Daily reminder that the Ancient Romans and Greeks were Nordics
Daily reminder that the Ancient Romans and Greeks were Nordics
I agree. We are not white.
Nah, pure greeks do exist
lmao you are such a pathetic cuck it hurts
Chose a Greek that looks anglo... like Richard Armitage.
When you pick a Greek, don't pick the white one.
Why do you call them Nordic and not Dutch
Dutch is a subcategory
"Greeks and Turks are not white" and then uses picture a white guy to represent them. The "Greek" guy even looks like the guy who plays Charlemagne on Vikings, Linus Roache.
And Travis Fimmel is Australian. Might be English or German.
Nordic has no meaning except geographical, Finns are Nordic yet mongols. I really hate the term Nordic with a passion. Call yourself by the term YOU are, not what someone else is. You are of the Germanic tribe Batavi.
I am a Swede.
>choosing a curly haired statue as an example
An Italian that doesn't know statues are carved like that even for straight hair, you can't make individual hairs on a statue. I am just going to assume you're a newly arrived boat migrant from Africa.
Ok than we call ourselves germanic
I agree that Mediterraneans have been turk'd and that most of them aren't white anymore, but no, WE WUZn't Greeks and Romans
>An Italian that doesn't know statues are carved like that even for straight hair
nice meme!
The white man literally comes from ancient Anatolians.
One of the reasons why the Roman Emperor Constantine moved to modern day Turkey.
Before Islam and the Ottoman Emperor letting Arabs settle there, it was a white man land.
Turks got Arabed and Mesopotamian'd.
The Turks who claimed "We Wuz Kangz" started kicking people out. "The Young Turks."
and ancient anatolians come from the caucasus regions.
It's not a secert, it's aryan after all. We didn't come into existence in the North, we settled and evolved further around here.
OP is a little insecure weenie who has wet dreams about Greek culture. Look at the fine specimen in pic related, so non-Greek it hurts huh.
as the aryan tribes moved into mainland europe, some went south and founded the Greek city states, others founded the Roman Empire, and later on the tribes that went North founded modern western civilization.
>as the aryan tribes moved into mainland europe, some went south and founded the Greek city states, others founded the Roman Empire
Can you name a few? You seem confident. Why didn't they retain their nordic culture and laguage?
Modern dark skined Greeks were the helot slave class of mud people the Nordics conquered.
During the ottoman invasions a lot of mediterraneans escaped north. Nordic race doesen exsist you faggot.
Caracalla's Syrian
They exchanged culture and language with the ancient cultures of egypt and mesopotamia / the levat
Well, the "Aryans" or Indoeuropeans were not nordic to begin with.
We have the proof of thousands of Kurgans and other burial grounds containing skeletal remains and dna, we know that they had brown eyes and brown hair and a caucasoid/european skull.
If they exchanged cultures with all these superior civilizations, why were they themselves cultureless barbarians after all those exchanges? Why didn't every civilization have the same culture if it was the same 'noridc aryans dood!!' who gave everybody their culture?
All nordics are aryan
not all aryans are nordics
yet ancient greeks are closer related to nordics than they are to modern greeks.
Now how do we reclaim this doggerland?
civilization settled around the sea
settlers / colonizers went north
evolving/creating germanic/nordic tribes
who inherited the southern empires after their decadence and founded modern western civilization/colonzied the world
Do you have any proof at all? All evidence proves completely otherwise. Show me significant proof that just the majority of Ancient Greeks were nordid in type. I'll wait.
end yourself.
We Dutch reclaimed 1/5th of our nation from the dogger
WHy do ancient romans describe Gauls and Germans as being distinct from themselves? (Ex. Caesar stating the Gauls insulted romans for being short)
how could they possibly be nordic if they were living in the south?
The ruling class were, at the very beginning of the existence of ancient Greece, but by the time of Aristotle etc. the Greek were by no means Nordic - it would be like calling Spaniards Nordic because the Celtiberians were originally NW Euro in phenotype.
In the year 2500, people in pic will talk about how their ancestors wuz vikingz
>it's an other thread about snowniggers We Wuzzing to become relevant
You never learn, don't you
Shall I end this debate?
“Those who are too Black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians. But those who are excessively White (like the Scythians) are also cowards as we can see from the example of women, the complexion of courage is between the two.”
- Aristotle
>The ruling class were, at the very beginning of the existence of ancient Greece
Source, proof, anything? What ruling class? How far back? Do you realize that Sparta for example wasn't fully established until after the 10th century AD?
Pseudo-science and pseudo-history.
The original brown eyed and brown haired indoeuropeans only started having a small degree of blondism after they raped the Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer women, we know they took their women and not the other way around due to how insignificant the original nordic I haplogroups were in the successive Indoeuropean waves, always dominated by R1b and R1a.
And, by the way, modern Nordics are not a pure race either, they have around 30 to 40 percent of Near Eastern Neolithic Farmer DNA as well as a varying small degree of Asian admixture.
fucking hell you dutch arent nordic, stop making us look like idiots
For whatever reason Aryans were the aristocracy in many early civs, but possessing recessive traits the Nordic type would eventually die out. This is probably due to the fact that Aryans were masters of warfare at the time, as they were the ones to invent the chariot (which was like the equivalent of a tank back then).
You can look at things like various mummies of rulers, for example Ramses II had red hair and pale skin (look on his wikipedia page if you don't believe me). I'm a Jew too, I have no reason to lie here.
Cool video btw, partially related (the people who he mentions as taming the horse as Aryans):
>modern Nordics are not a pure race either, they have around 30 to 40 percent of Near Eastern Neolithic Farmer DNA
Don't ruin his dreams. Having blue eyes and blonde hair is an accomplishment to these people...
>Implying i'm not a viking
By Odin's beard, don't make me mad desu.
It's always some half-eskimo leaf who's shitposting about how nobody is actually white
Dutch aren't fully Nordic, despite being mainly pseudoscientific in the conclusions they drew, the late 19th and early 20th century race scientists did a pretty thorough job of dividing Europe up in terms of phenotype - the conclusions they made often matches up with modern day genetics, for example, which they obviously didn't have access to at the time.
There is an area around SW Norway and S Sweden that is more or less pure Nordic.
Again, I'm a Jew, so I have no reason to have +ve biases here.
Can Northern Europeans have curly hair without any kike blood? What even produces the curly hair in Europeans?
For anyone interested, here's a pretty good source:
I just did, the people who made both these claims are jews, should I trust them? Having red hair does not equate to being Nordic, what do you guys not understand. My half Egyptian half Greek friend is blonde and green eyed it does not mean shit. Picking one pharaoh to make such a big point is futile.
He's Iberian pasta nigger
Being med is suffering.
irrelevant to the point, literal negro
Lol that's perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A significant portion of European ancestry is from the Neolithic Near East (farmers), of course there's going to be a decent amount of curly hair. Also think of Bell Beaker etc. Curly hair is a non-Aryan trait though, not that that matters (NOBODY is remotely close to pure Aryan, though some in Scandinavia are more or less pure Nordic).
>shitposting about how nobody is actually white
Not once in this fucking thread did I make such a point. Meanwhile, defending some retarded theory that every civilization was nordic/nordid is somehow frowned upon? It's the same thing we make fun of niggers for, but sure, be my guest.
You can't literally translate "black" in the context of a complexion descriptor, re: "Black Kleitos" of Alexander's army was not a nigger, he had dark hair and was contrasted with "Red Kleitos" (red hair) and "White Kleitos" (blond).
Furthermore, white people living in a sunny climate will be tanned to a darker color than those living in a Siberian climate, re: white south Africans and Australians
And finally, the scythians referred to themselves as Aryans so your example proves that Aryans really were white and not poo-in-loos
Nice job, you fucked up across the board
no he was born in gaul (france)
Holy shit, this is some top tier delusion on the level of niggers and egyptian kings.
You're fucking retarded, where did you get that the people making these claims are Jews, and, you fucking moron, why would Jews lie to try and give Nordics a claim to Egyptian civilisation.
Honestly, don't reproduce mate.
I don't agree with OP, but Iberians, or even worse their mongrel descendants in South-America trying to think that they are somehow more Roman than Yugoslavs/French/Germans is a bit embarassing. At level with Germans maybe.
Can't you faggots just accept all western culture didn't come from one specific gene pool?
you've completely missed the point. he posted a straight-haired statue, disproving the claim that the statues only have curly hair because you can't carve straight hair. in other words, curly-haired statues can be assumed to be depictions of curly-haired people
Pay denbts
You're drawing the wrong conclusions here, blonde hair was just seen as an ideal (lots would dye their hair blonde). Ancient Greece was never majority blonde, but proto-Greeks would have been perhaps.
I really want nothing to do with any other peoples, so just kindly fuck off and stop calling us Romans or whatever.
Er, you're a bit special aren't you. I wasn't commenting on the blackness of Egyptians/Ethiopians, nor the whiteness of Scythian Aryans, just that the Ancient Greeks wouldn't have had as little pigmentation as the Scythians.
caracalla was a syrian mongrel, who was a complete loser and granted roman citizenship to all barbarians and scum from the conquered provinces, diluting the blood of Rome and rendering Roman citizenship a worthless artificial identity.
>this thread
But it isn't western. Roman and greek culture spanned over three continents in the central and eastern med. Egyptians and turks have more of a claim to so called western culture than most european do.
Unironically look nothing alike, try again.
This quote refers to the complexion of Ethiopians and Egyptians and compares them to pale-skinned Scythians. Are you mentally disabled? Alexander called him Black Kleitos because the Macednonians were paler in complexion and lighter in features then the rest of Ancient Greece. He could've very well been dark skinned so I don't see why pulling theories out of your ass is going to disprove that quote.
We need another ice age.
There is a flaw in these arguments. The rich and powerful Med rulers of antiquity (Rome, Greece, etc) have always imported and procreated with hot women. These tended to be Slav/Germanic/Celt slaves from the northern.
Way later Ottoman rulers did the same. Just look at portraits of Ottoman sultans. All blondie boys in eastern clothing. It's because their moms and grandmoms going back generations were fair skinned concubines.
The fact is Meds have always been like how Greeks/Italians/Spaniards look today.
Akshually blonde hair and blue eyes developed in the Caucasus mountains 5,000 years ago and Nordic migrated out of what is now called the near East and raped the "natives" (who were darker complected) to extinction, the few hold outs being Iberians, corsicans/sardinians, and beady eyed anglos (Welsh)
The modern day middle eastern mongrel is 60% white, more in places like the Levant and North Eastern turkey, less in places that got blacked by the Moors (North Africa) or ethiopids (Saudi Arabia) or mongoled by the Turks (Pakistan, western and central turkey, Iran)
The Iberians (who were described as short, dark, and angry by Greeks and Romans, and probably looked like Antonio banderas) got bleached by the Celts, the Romans, the vandals, the Franks, and the Visigoths, and they ethnically cleansed most of the moriscos and Jews during the Inquisition, so this is probably the whitest period in the peninsula's history
The master race, if you don't take into account Ashkenazi Jews, are Alpine Europeans.
Think of an intellectual figure in Europe, and chances are they'll have dark hair, dark eyes and be brachycephalic. Pic related (Germany's greatest ever mind).
Totally not Jewish
>why would Jews lie to try and give Nordics a claim to Egyptian civilisation
Never intended to make this point, how new are you though? It's funny that jews even post here still.
I'm gonna need a sauce for it developing in the Caucasus as opposed to the Pontic steppe, matey.
Everyone knows the Irish red haired people built the pyramids.
>Just look at portraits of Ottoman sultans. All blondie boys in eastern clothing.
That's actually because the Turks would abduct boys from Christian territories to govern their lands because they couldn't trust other Turks. (not even kidding, look it up)
Surreal. Daily reminder that we are living this in modern day.
Funnily enough there is a Celtic folk myth that they are descended from Ancient Egyptians :P