As a black muslim with a jewish mother and an agnostic father, let me be the one to explain to you why we need to get rid of racism.
I converted to islam when i got to college, and started studying arabic so i can understand the quran as its meant to be written. It translates VERY differently when read in arabic. There is nothing in the quran that allows the killing of innocent people, its forbidden by allah.
I've experienced racism every single day of my life since i was born and trust me its very frustrating. The stares, the automatic assumptions, people following me in stores, harrassment from the police in public and especially airports when ive done literally nothing wrong, its disgusting. This is what happens when you tolerate racism which is what ive seen so much of on this website since my college friend told me about it a week ago.
Being black isn't easy in this country, and neither is being muslim. I'm playing life on very hard mode while everyone else has it on easy.
Racism is making it harder for people like me who already have it hard to succeed in life so let me make this perfectly clear: