School project on immigration

I've been assigned a school project about the ethics of immigration.
I would deeply appreciate if you guys could tell me the bad and good sides of immigration/refugees.

>Meaning not just "F-fuck niggers"

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This was useful, thank you

Disintegration of currently existing cultures that gave rise to the best countries the world has ever seen is one point. Never, ever bring up race. It's totally irrelevant anyways and if you bring it up you are instantly put in the crazy bin.

You could prove the point of a clear lack of joining the work force on behalf of Somalis and Iran/Iraqis (read: Islam). There was an article on this in Helsingin Sanomat that I can't find now.

There's nothing wrong with immigration itself. An unchecked 'anything goes' immigration is without a doubt dangerous because without standards we let the bad standard in too without a doubt.

People will always push through the border to live easily i guess...

Yeah and that's history, but a resistance must be put against ideologies we don't agree with or want in our country otherwise as nature and 'survival of the fittest' dictates: we lose what we worked to uphold and get replace by an ideology that preserves itself over ours.

So in short: not caring ideologically what happens in your country (nihilism) makes way for ideologies that do care. AKA Islam.

The money thing is a good point. Were people from the Middle East and Africa coming to Finland before the welfare system extended its arm? No. Are they coming now that there is money? Amazingly yes!

It's like this: would you rather a girlfriend who is with you for who you are, or only with you for your money? What girlfriend do you think is better in the long run?

Lazy faggot waiting until Sunday to do homework.
Good luck with life

>I want the good life but I don't want to work for it.
This is the immigrant mind.

Well this is the mindset of young Finnish men these days too. So fucking lazy and blame everything and everyone else for their lack of shifting their ass. Live their lives in school learning bullshit just to live off social security or not working and staying home smoking weed and playing video games. It's no wonder immigrants are coming to take over.

Keep walking back that cause and effect.
They sit at home because they're already demoralized because they don't receive a good life in exchange for their hard work anymore.
Probably due to inflation, the hidden killer, and debt overload- the same is going on in all western countries- where now men aren't able to live the same life as their fathers did for the same day's work.

>Burger calling Finns lazy
>Finns ALWAYS in the top 3 of math, science, comprehension standarized global tests

How's that being #27 working out for ya Jamaal?

This is true and I used to think the same. But man, surely surrendering is not the answer?? I mean, at times where everyone give up the person who rises up snaps the candy? We can't just let them win like that.

To continue, this is why immigration is only a negative. Because it increases competition for resources while putting downward pressure on wages. Everyone who says otherwise is a fucking lying commie, and that's not an exaggeration anymore.

>good sides of immigration/refugees

And thus is the welfare state mentality.
>Do I really wanna learn anything?
>I can just get cash from the gubmint.
>The gov't will give a basic income soon anyway, why learn and work?

>please do my homework for me
fuck off faggot
also reported for underage, and yes i know nobody cares about Sup Forums enough to ban obvious underage niggers at this point

Immigration should only be done if the people you're taking in are: easy to integrate, have talent and education so that they can invest in your country.

With mass immigration? Why the fuck do you need to help people on the other side of the globe? They have no power to pressure you on any issue, you're wasting time and money there.

uni's over dipshit.

underage fag i'm telling your mom that your on here.

once she gets done railing tyrone

Maybe you're new here? If you're not a straight edge worker bee you're a degenerate no life. Get it straight

also kek at the outsourcing of an easy homework subject. Immigrants make good slaves - literally worse in every other way

I've been thinking about a way to solve this for a long time user. The globalist have a winning strategy, I can't deny it. We've got to get people to realize this first though.

People only realize when things get too late. We have to force this on people, we have to meme our salvation into reality