Why can't anyone make shit like this anymore?
Why can't anyone make shit like this anymore?
Because everyone would rather listen to negro beats and twerk.
are you actually retarded?
Too much work. Just take a shit in a zip-lock bag and call it art.
Why when you can just 3D print it
That's amazing. Western civilization is dying
massive QI drop.
The statues are so detailed that it's uncanny.
My grandfather was a famous knife maker and he died only teaching his craft to one of his sons. I can only recall meeting him twice and once was on his deathbed. It fucking kills me knowing this
That sculpture is only around 100 years old
>that's amazing
Tell me about it
Really makes you think
Do you know how those marble sculptures were made?
Not all modern art is that and only moronic mongrels and non-serious people. think that shit in a bag or a single black dot in a white field is art.
Less people being commissioned by royalty and religious leaders.
This. We could still have this if people who could afford the material and labor wanted it. Doesn't matter what the peasants want
Amazing how fast we forget isn't it?
With gofundme people can be commissioned by whatever whim tickles their fancy, this is no excuse.
So fucking what? Does it represent majority of modern art? No, it fucking doesn't, and that's the fucking problem OP is bringing up.
It's not a fucking ancient artefact, it's 100 years old
>this is no excuse
Dude you gotta check out this thing called "supply and demand"
Maybe it's not Bernini, but it's not bad either.
Because nobody is going to dedicate his life to mastering art techniques when some aids ridden faggot can shit on a canvas and get paid millions of dollars.
Why make actual art if you can just put shit in your face and call it "Deep" or "Bold" or "Daring".
Holy shit I found the art fanatic. Let's see some pics from your studio britbong
Ur mum is 100 years old but I still fucked her
>aids ridden faggot can shit on a canvas and get paid millions of dollars
I'm going to need a citation here.
Pretty much this
It's absurd what people call "art" these days
Forgot to post image
Our culture has been swamped with Jews who celebrate the ugly. Jewish culture is a culture of critique, beauty for beauty's sake is a foreign concept to them. Good artists still exist but they are not celebrated as much as some kikess who smeared her period blood on the wall of a museum.
People usually expect results in a few months or few years.
Some of these things take decades.
This was made in 2006.
why print it when you can just chop some girls head off right? ...you fucking idiot
Did they sculpt the vag?
because you can make this easily now with modern techniques, because f that its value has lessened, therefore people now seek value in things that are unique and refreshing.
Your opinion is a sign of the times, its been so long that your picture has been considered unique that now you find it unique
t. artist
100 years ago countries like Germany, Austria, and Russia were still monarchies dumbass.
>Dude you gotta check out this thing called "supply and demand"
Maybe I should reacquaint yourself with crowdfunding
This makes me feel better
The world doesn't value true artistry. It's evident in everything from construction to advertising, not least the bitching about how worthless it is to study and make art from conservatives. Emphasis is always on practicality. Artists have only themselves to rely on, and we lose a lot of talent to the need to support oneself.
>Francesco Queirolo died in 1762
We have 3D modelling, plastics and photography. It is basic shit in our time, so it isn't considered worth anything.
His dickhead looks like those chips called bugles
Veiled virgin by Giovanni strazza
because why the fuck would I? waste of time. our only prerogative is to shoot niggers.
his finger is long as fuck
Because art has been co-opted by post modern philosophy. That's why there's a belief that to be an artist you just need to create. It's so that talentless rich kids can have a "job." Modern day art is a scam by academia.
The bust you've shown is by Strazza. It's amazing.
ITT: WAAAH WAHHH Why can't SOMEONE ELSE do it for me
If you really feel like high quality marble sculptures is missing, why don't you become a sculptor?
Also, as pointed out, you fucking retards don't even know what you're talking about. You see a sculpture and think "HURR DURR daz like 1000 yers old lol"
That video made me sick
Post modernist hate merit above all else because it causes hierarchies they can't compete in. So it is better to promote degenerate art and "everyone can do art!" mentality to dilute and destroy elitism.
Irony of the situation is that by muddling the pool they are creating "new" forms of hierarchies that will rise again on the grounds of already laid foundations of the old masters.
Another irony is that in their promotion of degenerate art they disgust more individuals, and disgust is the main call for conservatism.
So If you want to stick it to these shits, start studying old masters again and revive their techniques.
Because talented artists in the 20th century realized they could make much more money faster by sloppily producing junk and calling it 'abstract'. Talentless degenerates unwittingly took notice, and since objective standards were effectively destroyed, they by could call their shitty untalented artwork 'abstract'.
the poster that losted that picture literally linked the artist's site you fucking drooling retard
nobody thinks that particular one is ancient. i hate you smug cunts
The point is that this kind of art isn't celebrated anymore, retard, not that it simply ceased to exist.
That's probably what they do these days
It's refreshing to see another person who is aware of this. It's even more refreshing to know that the truth is coming out about this post modern rodiculousness.
Thank you.
Programming and cutting a statue this detailed out of marble or metal on a CNC machine would be a hell of a lot harder than making some stupid modern art would be. Doing it by hand still looks better too.
Look up Damien Hirst, he is the richest "artist" alive. The guy is a billionaire, look up what made him rich. A bunch of fucking dots, a cow's severed head and a skull covered in diamonds
>mfw no one has mentioned the Jews yet
This guy has the right idea. Feel bad? Do something about it. Seek out a master and become his apprentice
That sculpture is the veiled virgin by Strazza. It's from the 1800s.
Literally, this.
there's no demand its as simple as that.
your not going to make shekels if nobody wants your products.
also where are you going to put those stateu's in the office? the where often reqeusted by royality or the church and not individual people.
The Jews have no power here.
>pope-paid sugary gay shit to promote cucktolicism
>nobody thinks that particular one is ancient
If it was posted without the link you would retard. Since you seem to think sculpting is a lost art.
>this kind of art isn't celebrated anymore
That includes you. When was the last time you bought a sculpture or donated to the creation of one?
>not that it simply ceased to exist.
The thread says "Why can't anyone make shit like this anymore?" retard. That's exactly what people believe
Sculptor here. I could do that with hand-tools, I am extremely talented. I know it sounds cocky, but I am. During my student years, I made some small details as such (not full sculptures of course, that would take one year at least)
Why I don't do that? Because I work for a company and we have a huge stone-carving CNC. Big sculptures are done with it. Video related:
Why I don't do that? Well, who is going to fund me? I can't just drop my work and spend the whole day working on that. Perhaps I should start a patreon?
I'm sick of seeing this stupid fucking threads
Here's the thing you neckbeards need to understand
There are thousands if not millions of LIVING BREATHING artist out there making work that would fool you into thinking it was made centuries ago
And yes they do make money selling their work and display their art in museums
Contemporary art, which is what Sup Forums seems to have such a fuss over, is it's own thing entirely. Contemporary art galleries do not display traditional art. It's purpose is that it goes against the grain of traditions and basically looks for shock out of people.
Think of the people who draw pictures using their period blood or whatever as Marilyn Manson. They do it for shock value, and because of retards on here who think it's the only artform that exist anymore it becomes popular.
Pick up an art magazine for once and maybe you will see that SURPRISE SURPRISE people still make art!
You guys are basically the equivalent of people who listen to the Beatles and whine online about it going "MUH GENERATION JUST DONT UNDERSTAND REAL MUSIC NO MORE"
nice backtracking retardo. is your butt hurting right now?
>comparing the beatles to classical art
Now you've crossed a line
We do. It's just not as impressive when it's made by machine.
Theres a great scottish artist called Sandy Stoddart who works like this. Check him out, cunt.
Because art like that wasn't produced for sale in commercial galleries like most art is today, but was commissioned by the Church or the nobility. The artist would generally be paid part of the fee in advance to cover his expenses while making the piece, allowing him to spend months or years working on a single piece, using extremely expensive materials.
In a modern setting, without this sort of institutional backing for the arts, an artist cannot afford to spend this much time and money making a piece that they don't even know will sell. These days, the commercial realities of the art business incentivize artists to make large numbers of pieces as cheaply and quickly as they can, so that they can make up in volume the cost of the pieces that don't sell.
hard days night is the only song that reaches that high but yes, they still reached it
These threads should be moved to trash or s4s
That's what the papists get. Rome is corrupt, bloated, drunk on its own image. Extravagance and idolatry is sinful.
Wanna know why most modern/contemporary art is shit? Money laundering and tax evasion. Just slap something together, get it """appraised""" for a ludicrous amount of money, and have someone buy it and claim it as a business expense. You give them back the money under the table and get to keep a small amount.
"Modern art" isn't limited to shit in the can or brownies with menstrual blood in them, retard. Look at modern music, literature, movies: the more repulsive or "quirky" it is, the better.
I've ran into this problem a lot (look at my country if you want a reminder) most specifically it was the awful feminist redesign movement where they targeted Japanese illustrators.
I pointed out that these men and women where miles ahead with merit and skill that these complainers would even dream of being near and essentially got what I would called DDOS in conversation form for even daring holding true and tested merit above unproven theories.
And those "conversations" was true eye openers that none of these had any idea how much true knowledge (I define this as being a fish in the water) about a subject mattered.
Another time the pissed me of by claiming that modern Swedish artists was on par with Zorn.
Don't be quiet about it either. Speak out, but be able to back your claims.
Do what? Put cloth over statues to keep dust off of them? I don't get what's so special about that.
goverments still give gibmedats for artists.
Related to Alexander Stoddart by chance?
I was just thinking about the Roger Scruton documentary where he interviews Alexander.
Didn't our based government give 10,000 euro grant or something to a gay male that thought he was female on his project to "bulk up and be a man"
Can you get escorted out of a gallery for having a erection?
>Sculptor here
That's what I'm saying dipshit
Learn to read
That type of stuff is just not put in "art houses" anymore, but it's being produced RIGHT NOW boy high-end toymakers, decorators, classicist architects, etc.
The skills not gone, and it's not uncelebrated. It's just that it's celebrated by normies and "fans" instead of skinny weirdos with wrong gender haircuts and tight-fitting striped clothes.
Because I can do all this shit with a 3d printer in under an hour. Sculptors BTFO
Reminder that Bromnald Brumpf writes about this in his book
Because back then a person had the ability to put their entire life and being behind their craft, whole being paid well beyond their means by the church or nobility. This meant that unlike modern artists, who are either doing commission artwork on the side for 30-80/piece on their off-work hours or are Patreon funded and must produce content that fits their fanbase, ie:fanart of existing series and porn.
The only full time artists that can create something akin to whatever they want are concept artists for major companies who are still bound to create one thing or another.
True artistic freedom died centuries ago when art became secondary to jobs and normal lives. You can't spend 30 years learning how to craft magnificent sculptures when you need to spend 40hrs a week out working for some fuck.
I agree with this, although these threads aren't inherently bad.
Now that's quite something.
Because art is subjective. There is no bad art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>being paid well beyond their means by the church or nobility
Wouldn't they then still be bound to create things that "fit their fanbase"?
Was it, maybe, possibly, fuckable?
The church in modern times is replaced by Marvel Comics, DC, Nintendo, Bandai, etc., nigga
There are still very skilled artists.
All the high skill autism is spent on video games now.
If your that good try it, what have you got to lose
Who is he tlking about?
This one is disgusting. The net is carved?