Would you have willingly fought in the vietnam war Sup Forums?
Would you have willingly fought in the vietnam war Sup Forums?
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Yes. In the Navy.
Yes id love to mow down those sub human chinks
kill gooks and rape their women?
To what end?
I find Sup Forums's romanticism of war is seated in the inability to exude masculinity, to the point they believe only something as psychologically crippling as war will justify their cowardice and ineptitude.
>In the Navy.
You can sail the seven seas
Found the fag. Come join me in the navy so I can fuck that boipussy.
Vietnamese women are ugly gook shitskins , they called them patty niggers for a reason
Yes, if I was Vietnamese.
If you go as a volunteer you can pick your service branch correct? Fuck i could be an artilleryman blowing up chinks or an AA gunner on some ship doing nothing for a few years.
Where's my damn tools?
Only if the soundtrack was good.
Fuck off antifa , move to cuba if you want to live in a communist country
Probably. I joined the British army because I believe that killing another person is an essential component of experiencing a full life as a human being.
Vietnam would have just been a better outlet for that experience. The gooks are more like humans too also.
anyone who says yes to this is cuck of the highest order.
Gulf Of Tonkin Literally don't real.
Great answer.
He didn't say whether he would fight for North or South Vietnam.
Like there was a difference , neither side wanted us there
>fighting for a made up cause
Only if they decided to full on blitzkreig subjugate that shit instead of the weird helicopter hopping shit they did.
Considering the South Vietnamese army got its ass kicked when the USA pulled out, I'd say those South Vietnam soldiers wanted the Americans to stay. Except the South Vietnamese troops who were secretly Viet Cong of course.
They didn't want us there until we left, then they found out their communist buddies were just going to kill them all. , because Communism
For North Vietnam or Viet Cong.
Years of call of duty builds an invincible warrior boot ready to drink the kool-aid at a moments notice.
I would've loved to shoot down John McCain
stfu with the rape shit you micropenis syndrome stricken mongrel
Yeah. My dad had mostly great stories. He loved the grenade launcher most of all, got really got at hitting windows and assholes just standing in the paddies looking dangerous.
>liking a movie where the shots are literally based on memes
Never breed.
No. It's their country, if they wanna fuck it up with communism, that's their decision. I would, however, defend my land from Japan 20 years earlier
Navy was actually rough -- they stuck you on those little boats going up and down the rivers.
It wasn't all sitting on a carrier miles from the trouble
Fuck it why not. Heck sign me up for the marine core while you're at it.
>Tonkin was a false flag
>politicians were overriding generals and making stupid decisions
>South Vietnamese were cowardly, corrupt, and unmotivated and fled from easily winnable fights just like the Iraqi army
>I don't give a shit about riceniggers in the first place
Nah, i dont like fighting in jewish wars
>using memes means you endorse the source material
>T. French Vietnamese citizen butthurt.
If it meant being in the 101st and being able to take trophies
No, it was a pointless proxy war.
>marine core
It's Untied Status Marin Crops, you fucking showershoe.
Fighting in proxy wars is shameful, which is why they don't announce it anymore. Now they have to paint each war as "vital" and they leave it at that
I would do anything Kissinger tells me to.
Yes, BUT as a B52 crew... Carpet bombing!!!!
Truth be told, I don't have the guts to do it. After seeing clips from Saving Private Ryan and Pacific I'm positive that I just simply don't have the kind of bravery and courage for war. Storming a beach facing certain death, how do you even train someone for something like that?
If the Vietnam War happened literally today? Absolutely, there is nothing of worth in today's society, why stay here if there is nothing of honor to accomplish
>hot as fuck and humid
>manlet gooks hiding in tunnels underneath you
>get sneak killed in my sleep
>snakes, spiders, mosquitos
>punji sticks and various death traps everywhere
>lots of fucked up jungle diseases
>m16 is waterlogged
>have to share my space with americans
in a nutshell?, fuck no.
Cringey. It's about having banter with the lads.
>This Defeated a Superpower USA
Well, that too. Kek
I'm in the National Guard, I cannot wait for WW3 to break out. I hope they let me bring my own guns
what was the even point of that war ? we all know you're a 350 lb basement dweller stop larping
Fuck no
These kinds of wars only thin out the patriotic/conservative population while leaving limp wristed leftists behind
Just what we need, Heritage American men into the meat grinder while the domestic invaders #resist the draft and slap their meat into our women.
Same with this proposed North Korean war. Why the fuck should I travel 5000 miles away to kill one commie when there are 5000 commies one mile away?
yeah, seems fun enough.
>be 18 years old
>experience nothing in life
>go off to the other side of the planet to fight in a gook civil war that has nothing to do with you or your country
>fight in a tropical hellhole against 4'8 gooks who know the landscape and can execute effective guerilla warfare in an ideal jungle environment
>your country gets you involved in this shit, but still pussy foots around and doesn't launch a full scale invasion of North Vietnam, because of China
>still hang around South Vietnam fighting gook guerillas who ambush you everyday and never stop coming
>literally the best case scenario is to wait around and hope you can kill enough gooks until they run out
>wait around for 20 years
>ok, now let's cut our losses
>you're already dead as an 18 year old who gave your life for literally nothing
top lel at these neckbeard LARPers here
go fight and die for israel and the military industrial complex you sacks of shit
Knowing that you are only meant to hold the line on an endless meat grinder and never win would be rough. We literally didn't want to wipe out the north because we would be too close to China.
NO! Simply because it was a ply by the current "MOB" in Control to prove to Soviet Union & China that we (Mobsters in GVT) can throw ENDLESS PEONS into mass slaughter.
Once the Mob felt the point that we can do what Russia & China did (20 million deaths each) we pulled out.
There was no other objective for Vietnam.
Prove me wrong!
Underrated post
Would listen to Black Sabbath and credence clear water revival all day
Wouldn't have had to. My draft number would have been super high.
No chance in hell would I want to go, but if I were alive back then at my current age of 25 I'd be drafted into it regardless. After that I think I'd just try to lay low and last long enough to go back home, hopefully without any missing parts or psyche issues.
>be 18 years old
>experience nothing in life
That applies as much to us as it applies to the vets. It's not surprising that people here are drawn to adventure when our lives aren't exactly great. Almost everyone here is suffering through unemployment, autism and NEETbux, or some shitty degree that will lead them to minimum wage or unemployment.
It's not even surprising that people here would be willing to risk massive injury and death just to take part in something special.
Shuddup ya boot ass Nasty Guard.
This. Who the fuck wants to sit in a sweaty jungle being bitten by bugs, getting some disease where it kills to urinate and then stepping on a sharp pointy stick buried in the ground while gooks charge you.
I'd probably rather go to Vietnam over WW1 but goddamn is it close.