>Gets absolutely livid and wishes death upon people who abuse dogs
>is perfectly okay with millions of animals being slaughtered each year
>continues to support the industry after looking at animals getting brutally killed
Why are Meat eaters so dumb?
Gets absolutely livid and wishes death upon people who abuse dogs
i just wish these threads weren't such shitty bait. At least TRY.
mad meat eater
I wonder what OP tastes like?
How do you justify killing animals but try to DOX some guy overfeeding his dog?
this bait is to old
I'm a meat eater. I condone the slaughter of hundreds of millions of animals each year. And I don't give a shit about dogs or cats or any other kind of pet being abused or killed.
Am I consistent enough for you ?
Yes, you're free to go.
>This being sad
we would not be here if we did not eat meat
we have all ate meat so no one and if you say never you bait harder then me at a bar
>have enzymes to break down meat easily
>tiny appendix
>eating meat since the birth of our species and prior
>vegetarians eat almost all grains
>pic of sawed down teeth, while my front teeth are extremely sharp
>implying we aren't meat grinders (we grind meat to make it smaller and easier to swallow rather than ripping chunks and eating them whole
You realize you just described PETA too?
Go pick berries faggot.
Thank you.
Also, start eating meat you fucking faggot.
It's because dogs are simply better animals than cows and chicken.
Says the pasty weak-wristed legally-retarded antifag. You wear a mask because you're a fucking ghoul. Also livestock aren't pets, they're agricultural and business assets you autistic cunt.
Why does this bitch have literally no canines though?
We chose dogs as allies and we consume others for power. I feel no shame in it.
Fuck you and every doglover who thinks pets are people.
Doublefuck """couples""" who substitute children for dogs, they are fucking psychopaths unable to tell the difference between a human and an animal.
Stay mad. I'm sure it will help you get laid.
Honest question for vegetarians/vegans: Would you eat synthesized meat?
Most people get dogs for companionship rather than agricultural and business reasons. Pets are an expense to the average person.
It's just what has to happen to get food man.
Not everyone has easily disposable daddys money for artificial vegan chicken.
>raising and domesticating animals for millenia purely for food and in recent cases, shows and companionship
>abusing animals would lead to poorer food quality
>somehow equates to abusing animals for fun or out of mental illness
So if everyone became vegan tomorrow, what would happen to all the chickens, pigs, cows and other animals already here?
>begs the question
Besides, those flat teeth are disgusting.
This is how a decently-evolved omnivore should look like.
Don't ever reproduce with flat-toothed genetic waste.
nvm, just found out i just have big canines.
>what is gut flora
As an Inuit, I am curious as to what you mean by this.
I eat meat and I love dog fighting.
What the fuck are you on about, hippy?
Some animals are destined to be food
Some animals are destined to be our buddies
Dogs are the eternal companion of humans.
All livestock are retarded, except pigs, which are demons
Exactly, leave them a farm and they'll soon be enslaving the other animals.
Hello Shill
// Shill off
>Abusing and in many cases even torturing domesticated animals for fun is the exact same as killing an animal that is literally being bred to be turned into food and other products.
Why are vegans so dumb?
>implying you are
You can have a full-meat diet, because your gut flora has evolved to do so, we usually need to be omnivores.
Fuck off. Doggos were genetically engineered to be our best friends and have a special relationship with humans.
We domesticated dogs to be our companions and our friends, through years of evolution.
They've helped us get to where we are now.
Livestock have only ever been a food source for humans, that's all they'll ever be. Deal with it faggot.
>one thing is not another
conservatives lack imagination. Can never imagine things as being different than they are. Don't like suffering of animals in one case. In another case don't give a shit b/c "that's how we do things."
Just breed dogs specifically for abuse and give them out, problem solved. Also do same with children for sex. breed them for that purpose, give them to pedos. problem solved.
This. Feck off vegtards.
but if i must give effort to reply to shitty bait here:
rhis explains why meat eating was essential to human brain evolution
Oh yes, of course. That's a given. There is next to no wild edible that grow up in the north. We can thank the last ice age for that. As for;
>implying you are
Lucky for me I do not need to prove myself to you, who I suspect is probably a moor.
>have a special relationship with humans.
Not really you fucking retard, they are using their cuteness to basically trigger the same parts of your brain that makes you want to nourish a baby. They are literally brainwashing you into making them live a safe life.
>being bred for the sole purpose and having your babies taken and slaughtered
>breeding pigs to put them upside down a hook and slit their throat
>trying to differentiate between torturing domesticated animals and torturing "food"
You can soften up the language but it won't make killing them any less brutal.
pigs have the intelligence of 3 year olds
Yes really you fucking idiot, baby chicks are cute too and idgaf let them grow so I can slaughter them
>implying anybody gives a shit
And my dog is smarter than you, what's your point?
>Livestock is being bred for food and other products therefore we can conclude we should breed children to have sex with pedos
The mental gymnastics required for this line of thinking holy fucking shit.
Your point being?
Gorillas are herbivores
Are you retarded?
Dogs helped humans survive for thousands of years. Do you even know what a guard dog is? Sled dogs? Hunting dog? It's only recently that we keep them as cute pets because technology has largely replaced them.
pigs are demons only a moron cares
>Your point being?
Both instances are cruel and immoral. Your justification of applying different value on these two categories of animals fail.
They're not though. Gorillas are omnivorous, they consume a lot of arthropods and other small shit like that.
We would have to farm and slaughter billions of animals even if nobody on the planet ate meat. We need animal parts for pretty much everything.
Plastic. Concrete. Paint. Adhesives. Cleaning agents. Plaster. Treated lumber. Shampoo. Soap. Rubber. Just to name a few.
This is as bad as an anti-evolution thread.
>comparing animals domesticated over tens of thousands of years to be companions vs animals domesticated to be food
But we can fucking digest meat you stupid niggers, you think I give a shit about dead cows I want my beef you faggot stop trying to fuck with our ways of life because you have a small dick.
> hurr durr muh animals
> doesn't want to genocide those who sexually abuse them
> instead munches on estrogen filled mushroom from riceniggerland
That's clearly not what I said breeches. I was responding to the argument that what validates the killing of livestock is that they're bred for that purpose, and only that. My response points out the absurdity of that claim. My argument does take some mental strength, you might want to hit the logical gym.
It doesn't fail because they are two different things.
>b-but muh morals
Well in that case what are you personally doing to better the ''morals'' in society? What's that? Absolutely nothing, I am just saying this to virtue signal? Alright then.
If you want to see what happens to a species that goes against their very nature and adopts a diet they're not designed for, look at Pandas.
They have the physiology of a meat eater, down to their digestive system. But they went full retarded and started eating only bamboo.
They are however terribly designed for digesting bamboo and get almost nothing out of it, so they have to eat a lot of bamboo. Because of this shitty diet Pandas changed everything, even how to down they walk (Pandas literally will not walk up hill because it uses too much energy). They have to eat (and shit) so much they don't have time to breed and it's one of the reasons they're dying out (and would have long ago if not for Humans).
If it were up to Vegans, this is what would happen to us.
Fuck vegans, the globalist shills, retarded tools used to introduce agenda 21.
Your ''argument'' about children that could be bred for pedos is nothing more than fiction. You're not pointing out the absurdity, you're simply pulling up a strawman.
eating meat is nigger-like behavior
nice false equivalent faggot
>what are you personally doing?
changing our eating habits? you're not that bright windmills.
>Gets absolutely livid and wishes death upon people who abuse dogs
I don't know, I'm fine with torturing dogs, all animals are the same
Dogs deserve more rights because they've been our Ally for the longest time.
So nothing of impact then? Got it.
No, I'm pointing out that the argument that something is bred for a purpose validates it being used for that purpose is not very good reasoning. That's the logic I'm attacking since it was what was being used to make a distinction between livestock and pets/working dogs.
>living according to your morals is not good enough so don't bother.
You're literally comparing animals to children.
Nope, but crying about morals all the fucking time to everyone online and IRL and then basically doing nothing yourself is kinda hypocritical don't you think?
There are apes in the Congo that kill and eat jaguars
You're not getting it. The hyperbole was deliberate in order to draw attention to the insufficient distinction being made. Obviously I don't believe that the things are equivalent.
Is that how I behave? I never realized how well you know me bro. In fact, I never tell people how to eat. In this case I'm just engaging in a discussion, not telling you what to do.
Hi shareblue.
Easy.... before the fall of men Adam and Eve were raw vegans, after the fall and the flood it was quite ok-ish to eat it.
Yeah except creating fictional ''what if'' scenarios proves exactly zero.
>Is that how I behave?
Clearly you seem to care about ''morals'' so much you hammer on and on about it on an anonymous Tibetan basket weaving forum.
>easy: muh book says so
>two different things
How is kicking a pet pig to death for fun any less different than slitting a pig's throat because "MUH BACON"? Both cause needless suffering and pain. You don't need to eat bacon for survival, you eat it because it tastes good when they're other dietary alternatives. Kicking a pig to death for "fun" is just as invalid as killing a pig because "taste good!". Both not needed, Both cruel, Both immoral.
You showing one ancedotal video of someone kicking a pig doesn't mean everyone in all slaughterhouses around the world kick pigs.
And I'll eat you if need be. Fuck off, nigger.
look breeches bro, I came here to find a new pattern but was distracted by an argument I found weak.
I was not creating a hypothetical situation. I was taking a distinction used as justification and extending it show that it could not possibly be appealed to as sole reason for justification in the original case. It is not what something is bred for that determines what moral stance we should take towards it...
''Also do same with children for sex. breed them for that purpose, give them to pedos.''
>I was not creating a hypothetical situation
>thinking torture and causing extreme pain is equivalent to stunning and exsanguination
you're a fucking retard
In one scenario there's a sadistic fuck kicking a pet pig, in the other that large ass pig is going to be used completely for consumption.
The difference is that the suffering you're referring to will ultimately have more meaning or purpose if you will.
Sure it's not pretty but there's a difference moron.
No 'ifs' in that sentence. And in fact people are bred for those purposes, so it does occur. Srry m8
Eating animals isn't abuse. Abusing animals is abuse.
Bible says it's okay in both OT and NT, anyway, and you definitely don't know better than God, leftycuck.
Your gymnastics are ridiculous. The purpose for what something is bred for absolutely matters. What also matters is how long that purpose has to been going on for.
They are also extremely loyal and would protect you from aggressors at any cost.
>yur gymnastics, I can't understand!
>The purpose something is bred for matters.
Not sure exactly what that means as a generalized statement, but anyway, in this context something very specific was in question. But you're begging the question in the typical conservative fashion. Exactly what is at question is the legitimacy of the practices that you assume justify themselves simply by existing.
>some animals were domesticated for companionship
>some animals were domesticated for eating
We dislike when you kill/mistreat companions, but think you're weird for liking food as friends
How is this so hard?
They do worse than kick a pig.
>I'm going to pretend that slaughterhouses are paradise island and they all get humanely treated!
>hunting companions for thousands of years
>man's best friend
>will rip and or tear any intruders
Really gets the Ol' Noggin' Joggin'
>Sure it's not pretty but there's a difference moron.
>one has more meaning because the purpose is to fill some fatass up who just wanted bacon because it taste good
Some "difference" shouldn't even be made if it's that bad, moron.
You're killing more animals than you were before.
Theres a whole lot more into the process but the main issue is you eat more square acres to survive than the equivalent meat would have eaten to survive to give you the same level of calories. This means you're being vastly less efficient which means more acres of greens need to be made just for you. This means tilling the fields, pesticides, possibly anti-insect gmo style plants and clearing areas for more fields if that lifestyle catches on otherwise we couldn't grow enough food, cheaper labor being need.
All of that kills animals like field mice, rabbits, foxes, deer, pheasants, basically everything you'd find living off the land in your average farm and the fish that get the runoff. Then more cause those cheaper paid laborers can't afford your lifestyle and support themselves so they're now also eating cheaper to buy beef.
Tl;dr vegetarianism and veganism in the long run and grand scheme of things actually kill more than they save.
And I am so happy retard.
It took me thousands of years to get on top of the food chain, and don't fucking tell me your veganism clownfiesta, just because you want to impress that art school libgirl you like.
Man the fuck up and accept your nature.
Your ancestors died so you can be safe from your friendly animals and for hs all to be able to enjoy every single gourmet piece of their freshly cut flesh.
Saged fucking shill.
Life isn't fair, death even less so.
It would be better if any food animal was killed instantly and that's why most meat eaters hate what goes on in China etc. But expecting life to suddenly become kind just isn't going to happen.
At the very least, other animals will still eat other animals inhumanly. Should we intervene in that too?