SPD BTFO edition.
Landtagswahl NRW #2
first for Die Linke
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>AfD nicht mal zweistellig
lel ihr dummen Kartoffeln habt es doch nicht anders verdient
schulz BTFO!
GF voted FDP, she's three quarters Iraqi and a quarter German. We Both do economics major in the Netherlands. Thoughts?
tbqh 7.5% in NRW is probably more votes in absolute numbers than in states where they got 20% or so
Shouldn't you want the CDU to get btfo?
Dīvide et īmpera and all that.
Hey. Das ist Rotbratzenland hier. Dafür ist das Resultat relativ gut.
Heil Wagenknecht!
zumindest ist die kraft weg, dass ist die hauptsache
I just have one question:
Did afd gain seats?
she did the right thing although explain to her that its a classical liberal party and please tell her more about libertarianism, austrian economics and tell her that all she learns in economics is keynesian economics and leftists kikery
For everyone who wants to see some butthurt.
They are classical liberals with conservative economic views
AFD had no seats before. Now they have 14+
Yes. NRW is the most leftist state in Germany, and the establishment lefties lost BIG LEAGUE today.
This is the first time AfD campaigned in NRW, so yeah they did
They could have gotten a better result but the state was not in theri favor anyway.
best party
Yes, they entered the parliament with 7.5%.
I know, I agreed with her voting for them. She was invited to one of the meetings near where she lives In germany and she was legit the youngest one their by 20+ years.
I couldn't bring myself to vote SPD this time.
Their inclusion policies for schools didn't work out, and they wanted to introduce even more 'inclusion' by closing schools for special needs.
> 88
That would be the best for NRW, but it will never happen.
>linke exactly 5%
Die werden doch künstlich am leben gehalten
Impressionist's viewpoint
CDU opponents SPD are much, much worse!
They let the Berlin terrorist who plowed a truck through people out of prison, even though they knew he was dangerous, even though they knew he was convicted of manslaughter. They let the Cologne New Years Eve rapings happen. They are responsible for the highest crime rate since the war.
It's high time they were kicked out, and that's only possible by voting CDU.
where does she live?! i might steal her from you
Von wem?
Sie werden im Westen vom Establishment verachtet.
People here in NRW are slowpokes. It's a step in the right direction, tho.
Is NRW like the west virginia of germany?
How 20 or even 25% of AfD in NRW's parliament can change the situation?
You are outnumbered by Turks and arabs in the age group of 0-20
Schulzcucks btfo
Linke hopefully btfo too
viel schlimmer sind die 6% von den grünen, ich hoffe immer noch dass die rausfliegen, auch wenn es unwahrscheinlich ist.
More like california
And the greens are worst. It's the greens who tried to hide the fact about the rapefugees. Glad that they got crushed bro
I dont get it, why isnt this a bigger deal? The catalog is not filled with these threads? Is this a minor election of some sort?
linke will BTFO today and afd will get closer to 8%
Dat 1000 yard stare.
Lel schulz train crashed and burned
Parts are
In 5 Jahren sind die Weg vom Fenster und das ist auch gut so.
never say never
The world can change completely in 4 years.
The hope dies last
Ich hab nicht ein (1) AfD Plakat gesehen. Nur ganze Straßenzüge voller Sprüche, die im Prinzip waren "Volkstod jetzt! Alle Deutschen ins Gas!" während um mich herum alle Sprachen dieser Welt gesprochen (oder eher gebrüllt) werden. Außer Deutsch natürlich.
Dafür ist das Ergebnis nicht schlecht. Jedenfalls red ich mir das ein, damit ich nicht kotzen muß.
>How 20 or even 25% of AfD in NRW's parliament can change the situation?
>You are outnumbered by Turks and arabs in the age group of 0-20
They will vote for more gibsmedats
and Bayern and BW WILL PAY FOR THEM
not really.
pretty much.
Does West Virginia have a high percentage of shitskins, self-hating lefties, old union boomers and they all vote Democrat despite being fucked over by them?
If so, then yes. But NRW's pendulum has swung to the other side at the moment.
She lives near Munster but lives in the university town with me in the Netherlands where we go to uni together.
shit... Linke still in
>is this a minor election of some sort?
no its the biggest election we have apart from the federal election
this is the 4th or 5th general ... we contain it all here i guess
international community doesnt pay much attention to german inner politic memes
West virginia is an extremely poor, almost entirely white state btw.
The punchline is that Turks and Arabs are voting Afd.
Most immigrants. Most left leaving. Looks pretty california to me
>still 5%
>Ich hab nicht ein (1) AfD Plakat gesehen
Liegt ja auch daran, dass die ständig von Linken zerstört werden. Gerade in NRW
>AfD at 7.5%
Linke still 5%
Hoffentlich kommen die Linken rein. Wär widerlich wenn die Schleimbolzen von Schwarz-Gelb ne Mehrheit bekämen. Dann lieber irgendne Koalition die jeder Beteiligte hasst und die nach zwei Jahren zusammenbricht.
No. That sounds like Illinois.
Its one state in germany that had elections today out of sixteen
>Linke still 5.0%
this shit is rigged
nochmal 5 jahre warten? aber ich will sie jetzt raushaben!
>MLPD and DKP posters everywhere
It has the Ruhr rustbelt.
>Voting for a populist party in general
If only
weird though, during the dutch, the french and the other elections the threads flared up, stickies were had. And now I dont even feel like this is a big election. So the lefties lost big time?
I kinda lost hope and thought that most people were cucks when the france thing happened and kinda stopped paying attention kek, surely the jew in their own home turf cannot lose.
yes Illinois is a good comparison
my hometown gets called "German Detroit"
its almost as if Illinois voted Red for us today here
Really makes me think
> 5,0%
fucking die already!
Took this one while I was in Munster.
Get gassed commie scum
>tfw your vote could actually matter & prevent CDU+FDP
feels good man
7.5% is really low is what I am saying
...only need 7 times the support to win..
>tfw AFD more popular than Linke&Greens
This, integrated immigrants despise "refugees" and other invaders that make foreigners look worse than they are.
its not the federal election
its in september .. thatll be a big deal on Sup Forums
>fdp, adp and CDU gaining ground
"What am I doing with my life?"
Best possible solution.
Detroit is in Michigan though, but the whole Ruhrgebiet is like a giant Chicago, with just slightly fewer nogs and gun crime.
wenigstens gegen das etablierte system. solange die afd neo liberal von der ökonomie ist bleibt sie für die unterschicht unwählbar. wünschte es gebe eine patriotische sozial kapitalistische arbeiterpartei...
It's like a terrible mixture between southern california (migrationwise) and heartland rustbelt (abandoned industry)
i just dont get why people would rather vote FDP instead of AfD
deshalb fuhr letztens jemand mit nem AFD-Plakat auf dem Anhänger rum
yeah MI + Ill is basically NRW
This is accurate. The parents of my GF in Germany are Arab and they despise the refugees who come there just for money and don't integrate. They came from Iraq after they flees the out of control Sadam regime with nothing but 10 Deutsche mark in their pocket.
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