damn...so this is the power...of the alt right...
Damn...so this is the power...of the alt right
based desu
No the alt right is a power you will never see. Those are just cheer leaders.
>the poor button on that green sportscoat
>the manlet who has to roll giant cuffs on his pants because nothing fits him
Yeah what a bunch of losers. Now where is the based black man? I WANT HIM TO FUCK MY WIFE PLEASE!
Greetings fellow desu user senpais. Oldfag here.
>these guys are baddies and literally hitler.
>we need to dismantle capitalism
>Antifa is filled with cool alpha males that have their lives together
I found a cool place to hangout on r/anarchism. Hope to see you all there user desu senpai desu anons
Why is tricky dicky rockin a Ted Cruz there?
Why are these the bad guys? This is the ideal Sup Forums
They actually look breddy gud desu
more confirmation that spencer is a manlet
why do all of these people stand so awkwardly and uncomfortably? Why does Damigo have a prison tier tattoo?
>Why does Damigo have a prison tier tattoo?
...because he was in prison
>tfw you realise he's wearing heels too
What's the problem here exactly? Apart from Enoch's gut of course.
What a fucking mook lmao
ahahahah leader of the European Identity movement is an American white nigger AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
alt right stay cucked
They look like they are going for a weekend in Vegas. Not very intimidating.
Is the guy in the middle the manlet berserker who heemed that antifa sloot?
No one like Richard Spencer, stop posting his shit. It's controlled opposition and that has been proven time and time again . I thought that discussion was closed, fucking ANTIFA retards
Damn, so this is the power..of antifa
Day of the rope soon
>a fucking Sup Forumsack trying to badmouth a handsome, articulate, public-eye white nationalist and veteran for shit he has no control over
I've never really understood the manlet thing. I'm not even a manlet, I'm 6ft 1, but you guys are fucking total cunts sometimes.
he is isn't he
i bet this is because i pointed out he was a manlet the last time he came here, bet he's got lifts too
My wife's son loves that subreddit
>blocks your path
what do
I'd honestly just ask him politely to let me pass.
You're talking to people who can only form thoughts by using Sup Forums memes
>attention whoring race baiters
le based mantits
if thiccness dies out, what else do we have left?
They look well dressed. But no steel toe boots, no armor, one man has his hands in his pocket. No rifles, but I'll give them a pass since I don't know what state they're in. I'll give them a 7/10.
holy shit......
what an amazing sight
might be terrifying to some