Why do some people deny Jesus Christ existed?

Why do some people deny Jesus Christ existed?

Back when I used to live in the United Kingdom, specifically in London Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner, there was a huge amount of people who straight up claim that Jesus never existed and he's a myth fabricated with all religions. I am fine with atheists and agnostics who believe God doesn't exist or are unsure of his existence, but historians and scientists got an abundance of proof of Christ's existence, and yet some of the atheist/anti-theist people I've met refuse to acknowledge any evidence that counters their views.

This is concerning because some of those people acknowledge my prophet, Mohammad (PBUH), existed but don't want to say the same about Jesus. I have no idea if it's ignorance or spite that makes them behave this way.

>inb4 "why does a Saudi care about a foreign religion?"
>inb4 comments that ironically ask that

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Because atheists are retarded edgy bluepilled cucks

Nice try (((Saudi Arabia)))

Well, not all of them, but it seems like a sub-culture amongst the atheist culture, seems like they only exist to contrast with the conservative Christians.

dude stap plz with the 4's



No, Allah wills me with the 4's.

Can u link the historians? From what I've read over the years there was 18 historians right there in the area for the whole time he was suppose to be alive. Only one historian wrote about a guy whos name was similar to Jesus but not Jesus. That was only for something about water vase

I won't turn away proof from good sources but if the proof is from a guy at one of these "Colleges" that back in the 90s you could send 200 dollars and get a Phd in Bible History. Those type of things are really hard to believe.

They only deny Jesus Christ because, as the Son of God who died for our sins, He is our only way to the Father. By denying Him, they prevent people from having a relationship with God.

They don't need to deny your mohammad, because he isn't our saviour. There is no need to try and disprove something that isn't true anyway.

Same reason SJWs always bash Christians, but somehow miss out on criticising muslims. Christianity is the true path to God, so it must be denied. Anything else isn't, so there is no need to prevent people following it. By choosing any other path, you are already going the wrong way, so there is no reason to stop you.

Why are we, in the West, being told to adapt our countries to suit immigrants? Because on the whole, it disrupts or prevents us from living up to our Christian roots. "Oh, you can't have prayer in schools, it might offend someone!" "You have to call Christmas 'Winterval' instead, to be inclusive" "Allow sharia courts, because it is their culture" "Don't blame muslims for oppressing women, white hetero men are the real issue!"

All of it takes us away from God, and down a path that can only lead to us being isolated from Him. That is why they only criticise Jesus.


christianity is a roman anti-kike psyop

it's too funny to be false.

If you think that the question of the actual physical existence of the prophets is important then it's regrettable to inform (You) that you're an entry level pleb.

What conclusive proof is there that Jesus Christ existed?

All based on one guys writings and those who quote him word for word. Discredited several times yet people will pretend it hasn't been.

There's more evidence Jesus existed than several other figures of his times and even some much more modern. Even his biggest enemies, the Jews, don't deny he existed, just explained the story in a different way.

But no one ever gives you the link or accredited sources of all this evidence

These are Jewpedia articles on the most significant sources.


Tacitus was 7 years old during the great fire of 64 Ad. So how is this evidence his book that talked about early Christians and christ was written in 114Ad

Second link was 90 years after christ none of this is first hand historian evidence, you have to understand the problem i have believing with stuff like this.

Didn't someone do some research and figure out that the date of Christ's Resurrection was recorded as having an Eclipse in multiple historical logs, but actual astronomical data says that should be impossible?

I'm not saying that confirms Jesus was real, but there had to have been something very, very significantly shonky going on.

Romans kept records, and their records state Jesus was real and was executed for crimes against the state

Get it right, user - no revisionist history allowed on Sup Forums - always remember: He was a Kang!

Jesus Christ is the centrepiece of cuck propaganda. The last invaders of Europe forced the people to worship bull as gods and seek salvation in their wives' sons, until it became normalized. Christianity is the ultimate religion of cuckery. None of it is real. It is a cult of white genocide.

All Christians pledge allegiance to being cucked.

That's not what he meant you bible thumping Brit.

You're saying that every person who does not believe that Jesus existed is only denying him because they don't want a relationship with God.

He meant that there are people who don't believe he ever existed. There are athetitties/agnostics who actually DO believe that Jesus existed but do not spread the jizz of christ wherever they fucking go.

Oh and also thanks for strawmaning every argument against Christianity in west since the 90's

Does no one wonder why of all religions, jews are persecuted the most, and christians heavily persecuted also?

There are spiritual forces arrayed against HaShem & Yeshua Hamasiach .....do not be deceived, Satan & his kingdom seek to destroy Israel & the church.....

Actually, no....Christ is THE red pill...a hedge against a theism, islam, & secular humanist legalism....

Christianity ushered in the renaissance the great awakening, colonization of the new world, the industrial revolution, Yahweh granted the christian west victory in two world wars.....even the cold war was to our gain when russia through communism tried to kick god out....they re-embraced Christ and now they are the power...europe kicked christ out & now they reap the whirlwind of islam....do you deny the decline of western civilization in the end of the last century? Co-incidence? LOL...if you wanna deceive yourself go ahead .......but as for me I know the truth when I see it

The Mythicists are doing what early Christians did-- protecting the truth that Jesus, real or imagined, was a fundamentalist Jewish radical.

Mohammed may not have existed, either, by the way. Like Christianity its founder is probably another fiction based on the Jewish fictional Patriarchs, and Islam came into being in the exact same way: Jews self-promoting and telling lies to a pagan group they lived among.

>historians and scientists got an abundance of proof of Christ's existence

You completely failed to post any.


He raised armies, conquered cities and left lots of descendants. "Jesus" didn't accomplish anything when he was alive. Christianity only became big centuries after he supposedly died.

>Mohammed may not have existed, either, by the way.
He probably did. SOMEONE was a leader of this arab horde. He didn't wrote quran tho. It wasn't started to get written before his death and wasn't finished for few centuries. It's quite likely that historical muhammad wasn't even a religious leader but instead just a run of the mill warlord who was turned into religious icon after his death.

>Romans kept records

Post a picture of those "records". What was the date of the execution? Christians can finally celebrate "Easter" on the correct day.

>You completely failed to post any.
Silly goim, you don't need proofs! You just need to know that majority of historians agree on that. Just like with global warming.

No such document exist. First mention of Jesus comes from Paul, first romen source was written 30 years after his supposed crucifiction.
Also Paul himself alluded to Ascention of Issah in his letters and considered it cannon. Ascention depicts completly non-corporeal messiah being killed by demons on the Moon.

As much as I don't want Sup Forums to think I'm a fag - read this book. It's not "proof", but it does cite a few credible sources.

The watched Zeitgeist and are to stupid to realize it's bullshit.

Jesus out jewed the Jew. They have been left kvetching for over 2000 years.

But does it explain why does Sun goes up and down?

Are they? They went from being BTFO by romans to rulling the world.
>the irony

if you believe the shills, they say that the sun rises and sets on oreilly's ass

Did King David exist? Did he conquer the Levant? They say he was just a warlord, too. Jews today claim to be descended from Old Testament figures and it's not true.

Like Jesus there is virtually nothing among contemporary sources, except for a reference or two about the Arab hordes with a leader.

It's entirely possible that Arab pagans got wound up with Jewish influence and then only later felt a need for a founding figure.

It's always interesting to me that the only people who hate Jesus more than the Jew's are Neo Pagans. No one else has that much hatred for someone that allegedly didn't even exist.
>Jesus is a kike on a stick and I hate him even though I don't think he existed.

I really like Dantes Inferno.

>Did King David exist?
Almost certainly no. "Existence" of certain figures is slightly problematic. We can be sure that almost everything we know about Muhammad from quran is bullshit he himself didn't wrote. People were adding stuff to it centuries after his death. But if he was just some warlord called Muhammad and he didn't consider himself a prophet, would he "exist"? Same with Jesus. If he was the same guy as "Teacher of Righteousness" from dead sea scrolls, would he still be Jesus?

many people accept one redpill and think they are finished and there's no more truth out there

disbelief in the supernatural is a red pill, but it's only one red pill

They don't hate Jesus but his role in society. For years i had the same thing with Chopin. I was at school force feed that motherfucker. I couldn't stand to listen his music. I hated him. I didn't meet the guy and today i'm quite found of his pieces but at the time being just forced trivia about the man and every detail of his life just made me fucking crazy.

Not much abundance of proof really.

There's the Bible.

The rest are documents from two historians who were born after decades after Jesus is supposed to have died.

This doesn't mean he didn't exist, but Romans didn't document his crucifixion or his existence. Neither did anyone else outside of the bible.

Bible itself wasn't written decades after his death. Even Paul wrote 20 years after his death AND he contradicts gospels. If Socrates could be a fictional mouthpiece of Plato so can be Jesus.

Because most Brits are fucking stupid.

The picture is wrong. Mecca and Medina aren't there. Stuff happened in Egypt and Ur, as well.

>a fucking leaf
>being retarded
Checks out.