gave them 834 million that decade, and they gave us back 3.32 million. sorry that was already our money they are a bunch of treacherous snakes
it was an American false flag. didnt work.
and we forgive you.
>dancing isisraelis become dancing muslims because we gave them lollipops in Palestine and said they were celebrating 9/11
Hello elliot shimon
Well there was that 9/11 thing.
>Other Liberty sailors received decorations for their actions during and after the attack, but most of the award citations omitted mention of Israel as the perpetrator.
Oy vey israel dindu nuffing israel best country in ME, don t mention us you fucking antisemite goyim
The holocaust never happened though and the USS Liberty did. Israeli jews murdered Americans that day. They murder men serving their country. They even gunned down the lifeboats so they couldn't be used. The first attack took out communications which they never expected would be fixed. After they were told to stop the attack by their jew masters, they had the "chutzpah" to offer assistance which was of course turned down. A nearby Soviet vessel even offered to help the Americans which was politely declined due to the Cold War situation.
Do Israel have any true friends? I mean a friend you fool and betray isnt really a friend is it.
>A false flag to blame Egypt
Which is why we thought it was the Russians until the Israelis told us it was them.
I forgot to say, for those who are Americans, if this single incident alone doesn't make you lust for a revenge killing of every single jew on this planet, a real holocaust, then you are not a real American. All jews need to be put to the sword for this single incident alone but they have a laundry list of multiple other crimes against us and all of humanity. Why do we allow jews to live? All jews must die. If you aren't spending all of your free time all day long thinking of ways to kill all of the jews like I do, you have wasted that day
not my name, but hey to you too.
cool story bro.
go protect your women from arabs raping them in the ass instead of trying to insult me. you're not helping yourself.
Ya. Saudi Arabia and they both are working to undermine and destroy the entire planet around them.
>A literal act of war
>Leadership did nothing in response
Jews don't have friend. Jews consider everyone who isn't jewish an enemy. All of the nations of the goyim are enemies. This is part of judaism and jewish culture. The difference is who they are at war with (Arab nations, countries who make anti-Israel policies) and who they are not ("allies")
Nice new tactics JIDF. Speak for yourself.
>w-we thought it was the Russians
there is no we, kike. also how did the israelis know?
Arabs are just mudslems its not their fault, the jew is behind whats happening in Sweden. Being angry at a mudslime is like being angry at an animal, im angry at jew.
Planes flew really low back in the 60s and there was a huge US flag on board with a 2nd one raised during the siege. Several of the US sailors said Israel pilots were flying so low they could see them smiling as they shot at the ship for 2 hours. A Israeli pilot refused to fire on the ship citing is was American and was arrested after he landed.
>how did the israelis know?
Know what?
Christain cucks on their hands and knees blowing the kike overlords.
Is that blood? I really hope it's jewish blood. The thought alone is giving me a massive erection. Nothing gets me hard as thinking about killing jews
this is what's called "projecting".
you're mad at yourself or your country, but it's hard for the mind to cope, so you find an exterior element - jews, to pin all the blame.
as i said, not helping yourself, my yellow friend.
Trying to make jews the victim in a thread talking about how the jews intentionally murdered US sailors.
Take a hike, kike.
you wouldnt have internet to release you frustrations if it werent for jews. stop being a hater.
They knew who they were hitting. And Israeli pilot from the attack noticed the flag and was told to ignore and attack any ways. He turned back and was arrested on touch down.
>continuously points the finger at others to derail the thread and delegitimize others
Why do you people use this tactic over and over on Sup Forums? Does it actually work?
Why did your country intentionally kill Americans escaping in life boats?
It's almost like they have something over your politicians. I wonder what that could be.
Leafs gonna leaf.
>I'm browsing pol and have yet to realize my country is an artificial kike puppet
"Have an internet"
You filth always steal white inventions
The populace is waking up, jew. Soon AIPAC and the ADL will get the chair and we'll let your shitstain of a country be overrun by the brown hordes
No more jewish babies, just arabs raping haredi women
>A Israeli pilot refused to fire on the ship citing is was American and was arrested after he landed.
According to not an Israeli pilot, but a survivor of the attack.
The first and only account of that incident comes from a book written by a survivor of the attack.
A survivor of the attack that spent the next 3 decades monetizing his trauma and whose website proudly states is not anti-Semitic.
And this is despite the fact that the anecdote about how he found out about this involved a congressman and several other survivors also being told.
If I watched my friends die and an "ally" riddle my ship with bullets, napalm, torpedos, for 2 hours straight I'd be trying to get some money too.
No, the Liberty crew heard your kikey gutter-hackbew chatter about invading Golan, and didnt want interference from any rational US Navy Commanders who hadn't gone full shabbos goy.
Gas yourself.
Did Israel ever steal the Golan Heights?
I forgot about that.
clear your heart from anger and hate for a while, man.
>this is what's called "projecting".
>you're mad at yourself or your country, but it's hard for the mind to cope, so you find an exterior element - jews, to pin all the blame.
>as i said, not helping yourself, my yellow friend.
>Jews fuck over everyone wherever they go throughout history and get persecuted and forced to flee.
Yeah, it's TOTALLY everyone else.
I mean, at some point, self reflection has to kick in, right?
When will you cunts realise "maybe it's us? Maybe if we don't fuck every other group of people on the planet over, we wouldn't have such a troubled history?"
I can only hope we eventually glass the entire middle east.
No not really, I dont have any need to project x at y. But we been feed with jew lies and propaganda by jew owned media since we where small kids.This isnt anything new, but if you help us take in some muslim refugees id take everything I wrote back. Lets open Israels border and help immigrants in the close area around them shall we?
Anyone who believes it was an accident needs to watch these documentaries:
>Dead in the Water
>The Day Israel Attacked America
Read these articles:
>Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship
>Chicago Tribune: Transcripts of IAF communications show pilots who attacked Liberty in Six-Day War saw a U.S. flag.
>New revelations in attack on American spy ship
>Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?
>McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty
>Ray MacGovern On Israel attacking USS Liberty the truth must come out !!
>Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Deliberately Attacked America
>Israeli Terrorism Against America
There is detailed evidence from Liberty crewmen and other military and intelligence personnel that the Israeli attack was intentional. Numerous extremely high US military, intelligence, and diplomatic officials have espoused this view. Among them are:
Dean Rusk, Secretary of State under LBJ;
Richard Helms, Director of the CIA;
Rufus Taylor, Deputy Director of the CIA;
Clark Clifford, special assistant to the President;
Louis W. Tordella, National Security Agency (NSA) Deputy Director;
General Marshall Carter, former director, NSA;
Lucius Battle, former presidential advisor;
Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations;
Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, NSA;
Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, NSA;
Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director NSA 1977-1981;
Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense;
Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, Staff Legal Office for Commander in Chief US Naval Forces Europe and later Chief Judge Advocate General of the Navy;
George Ball, under secretary of state;
Dwight Porter, US Ambassador to Lebanon;
Lloyd M. “Pete” Bucher, US Navy, Commanding Officer USS Pueblo;
Captain Ward Boston, senior legal counsel for the Naval Court of Inquiry;
Rear Admiral Clarence “Mark” Hill, co-founder of the Naval Aviation Foundation;
Admiral David McDonald, Chief of Naval Operations; and
Vice Admiral Jerome King, Jr., Deputy Chief of Naval Operations.
In 2003 the Moorer Commission, an independent commission headed by Admiral Moorer, reported on Capitol Hill: “There is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.”
The Moorer report went on to state, “In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against U.S. servicemen and an act of war against the United States.
WTF? are u stupid? it was an accident....Israel knows where it's friends are
Hey, whats the big deal, Israel paid today's equivalent to over 40 million dollars in compensation for this horrific accidental attack, the debt has been paid!! It is anti-semitic to bring this up further and you have been reported to the appropriate authorities.
you dont make any sense, low intelligence person.
>Friendly fire
Friendly fire is not several attacks over the course of two hours
Simply put, the Jews own the media so 99% of Americans will never hear about this incident. That's why most people don'ts hate Israel. They're never informed of its crimes against humanity.
Fucking gas yourself you fucking worthless piece of shit. I hope your family is taken and sold to Turks as fuck toys.
Fuck you oven dodger
Finally, someone who opposes to this madness.
This August 15th, Canada MUST be held accountable for their heinous actions. #NeverForgetOperationCottage
Print these flyers and post them IRL. It's your duty to spread the word.
We were comrades in that fight, the Japanese spirits were impossible to kill with conventional bullets.
god kikes like you make me wish the holocaust happened
You belong in a fucking oven. I don't care if you are jewish or not. I want to split open your skull with a meat cleaver.
The jews attacked and murdered Americans and there is plenty of evidence and eyewitness testimony proving that the "accident" narrative is semitic bullshit and part of the coverup.
If Americans knew this even happened they would have subjected them jews to pogroms and a real holocaust in a heartbeat so of course the jews would not want that and told the US "don't let them holocaust us again" and the US complied and said "yes master... sorry you had to attack us". Or something like that. My dad was in the army when this happened and even though he remember Israel attacking Egypt he was not aware that Israel attacked a one of our ships. That was news to him. And his dad, my grandfather, was genocidally antisemitic like I am and he never heard of it either. Knowing my grandfather, if he did he probably would have killed all the jews he worked with the next day.
Btw, Israel has pieces of the Liberty in their war conquest museum
>It's Just a Matter of Time Before U.S. Tires of Israel
stop blaming the jews for the false flag your country committed against your people (like always), fat ass.
>The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See
>Public diplomacy in Israel (also hasbara, Hebrew: הַסְבָּרָה hasbará, "explaining") refers to public relations efforts to disseminate abroad positive information or propaganda about the State of Israel and its actions.[1][2] The term is used by the Israeli government and its supporters to describe efforts to explain government policies and promote Israel in the face of negative press, and to counter what they see as delegitimisation of Israel around the world. Hasbara means "explanation", and is also a euphemism for propaganda.[3][4][5][6]
I always hear this "low intelligence" bullshit from the kikes, you should maybe switch it up a little bit sometimes. Becomes way too obvious when that's all you can say. You know your time is up.
>muh liberty
>Bill Maher interviews Michael Scheuer
>Michael Scheuer: Israel Is A Cancer On U.S. Foreign Policy
>CIA Dr Michael Scheuer: Israel is pushing America to go to War with Iran
>I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress
>Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress
For some reason there was a good amount of coverage last year from mainstream sites.
This year is the 50th anniversary and there will be lots more.