I cant believe how mindless muslim roaches livin in eu and fuck german grills.
But me, non-religion roach with 110ıq lives in t*rkey and fuck turkish girls that smell lettuce
I cant believe how mindless muslim roaches livin in eu and fuck german grills.
But me, non-religion roach with 110ıq lives in t*rkey and fuck turkish girls that smell lettuce
Just give constantinople back and we'll give you a few qts
Maybe it's because you're ugly and live a NEET life, roachy?
>turkish girls that smell lettuce
for what purpose do you need a t*rkish girl that smells lettuce? can't you smell lettuce? are they like hunting dogs?
I dont think you want istanbul now due to its streets full with muslim zombies
at least i can see what i am fucking, right terrorist?
lovely summer day isn't it?
wait no it's horrible
That makes no sense, hairy cockroach, of course we can see our wives in our houses.
I know right? The humidity is unbelievable too.
burn in hell traitor
based sa3udi
I blame Iran
Yeah, fuck those Shiite-heads, they ruin everything.
Amen brother
Senin aklını sikeyim beyinsiz orospu çocuğu
its a meme ,turkshits dont get any german girls ,some iranians i see woth german women ,but never turks tbhwy
At least he fucks girls and not goats Mohammad.
You can rape german girls with no consequences though so it doesn't matter if they like you or not.
at least we have a sword not a fucking leaf