The UK has a strong enough military to defeat Russia and China and is second only to the USA.
The UK has a strong enough military to defeat Russia and China and is second only to the USA.
inb4 cunts of all flags
Continuing from
But of course, britain is a very valuable american state ! ;^)
Plz America/Britain Star Wars Collab. Russia too poor to do it and would absolutely BTFO the Russians.
Not so fast rest of the world.
Daily reminder Australia is more powerful than canada
They can wipe my ass...
Thread theme:
Hmmm a UK report puts UK as the second most powerful...
top kek
Anglo strongest race. God save the Queen.
It was reported by European Geostrategy
>European Geostrategy
They're from Brussels mate.
Were currently undergoing a process of rebuilding our military to, mummy better keep her promise
congrats lads
It's too bad dad died (u.k) died 10 years ago...
When will we get back to the two power standard for our navy?
Too* lmao
We're ready when you lot are.
Lel, that Ongabonga Mudslim infested country?
Russia and China wouldn't even have to waste a bullet for you inbred Shreks, all they would have to do is to is to tell the Monkeys and Goatrapers to riot!
Fuck they (the bananas/camels) would take over your country in less than a week!
The Russians and Chinese would just watch that eat Popcorn and laugh!
Haven't laught like this in a while!
Cunt-ry of england.
i mean they could win a war since the muslim world is at their side, since bombing the UK would be like bombing the Mecca
Go to your room, son.
Are we fuck. Further cuts as soon as she wins the election and doesn't have to worry about a slim majority. I despise Labour and all their works, but time and time again, it's the Tories that have made the most savage of defence cuts.
Five power standard would be better tbf
Only proper countries allowed in this thread, m8
Austria, AKA Germany-Lite. How does it feel being a Diet-Kraut, whose only major contribution was a short pissed off artist who didn't like jews.
Even Switzerland is more interesting than you.
Exactly! We also have the Pajeets on our side forever, they are due to become a world superpower by 2020, or so I've heard.
AHH fuck off i want a bigger military but i don't want his pro paki policies
nice shilling cunt
Pretty cute picture. Except Canada became a faggot, South africa was murdered by the UK through sanctions. And India has always been shit.
Now if only we could convince them to use the good old porcelain throne.
English are becomming the new french:
clinging on to a belief that they are still a great relevant empire.
and they're cucks just bowing down to the big brown bull to their north west
Now now Somalia, don't make us send the Gurkhas over to sort you out. We'd need to send, sort out your shit-tier military?
That's simply not true. C'mon.
He literally lost a popularity contest to a fish finger on Twitter.
Not exactly the best and brightest of our political class.
Our empire was actually worth a wank.
France's strips of sand doesn't count.
I just copied it from the old thread, mate.
We should put USA in place of Canada, I absolutely agree.
Greatest Allies
Britain, the USA, China, France and Russia are the joint most powerful nations in the world. They can all launch intercontinental nuclear missiles. Russia can obliterate the UK. The UK can obliterate Russia. Both of them can obliterate the USA. All of this speculation about who would win if both parties fought with one arm tied behind their backs is completely meaningless in real-world terms.
Maybe you should cling to your HDI, you'll be behind Libya by 2030.
That may be overkill.
They're lazy as fuck until someone shoots at them.
Admirable, really.
That's a based graphic
Good joke.
FACT: English are the second most powerful race in the world
>United Cuckdom
>bragging like it's 1899
Can't wait for the 'negotiations' to start in earnest. Once EU is done with you, you will be happy to find enough money to keep a coast guard haha.
That's great and all but once nukes are taken out of the equation, it's not exactly hard to beat Russia. I'd bet money on the fucking Belgians beating the Russians in a conventional war 2bh
Your stagnant trading cartel is fast becoming an irrelevance.
Ta-ta, sweetie!
2nd most powerful country in the world, bull-fucking-shit. We could easily beat America, they got spanked by Vietnam come on.
Kek, Russia would crush the UK so hard nothing would even remain of the British Isles. The UK literally has 200 low-yield warheads, while Russia has tens of thousands of nukes, enough to glass the entire islands several times over
is austria real??
>butthurt like its 1914
>butthurt like its 1945
Please stay this salty, Hans. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Yeah, sure
You got spanked in Ireland and we have one-twentieth the population of Viet Nam. You can't talk.
If only he really said that
Do you still believe you're better off, m8 ? The EU will never let you leave, and in the meantime, hordes of Muslims are pouring into your country, and those already there are breeding like rabbits.
Great news Brit Bros.. now let's go kill some Muslims..
Oh good, you don't need us. No trade deal then, slán
Whoever thinks UK, or France for that matter, have a go at Russia is fucking delusional.
It's been getting mainstream lately, and it's a fucking joke.
Disregarding nukes, we'd be just mathematically outnumbered and get flanked from every direction if we even make progress toward Moscow.
But most basically, there are actually no real reasons we should pick a fight with them to begin with.
Love muh based Anglos
Hans, Britain was paying more in taxes into the EU than they were getting out of it. Why do you think you fucking faggots are so hysterical about them leaving?
You literally 'fought' for independence and then sold your souls to Brussels. Pathetic.
America literally kicked your ass as in a fight comparable to Vietnam before Vietnam even existed.
Top kek
You mean that war where one group of Brits fought another group of Brits who were backed up by the French in a 'who is more British' competition?
>The state of US history teaching
This is retarded. It simply gauges how much a country decided to into force projection. Don't believe for a second the British wouldn't get curb stomped by the Chinese at the outset of virtually any engagement.
Yes, I'm talking about the time the strongest military in the world couldn't even stop a shitty set of colonies full of dope farmers with shit guns.
We were a little busy kicking Napoleon's ass to care. Now we're friend, so STFU and enjoy being even more powerful by our alliance.
Only the brits could be this proud of being second best.
You must be an independent, sovereign nation in order to be an EU Member State. This is why the likes of Scotland and Catalonia can't join the EU. By definition, we are as independent today as we were after defeating you in 1922.
You mean the your war of independence, where we were fighting you and Napolean at the same time. When you were a complete afterthought, that came when we had lost all of our good sailors? Then eventually when we turned to fight you we had already lost all the strategic points, and you had gained enough experience to outnumber the few ships that we could fill with experienced sailors?
>This is retarded.
All rankings are.
>Don't believe for a second the British wouldn't get curb stomped by the Chinese at the outset of virtually any engagement.
Depends on a variety of factors. If we have some time before hand and if the aim was more of domination than attrition we could probably win.
For a nation half the size of California VS Russia and China this isn't half bad.
>muh based Anglos
>what is Suez crisis
Hahah. The US will help the Brits just as much as is needed to keep the bases. And not a dollar more.
Bloody marvellous!
>le anyone with nukes has supreme power meme
Jej. I bet you believe we have enough nukes to destroy the world 6 gorillion times over or whatever the number is up to now
UK vs NATO army (without UK and US)
Who wins?
Dude, the UK is a vassal state to the US. You always do as your master commands you, the UK has no real sovereignty.
Jesus Christ, I thought Canada was more cucked than you were, until you went straight ahead to Iraq following America by the tail and now you're doing the same in Syria.
Well done! You understand alliances!!
You can't win against the Anglo-sphere, son.
We have a long, proud history of coming second. Pic related.
>European Union member
>Maintain independence
Could be worse. Could be governed by a Trustafarian snowboarding instructor and substitute drama teacher.
I think Russia will fucking mop the floor with the UK
>I thought Canada was more cucked than you