What do you guys think about this 30 year old conservative becoming the new chancellor of Austria
What do you guys think about this 30 year old conservative becoming the new chancellor of Austria
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Utter reddit faggot and neo liberal hack
I'd rather Hofer.
buthurt FPÖ scum you will sit in the camps togather with the green party
lolwot? Kurz is FPÖ light, mong.
Hofer is better but i dont think he will be the blue Partys candidate thats gona be uberdouchbag h.C. Strache
just hoping that ist not going to be (((Kern))) he will try to Exchange aus austrans with ons of migrants over the next 5 years
I don't know, what would it mean for our relations?
nigga wat
I think we would be matching perfectly
Looking forward to him.
top top lel. The destruction of the ÖVP is complete. Based.
Is he the one who haven't finished his degree?
thats him
does that matter ? as we wouldn have enough academics in politics
>Liste Sebastian Kurz - die Neue Volkspartei
Kurz will rise from tha ashes like the Fenix
Ständestaat intensivies
Nah just asked to identify him. Though he should finish his degree some day.
jeah he is crigy but do you really think Strache will safe our Country and our People?
No, of course not. Strache is a nerd. Belongs in the trash.
jeah thats true and i think he will
big ears > big noses
Holy shit, why are so many people STILL falling for this joker?
When the refugee crisis reached its height this clown actually claimed "Europe is experiencing the best and most educated immigration ever" and "on the average, the refugee is better educated than the european". That is the new savior of the conservatives in Aut?
Let me make this very clear: Kurz is a Grosskoalitionär (wants coallition with socialists) through and through, in fact, the longer I watch this comedy, the more I get the impression of an elaborate show to somehow justify early general elections (original date will be second half of 2018 and see below as for why).
He will NOT be Chancellor (how? his party will still be third place) and he will NOT be Vicechancellor under the rights (why should he in the first place? Also no one in the party will support it, everyone even remotely so inclined has been purged since Schüssel).
In the end, "Staatsraison" will "force" another round of red-black. Also EU-Vorsitz (EU-Presidency) in the second half of 2018 and "we can´t risk experiments during that crucial and demanding time" or some such shit.
Mark my words on this!
>wants coallition with socialists
Are you dumb? Or do you unironically believe SPÖ is socialist?
And the ÖVP is not really conservative and has hardly anything to do with "economy" anymore.
But that is not the point.
>"wants coallition with socialists"
Jeah they are Conservative
fuck the economy
the biggest thread to the austrian People is nunmal the massmigration and Islam it would be stuid not to recognise that and even more stupid to ignore it
As we can see, the people who like Kurz are either underage or retarded. In this case it's both.
What's with the EU flag in the background of that pic? Is he pro-EU? Dropped.
Grannys also like him, so fuck of
he kinda is, but hi is redpilled enough to not be an EU -idioloque, he also isnt an globalist
i put the flag there for the normies
30 year old is way to young for politics. How about a 45 year old with life experience? 30 is just a kid nowdays
thats just kinda true i know enough people over 40 who have the mind o an child
his age is a Problem but only caue of the Picture it will make
>Le ÖVP-Kanzler maymay
Gottkanzler H. C. Strache einkommend
The dying breath of the ÖVP. They just gave him complete official power over the party without even knowing what he's gonna do with it. Or, what's more likely: he already told them what he plans to do. I honestly can't see our provincial governors throwing away everything for him otherwise. If Kurz doesn't deliver the party is completely dead.
I also can't see FPÖ/ÖVP working. Neither of them will be taking the role of vice-chancellor. It's all or nothing.
Which analytic program are you using ? Looks amazing
But shh, it's very avantgarde and niche
Liste Kurz plus Neos and Stonach Party would be awesome tough
maybe the Greens just for the keks
Any other nationalist alternative?
>Liste Kurz plus Neos and Stonach Party would be awesome tough
If you want to drive the country towards a cliff yeah
Democracy is a shame. Here you go go, ahem, guys here are 3 pre selected options to vote for. Now argue amongst each other and divide yourselfs between them.
jeah but should we not vote and leave the field to the green Party and communists?
Yeah, better vote for corporate faggots who keep screwing us over.
We only have 2 options:
We eather Choose the
SPÖ (Tal Silberstein) or
FPÖ (Likud, Benjamin Netanyahu)
No matter what the fucking kikes will control the country!
Both SPÖ and ÖVP are killing themself, while allowing the FPÖ to take over, so everything is fine.
Düringer is that you?
When you can't beat the kike, chose the one who will screw you over the least.
Well, they would commit politcal suicide, if the ÖVP and SPÖ would be the end product of the new election.
Why go through all the trouble, just so these two parties can continue to not work together?
It will be either FPÖ/ÖVP or FPÖ/SPÖ, all the other scenarios will hurt them even more in the long term.
>not voting KPÖ or abstaining
I shiggy diggy
the Problem with both is that in 6 jears ist gonna be Kern or Strache alone
Look at my country. Bunch of 20-30 year old liberal childs in the government, and the result are chaos!
What do you mean? (Can you explain what you mean with "alone")
look a Punch of cucks and feminists in the goverment, the result , chaos!
i think if FPÖ/ÖVP will fuck it up Kern will be the next Chancelor in the Long run even maybe together with the Greens or alone like Kreisky
Man first those Schulz faggots now you guys with another leftist faggot, when do you ever fucking learn!
Kurz, Leftist ? Are you retarded?
>i think if FPÖ/ÖVP will fuck it up Kern will be the next Chancelor in the Long run
It will put them back into the opposition for quit some time, and I agree with you.
But I really hope that they learned their lesson and are ready to take over and fullfill their duties.
>leftist in any way
You probably think SPÖ is left as well.
> Lefty
Far from being one.
I hope he crashes, because it would split the voting camps on the right, but he is not so bad.
would be awesome !
Only KPÖ are real Leftist in Austria, but they have a tendency to be stalinists espacially in Graz
KPÖ in Graz are unfortunately mostly liberals who want welfare capitalism. Still better than Naglel.
Don't fucking start splitting up views. Focus on actually getting Hofer elected first and not an old, retarded socialist that wants all women to wear hijabs.
Hofer will not be the Kandidate of the FPÖ! Thats gonna be Strache and e is a Douchebag and is not very popular belong the Asutrians
lmao wat, what are you talking about? Gimme some of that crack you smoke.
>wants all women to wear hijabs
le read quotes taken out of context meme
>Gimme some of that crack you smoke.
VdB can help you with that.
lel, I wish.
Oh excuse me, a full blown commie then. Better?
Shorty is yet another loudmouthed Machiavelli from the ÖVP.
Did Hofer drop out? Or did he get beaten by the Strache guy?
>wants all women to wear hijabs
even if it was taken out of context a bit. it Shows that he is just an old ideoloue with no roots in reality. Also he is an changing history for his benefits ( Dänish People, Davidstar, Quote)
The only funny thing here is that, even green party voters are anti semites.
Had a lot of friends/girlfriends who didn't like em and hated the roaches and dindus as much as me (an actual racist).
The thing is that the people in Austria are different, they only reason why Austrians are so "tollerant" is because they always copy Germany.
Austrians know that.
The SPÖ in my Town actually said stay the fuck out to the refugees, they really dislike Muds and Dindus!
Fuck they even act racist against eastern europeans!
Strache ws always the leader of the FPÖ, they just put Hofer up for President because The Vhancelor has more power in Austria than the president, and i dont think that he will allow Hofer to do the Job.
I'll say it again - gimme some of that crack you are smoking because you are on another level right now. He's your basic liberal "centrist".
Ah I see.
Good joke