How do moon landing deniers explain shit like this?
Particularly the last guy who flips himself up by his hands?
How do moon landing deniers explain shit like this?
Particularly the last guy who flips himself up by his hands?
Other urls found in this thread:
>rocks and dust gets pulled harder to the ground than the 100kg dude
really activated my almonds.
Falling on the moon
All my nope. Imagine dying a million miles from earth because you scraped your knee.
Called having a lower center of gravity. That and the sand isnt trying to stand back up like the astronauts are, and 3rd of all these are Americans, we use POUNDS not your 3rd world kilogram shit.
Wires. NASA Actornauts have never sent anything into space. Lying Masons.
NASA uses SI because physics would be a nightmare with your retard units
Weight doesn't affect how fast gravity pulls. You learn this shit in 3rd grade for fucks sake.
moon landing deniers are actually more retarded than people who unironically believe in flat Earth.
The moon rover had to have special tires because the dust on the moon is like glass.
Just let it sink in.
>tfw the balls of these men
>when you're so butthurt your country has no space program you have to pretend that NASA is a hoax
lol hilarious, post more
>the last guy who flips himself up by his hands
You can even the see cable pulling him up...
Would you like to know more?
Its redundant what nasa uses, if you're referring to American heroes, while trying to disclaim their accomplishments, show a little respect and use the country of origins means of weight scale.
Fuck your kilogram shit.
ahahhahahahahahaaha. fkn disgrace
How does it feel to be ignorant of basic physics, Mohammed?
I'm not the other guy, I never disclaimed the moon landings.
btw, it's almost all Germans who accomplished this anyway.
Show respect :3
Will do, champ
At least they will not receive WannaCry crapware
Germans are nothing but savages, the only intelligent ones already migrated to the US.
>Source: History
Here's a coupla guys jumping around
Is this best proof of moon landing?
literally walking around on the moon. that is a level of adventure i only dream of having one day.
good germans are dead.
you killed them in WWII because Mr. Shekelberg told you so.
What does jewcock taste like?
wow it's almost like the equator gets more sun because its closer or something.
Your containment board is right there.
NASA used imperial units for the moon missions.
>implying this isn't political
Not an argument.
you learn this in the source engine you absolute normie
>Go all the way to the moon.
>Don't even get to go out and jump around and have fun because you have to stay with the ship.
>itt burgers who claim credit for shit they have had no part in whatsoever only to make the feel superior over so called "third worlders" and even krauts.
That's so fucking lame.
lmao nice fisheye lense, try harder roundtards
so what's under the earth then?
it does look shitily directed. it probably was him.
Still not an argument.
Moon landing was fake.
Apollo 11 was most certainly faked.
just look how those losers chimp out when they get called out on their fake moon landing.
Fucking Stupid Americans and their Fake moon landing.
>Thinking we didn't kill the scientists in WW11 because they were maniacts doing unguided experiments on malnourished Jews.
Don't blame us because your country is full of psychotic, mad scientists, we took Einstein, you can keep the "ima try to put a dogs head on a human body" and I use the term lightly "scientists"
Gravity is the same for every mass and there is no significant air that may cause particulate brownian motion by convection such in the case of earth.
flat earthers make my blood boil
Unsung hero
There was a point where he was on the Far Side and totally alone, out of radio contact.
actually the video of them walking is just them walking normally but sped up so it looks like low gravity.
also the gay astronauts from the US could have never made it alive through the radiation belt that is around earth.
Australia isn't real
I really wish there was a gigalioner or something with the retarded idea of flat earth. Then he could just build himself a own goddamn rocket and fly up there and look for himself.
It's just satire. Anyway, weather balloons exist.
It's all about lenses and their shape.
Our eyes are curved too.
You don't even need that
Just a balloon and a camera
Or a pair of binoculars so they can see the Galilean moons
9/10 is satire
But some isn't. Like Eddie Bravo
You can't "fly" up there...
my fucking sides
>one tiny tear in space suit will kill you
>better jump and fall on jagged rocks like a literal retard
Not so fast Kubrick. You can see the shadow of the crane arm his bungee cord is attached to.
Do you see how this picture resembles your eyeball?
What do I mean by this?
You tell me.
No. There are mirrors left on the moon that physicists ping laser beams off
Flat hat-ers make my blood boil with their (((round))) lies.
nice try leaf
it's funny because there's a thread about Sup Forums on /x/ right now
and guess what? a nigger is already chimping out.
cable appears to help him back up
slo mo, or under water.
why are there no stars in the black sky?
did the sun get turned off?
People who believe the moon landing was a hoax are probably far in the autism spectrum, every single notable government including the USSR could track and listen in on radio the landing and yet not one denied it. But im guessing they were all in on it.
Holy fuck listen in class next time
Stars are too faint to register on a camera. The same reason you don't see stars when you photograph the moon on a starry night unless you have long exposure.
underrated comment
Obviously the sun is shining, why do you think you can see them? It's daytime on the moon
The sun is thousands of times brighter than stars so you can't see them during the day
Not wrong...
Hahahaha more, I'm laughing my ass off at you right now
No antenna.
Moon landing is capitalist propaganda, in reality this happened
They don't teach you this in school!
bubbles move in perfectly straight lines
>conference with Apollo mission niggers who weere on board
>no man we didn't see any stars
>claims later he did see them
>they said they didn't notice any kind of radiation when closing their eyes
>happens later on a mission with the space shuttle to other astronauts
>wannabe moon niggers claim they also noticed it
all the Astronauts are lying, but why?
I tell you why, because the Moon Landing was faked.
Ignorance is bliss user...
Is it really that hard to just google it?
There are dozens of pictures of the suit having an antenna
being good at push ups? and this somehting about the physics of the dust and rocks moving in the moon space looks just like earth , why doesnt the dust or rubble stay in the air for a while?
Why would they fake the moon landings?
Astronomers were pinging lasers off the moon in the early 60's, using the reflectivity of the lunar surface, years before the alleged manned moon missions. This is not the proof you are looking for.
Are you fucking retarded? He's claiming everything you've been told is a lie and you tell him to listen in class?
And yet you posted none... Really makes you think...
>we use POUNDS not your 3rd world kilogram shit.
Right, but our pounds are technically standardized in kilograms. We use a kilogram delivered by the international body governing measurement to scale our pounds which technically makes them a unit of kilograms.
that's why they do it
What's the object supposed to be?
Something falling?
Then why isn't it accelerating
There was too much wind on the moon
>no motivation to stop his momentum
its just some really lazy sand
How the fuck can you still believe the earth is round. Tell me how trains work with a curvature. Tell me which planners plan for a curvature other than none of them. Tell me how planes don't fuck off to the moon by never adjusting in the air by the pilots of any curvature? Explain how the sun is 150 million miles away but its light comes through broken clouds at angles
>>rocks and dust gets pulled harder to the ground than the 100kg dude
if you look again user I think you'll find they fall at the same rate.
>mfw a feather falls as fast as a golf ball in a vacuum
The reason this looks funny to us is because we are used to dust in an atmosphere settling slowly due to atmospheric friction.
Why didn't the Soviet Union say anything about this supposed "fake" moon landing?
Because there is no air, faggot. There is no force acting to suspend the dirt except for the acceleration caused by the force of impact.
Uh, actually.... they don't. I would suggest you look closer.
it's falling downwards but not because of gravity. have you ever seen rain stupid bitch? it falls faster
The same reason you retards defend it: the footage is convincing and at the time, couldn't be analized in such detail as today.