Let's get some AfD Chan memes to celebrate.
Let's get some AfD Chan memes to celebrate
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10% plz
Celebrate what?
FDP war die beste Wahl
The prognosis for AfD is at 7,5 %
FDP und AfD sind beide gut.
What's there to celebrate. Europe is lost...
Here is a meme for you my dude
>muh Ampelkoalition is an option
Fuck the FDP, either they start being in favour of CDU/FDP/AfD or they'll be the same fucking taste of same like every other established party out there.
AfD has reached the amazing, unprecedented, un-cucked levels of 7.5%(!!!!!!!!) support! Wow!! Can you imagine that? Only 92.5% of Germany remains cucked, this thing is basically in the bag 4th Reich soon!
AfD-Chan Twitter is the best
So true. Now it's just to hope that DIE LINKE does not enter. Then Lindner can kick Merkels, since she won't do anything anyway.
Letzte Hochrechnung im ZDF: Linke auf 4,9%
Noch nicht genug.
But AfD is aganst any kind of Koalition with other partys
Sehr gut. Die darf jetzt auch gerne in der BTW abstürzen.
FDP are complete cucks.
But that's nothing
just saw this articles. Read it guys
Yeah and the AfD is going to get the majority right? No one wants to go into a coalition with them and vice versa. At least we got the most uncucked combination possible right now. No SPD, no Greens, no LINKE. That's at least something.
its 7,7
holohoax guilt really did sick things to the kraut
I voted AfD today, what did you do for your country user?
Do you really think the AfD would say no if they got an offer to partake in a coalition? The biggest opponents of a coalition with the AfD is the cucked Merkelite wing in the CDU and CSU. The right hardliner in the CSU would probably rather go for black/yellow/blue than another big coalition in the BTW.
7,7 lucky number !
I voted FDP, which is an active vote against red-red-green, might aswell throw your vote away going with AfD
gotta make small steps
can't let that mindset keep you down, hans my boy.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
When you vote for a Party from a different country
>When your country is so cucked that a 7% is something to celebrate
>Implying well ever get uncucked
Dream more
I hate this image so much because the trash collecting here in top notch!
It aint easy to uncuck your country
Yeah, I know, all the german males are being picked right off lol
You don't have a country anymore
SPD right now
German Army exercise near Russian Border in Estonia.
This is clearly an agression and that won't end for Germans
it's the globalism my dude. are you scared yet?
lol at poland bringing the bantz
NYPA ahmed
Well, they better hurry it up, mama merkel wants them back home by supper
I'm learning your tuetonic barbarian language.
Advice on how to keep up with AFD in between studies?
keine bully bitte.
Fake News from tomorrow:
How hard is the reddit Emperor getting BTFO?
Funny how when the widely hated friend of Merkel George Bush 2 came to visit, army and police worked thrice as much overtime as is allowed.
Whats up with Putch-chan?
cute memes. best of luck
I wanted to learn german too, but it seems that learning turkish would be a better idea. I will keep at it with japanese instead
That's just pathetic.
Good Idea.
Japan is pretty uncucked.
The faggots of r/de and their shitty Schulz crap are so fucking butthurt, it's hilarious.
Good idea!
You don't learn the language of a dying civilization, burger
Well, I'm not stopping you
I have a teacher who weres a head scarve
Hell, New York Times appears to be worse than most of our newspapers.
>proceeds to learn language of dieing gook country
Why does that not surprise me in the least?
>to celebrate.
What's the occasion?
some mentally ill masochist sicko does not represent all of germany
>Dying weeb country
Oh, you must be one of those uneducted americans. I'm not surprised, pic related is a good example of your public schools
>Goes on a weeb website
>Hates Japan
SPD is drowning and AfD has 7,5-7,7 %
Are you sure?
Actually, he does pretty well
Slow and steady!
Spiegel is clickbaity af though. They'd even show Hitler naked if that was the current trend.
Wouldn't that be illegal?
Of course we have """Free Speech"""
I guess they would try to sell it as "documentation" or some other shit. Would be allowed then.
did i hear Kurz Chane?
Why would it? The Bild doese it all the time!
Well, free to watch yourself be bred out of existence, maybe
Erstmal zu Penny
Sick rost my dude but your assumptions are very much wrong.
I'm a weeb, but I know when you as a white learn a gook language you're no better than a nigger going to poland.
Also, Japanese birthrates show they're literally dieing.
I'm pretty sure the NYT bashes any country that isn't going full islam. What do they have to say about Poland?
When those shills criticize you, you're doing something right.
Hmmm....the spacing does make it kind of ambiguous I guess?
Are you talking about cultural appropriation?
>no more page 1 girls
>Proven: women are better drivers
BILD is fully cucked, no surprise here.
At least they are sensationalist enough to still point out an Islamic terrorist as muslim.
draw her without socks and i'll be interested
>Also, Japanese birthrates show they're literally dieing
Well, they're not breeding like niggers, guess that means nips will be extinct by 2020, unless they start taking in refugees like germany!
I guess I was right about you being uneducated, you swallowed the jewish kool aid. Japan has just enough people for their tiny island, they don't need anymore, but it wouldn't be too much to ask them to put away their waifu pillows and porn games and breed with real women once in a while
I don't know, but if it is anything like that VICE documentary, they think we're literally the 4th reich
More like,
>whine about minorities
>proceeds to go be a minority to another race's country.
It goes both ways Karl.
I never said they needed immigrants, stop putting words in my mouth.
If Japan doesn't need immigrants then you best stop learning Japanese gaijin.
Live comes at you fast...
A reminder that Merkel is going to win a fourth term because the SPD alternative is far worse than what she could ever be.
This picture should tell you enough.
What is that even supposed to mean?
Look, I get it, you're a german weeb, whatever the word for that is. I don't care, but if you want to be like a real german, you better make sure your girlfriend likes brown dick
faggots should be gassed
>The future of germany
AfD 7,8
What a good day.
>Be Kraut
>Vote Merkel again
The pirate party? What do they stand for?
Holy crap the lefties are getting fucked
Stoping the state from saving a persons gender
Its funny because its true
what? are we talking ass pirates here?
Originally for Internet Stuff(net neutrality etc.) but then they got cucked to death.
The could also be called the tumblr party.
Ich habe Die Piraten Partei gewählt. Fight me.
They are the young people who try to be cool