Gotta say, these truth bombs make me respect Varg. Can you refute his statements?
And for the record, Varg is not religious himself. He doesn't believe in any God.
Gotta say, these truth bombs make me respect Varg. Can you refute his statements?
And for the record, Varg is not religious himself. He doesn't believe in any God.
Other urls found in this thread:
>listening to an atheist babble about religion like knows anything
I feel bad for him and his deluded fans
You're the deluded ones.
I don't know if you're intelligent enough to read considering you watch Varg's videos and actually believe the bullshit that comes out of his mouth, but here you go:
wtf are you talking about? Varg and his family are the ultimate pagans / odinists... claiming he isn't religious is like saying Obongo was born on american soil
He's said himself that he doesn't believe in any God. Doesn't matter what their traditions are.
Eternal pagan Europa WHEN?
Christcucks confirmed for anti-european religion
stop doing stuff
I believe he rationalised the norse religion.
Like some greek philosophers used to do in thee past
>Jesus was a Galilean Jew who was baptized by John the Baptist and subsequently began his own ministry, preaching his message orally and often being referred to as "rabbi".
Can YOU read, you fucking retard?
The article already start wrong.
The term jew was used after the captivity of Babylonia, where the kikes decided to stop using tribal definitions.
Really makes you think.
i thought it was theodosius that made christianity the official religion? Theodosius was the one that close the temple at dydima...
Yes, but Constantine made it legal. Varg mentions Theodosius as the one who made Christianity the official religion, watch the whole clip.
>using wikipedia
oh wait, youre serious
>Believing in a magic sky pixie
Varg is one of those people I respect for balls but don't consider that smart. Like he's seriously, he has balls, he's, I guess you would say, a "strong" guy. But I hate to say it, the brains just aren't there. He's not really all that bright. Like he has this whole neanderthal theory that's just fucking comedy.
As for Christianity, IDK. It's clearly a load of bullshit, but I suppose if someone came to me said "press button A and Western Civilization lives, press button B and it dies," I'd press button A. Like I mean, people can tolerate a little bullshit, as long as it's not really REALLY in-your-face.
Btw, it's really ironic that you ridicule me for using Wikipedia, while you link to some fucking blog post.
>Mecca & Medina outside the circle
>but I suppose if someone came to me said "press button A and Western Civilization lives, press button B and it dies," I'd press button A.
Do you seriously think that the Western Civilization depends on Christianity?
That's the true danger of Christfaggotry. It threatens to have us forget that Western civilization = European genetics.
>built on it
>doesnt depend on it
Pick one broski, you should ask yourself why is it dying? Well many really smart men apply it to death of christianity in europe and their arguments make perfect sense. If you have been here long enough you had many chances of seeing those insightful interviews and talks.
Should stop meme posting varg, i really enjoy vargs vids even if i disagree with him heavily on many things, he is not the brightest chap but he is entertaining and i know him for half of my life.
Sorry I worded it wrong, I meant to say "press button A and Western Civilization lives and is Christian, press button B and it dies but without it"
>built on it
Was it really built on it?
Or was it European genetics?
Why is Latin America a shit hole, despite being more Christian?
>why is it dying?
Numerous reasons, and Christianity is one of them, especially the churches and groups that import non-Whites, send missionaries to Africa, the current Pope, etc.
The Western Civilization is built on ancient Greece and ancient Rome, not Christianity (Rome fell about 100 years after Christianity was made legal).
The Western Roman Empire fell*
vargs whole point is that christianity isn't western european, but a jewish semite creation. the pagans were persecuted to death for centuries but jews got away from it all.
did you know the flavian amphitheater was funded with the spoils of jerusalem? kikes got their revenge.
Please dont, i cant handle the truth!
On a serious note, what do you mean by european genetics? If you look at the start of western civilization, it starts in southern europe and then it spread upwards until it reached north. Romans made fun of germanics in their writings for clearly being different geneticly, inferior and so on, yet today the more north-west you go the wealthier the nations are. Ofc its directly applied to jewish infiltration because nations they left became poorer and nations they settled in became wealthier. Its all about zionist bankers intrests, there is no doubt that comes with a big price like the current cuckery of your nations which is spread by same people. They have also expressed immense hatred for christianity very clearly. So once you see the death of christianity in europe pushed by them, they can finally start full on degeneracy corruption.
Regarding latin america, its as you say, it is because of mix of genetics + immense corruption of the mafia and so on. Genetics influence culture, so christianity in europe was extremely influenced by people who decided to believe in it. There is in documentaries things about genetics of european people influencing our culture and there is many many great interviews how death of christianity was the beggining of our end. And lastly current pope is clearly working against us, so benedict's withdrawl makes more sense everyday.
Dont worry i have the meme pic saved aswell.
>christianity in europe was extremely influenced by people who decided to believe in it
Yes, and Europe flourished despite Christianity, not because of it. It wasn't Christianity that created Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
Well, if you completely disregard the Dark Ages and the millions of Europeans who were tortured and burned to death.
Yes those parts flourished, its only natural that some people become successful and they did, yet christianity brought together many parts of europe that use to be at war. For example romans treatment of gauls. And after bringing us together it kept us together for a long time, until now where we dont even have any influence over our countries. Just look at the european art, philosophers and so on, all of it comes from christianity's influence over europeans, its clearly all european because "genetics" but the influence is there. Its our interpretation of religion, so to blame it is beyond pointless and funny like varg does.
>dark ages
A discredited meme invented by 18th century fedoras.
>Varg is not religious
>"Hail Odinn" t. Varg
Exactly shows how people are, they used the name of something that stands for "love, peace" and so on to justify many disgusting things. No better than what people did to each other during pagan europe, only after that we started realizing the incredible evil we have done and started turning towards unity. It shows why after all that we started building and creating the great art we love so much.
>Watching Varg
KYS sven.
Christianity spread both by conversion and by the sword depending on the time and the missionary. Its not as simple as Vargfag thinks it is (go figure).
You pathetic faggot. You have more worldly things to worry about at the moment.
While you're sitting here condescending us like you have the answers to existence, your country is getting cucked every way imagineable. Fuck off. Better yourself, find your soul.
Hail Odin goys
Wait, is that the reply argument we have waited for :S?
>sweden lecturing anybody about anything
>overlooking the rape of innocent women and children, overlooking the murder of numerous civilians/other untold numbers of crimes committed by 'refugee$'
>all in the name of tolerance and diversity
Remember Varg said cathedrals aren't art and thinks they're hideous but would unironically praise that hut.
Yes, it's more 'natural' and in tune with our ancestors way of living
Made it to the 90 second mark. So, Roman Emperors sacked cities, tortured people, and stole their gold. Gee, what a surprise.
I wonder how many christian villages were sacked, men tortured, women raped, and gold stolen, by Pagans.
Get a fucking clue. Christianity civilized the world. Paganism gave us standing stones. Your gods are dead.
"Ablabius once succeeded to convince Constantine I that the lack arrival of the grain supplies for Constantinople had been caused by the magical arts of the pagan sage, Sopater of Apamea, who had verbally attacked the Emperor and Ablabius for their dissolute behaviour. Constantine I followed the advice of Ablabius and had Sopater put to death. In 333 Constantine I, addressed a letter to Ablabius[5] which is still preserved, in which Constantine I decreed that each party in a trial could appeal to a bishop’s judgement."
Thank goodness Varg is here to tell us this isn't art, that it's ugly, and not European.
>Your gods are dead
That is the main point. Say what you want about cucked Christianity, but "hailing Odin" or believing in 'gods' because your ancestors did 1000+ years ago is just cringy and autistic larping.
He would burn it down
I cant get over catholic cathedrals, pure perfection.
this is literally the same argument anti racists use, that because whites invaded Africa then the latter are justified in invading Europe
If you actually read the bible, it literally refers to non-Jews as gentiles. How much more cucked can you get to worship a religion which refers to you in a derogatory manner.
>be bishop Henrik
>travelling in the deep Finland
>come across a lake and house
>be hungry and decide to go in the house
>be lalli's wife
>be suprised that some weird guy with nice clothes just comes in without even knocking
>bishop demands some food and wheat for their horse
>get everything for bishop
>lallis is busy checking the traps outside
>bishop eats everything and leaves
>lalli comes home
>wife tells lalli that bishop just came and eat everything, didn't even pay for exhange
>fucking fat piece of shit
>put your skies on and chase bishop and the driver
>skiing faster than the fucking horse
>finally reach them
>kill the bishop
>tear the crown from his head and put it on your head
>everything went better than expected
Gentile isn't even an insult. The Jews don't even use the word gentile. It's a Roman word that originally just meant anyone who isn't part of the empire. Jews use goy and goyim which can be used both as just a general term for anyone who isn't a Jew or as an insult for non-Jews.
Don't bother.
Christians always have their mental gymnastics of ''intepretation'' going on to justify the desert cult to be ''traditionally european''
kek'd and chek'd
No because I don't listen to this ranting schizo and frankly I am tired of seeing him and other ecelebs shilled here daily.
Never should have come here
Glad to see you read the thread. Because its totally mental gymnastics, ever argument. Its always damn christians trying to skew shit to fit their agenda.
no it's not. the anti-racists say it isn't an invasion and prevent us fighting back. there's nothing wrong with attacking people who attacked you.
also the africans attacked the whites first
both are defending the foreigner NON EUROPEAN attackers/invaders
>also the africans attacked the whites first
comedy gold
If you wanna LARP why not just use LOTR religion. atleast it's somewhat relatable since it was made by European man in the 20th century and was written down so you have an idea of what it's about.
Paganism is just white nation of islam tier.
>a non christian points out the obvious jew-intended books/texts in the bible
>it's totally not about the jews but this ancient group in the desert separate from the jews today
this is how I've found most ''anti-jewish'' christians to be like.
I don't know what to think of him
Do the negatives of Christianity in Europe really outweigh the positives?
>calling romans and greeks non-european
>"africans didnt attack whites first"
>what is carthage
>what are barbary pirates
>what is morocco-andalusia
neck yourself retard
Made by a hardcore catholic, to add to that.
Sure, new testament is for jews... It literally explains everything you need to know.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.
>christianity isn't levantine in origin
>carthage = sub-saharan
>carthage having anything to do with modern colonialism
you christniggers and your damage control are absolutely pathetic, fuck off back to the desert you come from
Why LARP a fookin sandnigger?
hate to break it to you retards, but the jews that you love to compare christians to so much were literally called satanists by jesus. modern judaism and the talmud were founded by the pharisees who jesus despised, and they were the ones that got him crucified. jesus also spoke of a synagogue of satan who claim to be jews but are not really. that's exactly what modern jews are. they follow the talmud which was created by jesus' archenemies and the guys who got him crucified.
christianity couldn't be farther from a kike religion. the jews killed jesus and he called them satanists, and as such christian europe persecuted kikes for many centuries.
You need a book to see the obvious?
>the other ''good'' joos
Mental gymnastics in practice
Varg has a wordpress does that make him right?
Source, I thought he was a Pagan LARPer (better than being a Christcuck LARPer but still)
You and I both said african, not sub-saharan. stop twisting both our words you insufferable retard.
i also never said that carthage had anything to do with modern colonialism. what i said was that the africans attacked the whites first. carthage attacked whites, rome conquered them, then the north african pirates attacked europe, then they invaded spain, and then spain attacked them in revenge.
stfu with your we dindu nuffin bullshit you disgusting nigger
>modern judaism and the talmud were founded by the pharisees
Smart user here. The basis of current year Judaism is little more than anti-Christ & anti-Christian. They have no temple & no sacrifice. They have no belief in the afterlife and simply pursue a life of money & profit in this one, corrupting money and morals everywhere they go.
The opinion of varg and this whole argument that christianity is jewish is factually proven spin made by jews for us to actually throw away what is right. I just posted rev 3:9 that makes the same point you said. And if they would peak into talmud it would make more sense to these edge of darkness kids.
Polytheist Rome was the best Rome tbqh. Still, Rome didn't collapse because of Christians.
Metaphysics of paganism is completely different.
As if jews can't be divided on some issues, they had plenty of civil wars and wars between jewish tribes in the old testament.
Christians believe in seed theory, if you're semitic you might be gods chosen if ur not an arab.
are you seriously implying the pharisees weren't jews? they were the religious leaders of the jews at the time you fucking dipshit.
>the other ''good'' joos
I'm talking about people who existed over 2,000 years ago and who died out long ago. I'm not a kike-lover saying that there are good jews today. The "good" jews all converted to christianity in jesus' day.
the reason why jews have been so subversive and have fucked up so many societies the last 2,000 years is because they're satanists. they're the bad guys of the bible basically, bringers of the end times. that's why they're trying to make the west as degenerate and immoral as possible. that's why they lie and cheat and steal.
"what was I laughing at again. OH YES, that crippled Irishman"
I don't really care about dead cults like western christianity but mein gott, (neo)pagans are even more pathetic and childish than any true believer in the church of god.
Who were the people to adopt christianity and who were factually the people who built that religion ? Europeans.
Why does the semites (muslims and jews) resent so much the christians when they never even mention or have any fear of a polytheist.
You are basically nothing. Today, demographically you don't have the numbers to fight in our 21st century struggle against globalists, you don't have any more culture, your traditions are way over in the past to make a comeback and your temples that our ancestors cherished are nothing but petty pebbles and...
I had a discussion with Varg and he replied to me "the future is pagan or there'll be no future" well, he can still wait forever and rot in his farm.
Ad hominem, you dumb americuck.
>Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises
Christianity even in the new testament is about this ''special'' middle eastern tribe, laughable.
Nice spin, the point was you do but you're now just being a shitter. Also "other good joos", not everyone who was christian was a jew, on the contrairy. But nvm, christians = da joos heh.
Believing in your god just because your ancestors did and your parents raised you that way is no better.
When he says pagan, it means european with a certain state of mind, out of decadence that is this autistic-atheist - culturally christian thing going on.
Christ fulfilled the law and promises of the Old Testament. Upon his death, the Christians became God's Church and chosen people.
well his understanding of what a "god" is, is complex. So one might say he doesn't believe in any god, or that he's a pagan. Either way I agree with about 25% of what he says, but I love his music
>And for the record, Varg is not religious himself. He doesn't believe in any God.
Religions go beoynd having gods. Gods are a relatively new addition.
*blocks your path*
You thought you were safe around here, Christian?
Bible is full of seed-theories which has nothing to do with europeans, we're the heathens/gentiles mentioned there.
There are even arguments that jesus only came for that small tribe called israelites in the northern kingdom.
Accept the fact that for some of us that is simply confusion and poison to our minds.
Hey Varg, I watch porn and am christian.
Cut your hand, you ought to stop your fleshly desires cultural christian.