Hey, faggots! What do you think the age of consent should be?
Age of Consent
hmmm makes you think
The age of consent is 16 here and I think that should be the age it stays.
geez it's a hard one my dude
I'd say lower it to 9 months
What should it be? Damn..
>consent still exists
c'mon dude grow up man
I mean...
The only reason we have age of consent laws is because we stopped having adultery laws. Back in the day we had adultery laws, which meant it was illegal for to people to have sex if they weren't married. Commiting adultery or "fornicating" as it was called, carried the death penalty, basically society viewed fornicators the same way we view pedophiles. But they didn't have any age of consent law, and they didn't even care about pedophiles, how come? How did they protect their children?
It's easy really, the responsibility for protecting the children sexually lay on the parents, not on the state. If your daughter who was 6 years old had sex with a man who was 50, that was all fine from the perspective of the state AS LONG AS your daughter was married to that man. And you, her parent, had the final say in who she married. If they weren't married and had sex, they'd be hanged for adultery though.
So from this perspective, age of consent laws are unnecessary. And while you're at it, you might as well forbid all contraceptives, all they are good for is fornication (sex outside of marriage, sex without the intent of having children). Just remember to stone the adulterers, and all is fine.
16. 18 is just bullshit. Who didn't fuck someone before they were 18? 10% of people?
go on..
Eliminate age requirements, base it off her first period.
Can't really arrive at a conclusion here...
i mean if.. but then... hmph
yea.. still can't think of anything really
*pondering intensifies*
The same of legal majority whatever it is.
As a parent? When they're old enough to be evicted from my house. As long as I am legally obligated to provide for you I don't think you should be legally allowed to make adult decisions that could possibly bring about anther human life.
I think it should be flexible with hard limits at 12 and 21, where the age of the older partner can be larger in diffrence as people aproach 21 and then they can do whatever. Like 20 year olds shouldnt be prayed on by 50 year olds, but they should be okay to fuck a 28 year old. but you cant controll people for ever, and im not stopping a fucking adult from banging a jeriatric
I'm fine with that as long as 16 means you're also legally an adult and I as a parent can evict them. Like an older and wiser person told me when I was 15 and thought I was old enough....you're not an adult until you have your own place to fuck
around this age
wow another shartblue liberal pedo thread
Would you ever fuck off, you inbred slav pedo?
Yes that's a good age if you would like to meet her crazy mother that carries a .45 in her purse.....or maybe that's just me and everyone in my neighborhood.
If either person is under 25:
age of younger person >= (age of older person / 2) + 7
If both are 25 or older, do whatever you want.
13. 13 year olds know what sex is and what implications it has. If they don't, they are subhuman and never will, so caring what subhuman fucks them is like caring what dogs do amongst themselves.
10-12 should not be a crime for 13 and under. Should be a crime for anyone older than that.
Penalties should get rapidly more severe the younger the child including death penalty.
Why is this an issue? Why are people so sex crazed? Why, if people were concerned with people exploiting the young do we not have arranged marriage? Why is the family frowned upon? Why is morality taboo? Why are there no free thinking people? Why are degenerates given a voice before enlightenment? Why does nobody care about the greater good having a spot in our future? These questions all have answers and they lie within the individual and the spirit that powers it. The universe is indifferent because it's designed to be fair. We are designed to alter that paradigm and THAT is our purpose as sentient beings. We are the battle between good and evil. We are the caretakers or killers. And too many of us are indifferent.
1/2 your age + 7
That way we have no more 50-60 year old men creeping on 18 year olds, and 18 year olds won't go to fucking jail for fucking someone 2 years younger than them.
This is the only correct answer.
It's because we did away with adultery laws in the 19th century, I've explained it thoroughly here:
IMO once 18 (with no mental disabilities) you should be able to choose to fuck whoever you want.
Up till then it should be (age of older partner / 2) + 7. But the bigger the gap, the bigger the punishment, especially if there was abuse of power (see 1st lady of France).
And if it's just kids playign games then the law doesn't get involved unless there was adult encouragement.
Doing it this way would also allow us to punish grave robbers, which would be good.
>>That joke
>my head
Why 18 ? As far as I know, sexual maturity begins several years earlier.
14 that's the age I lost mine.
Because that's when they're adults
Adultery laws, anti pornography laws, desegregation laws, all of which are malleable and meant to control those who cannot control themselves. Everyone would control themselves if that was the "it" thing to do, i.e. NatSoc, achieving the "Christ Mind".
18 because that's the age for everything else here. If the age for all the other stuff was say - 16 then I'd say 16.
Only half joking. ITT they should cap it at 70 because 70 year olds fucking is rank, especially with people much younger than themselves who are obviously only doing it to inherit money.
It should be 20 years old, and If you child-rapists mention it again we'll move it to age 25.
Get a grip on your instincts; sort yourself out.
Because if you mention it a third time we'll round-up every one who is "pedo-positive", amputate all theirs extremities, cut out their tongues, and sell them to the negro gangs in prisons so they may live out the remainder of their days as prison rape slaves unable to ask for help and unable to obtain the sweet release of suicide.
saged your faggotry.
Not in the UK. Here we become adults on a sliding scale apparently. (Even people in uni are thought of as children)
UK is a abomination in legal terms.
Why not 40?
Biologically, it's nothing but utter bullshit. You're either an adult when you reached sexual maturity, or when you've attained your definitive size. Both phenomenons aren't a distinctive trait of this particular age.
However old the one on the left is. I think 15.
IKR - it's fucking mental and no one knows if what they are doing is gonna be illegal the next day or not. Also our laws can be (but aren't always) retrospective.
18. Minors don't belong having sex with anyone, period. Pre-marital sex is wrong. Unfortunately we can't stop that, but the least we can do is prevent kids from doing it.
After menarche but only within the confines of marriage.
Mm, if only we could go back to having adultery laws. I would absolutely love to change our government into a Christian theocratic natsoc state. Unfortunately I don't see anything like that happening in the West ever again.
once there's grass on the field, you should be able to play ball
You Fucking pedophiles will hang from trees
Minors have sex with other minors. People are monkeys and monkey see monkey do. The ONLY ways to solve this issue is to develop some insanely intrusive police state/authoritarian regime (which doesn't solve the root issue but masks it) or evolve as a species.
only correct answer
Fuck you, Jew
In a healthy society, your murderous rage would be directed at adulterers (those who have sex outside of marriage).
Minors don't belong having sex with each other like they are now and it needs to be stopped. Government intervention is not always bad.
>people are monkeys
This is a Christian board.
That ass looks about thiccteen
17 here... and I find it somewhat reasonable.
18 is better.
minors have sex with other minors
This is protected in my land by what we call "Romeo and Juliet"
The exception being child porn. Its still "possession of pornography involving a minor" even if the person who has it is also a minor. So kids should keep that in mind when they text pictures of their junk to each other.
> Assuming that anyone asking a perfectly reasonable question or taking part in a discussion is a pedo.
You are no better than antifa.
t. live in a country with a different aoc than usa.
Doesn't matter, nobody will fuck you.
Mid 20s, when the brain is done developing.
Playing Ball is all you Brazilians seem to give a shit about.
15. That's what it is here and we're doing ok.
It shouldn't exist. Girls should be arranged married good and young and if her daddy wants to do her before he has her married that's fine. Sex in any other situation is rape.
Good goy,, the Plastic Menopause Venus is the True Woman to worship.
>my hot 10yo cousin is talking about trying out for volleyball
She probably won't make the team unless its one of those "no one gets cut" teams because she isn't athletic but I want to see her in volleyball shorts.
18 you pedo jew faggot
based 14 like in Japan
why is it always a leaf
when sexual maturity arrive.
Boys and girls are not the same. They reach puberty at different times, mature in different ways, and require different rites to mature.
Some classical ideas were that 5 years after puberty was the appropriate age, meaning 13-18 for girls and 15-20 for boys. Which makes sense from a biological standpoint only, and may be part of the reason for so many couples two years apart despite the ideology of equality.
If you consider that it is harder for boys to become men then it must be a little higher. I think the Greeks suggested 25-30. I think that's a little extreme, but it sheds light on an important difference between the sexes.
Women mature earlier but also peak earlier, while men mature later and peak much later. Also, keep in mind that society currently pushes the idea that menopausal women are beautiful while women in their prime are off limits.
(Not an argument for underage and degenerate sex, I'd say marriage should occur between a 15-17 years girl and an 18-24 years boy. Maybe 2-5 years difference is ideal. But even 10 isn't that bad, better for girls to marry real men than degenerate boys.)
Kind of like the gun-free zones, right?
This has to be bait.
All the other pics in this thread look like children. Not attractive. But this one surely is passable to be 16+.
What the fuck, have I been a pedo all along?
this except lower it to 14 for girls
Strangely enough kids are having sex younger and younger (some at 11 and 12 in my school), so there has to be a deeper problem and solution than muh constitutional crypto-monarchy.
All men are ephebophiles (14-18). Anyone who denies it is virtue signaling.
If you don't admit you are a pedo, than you are a pedo... american education.
It's 14 here and it doesn't seem to have any negative effect so I guess 14 is alright.
>Doesn't know the difference between Ephebophile and Pedophile.
Monkey education.
20 or 21
A lot of people have kids before then it they almost always aren't able to handle it, i've seen it ruin some people
14 across the board, however 14 year olds should only be able to be with people 25 or younger, and at 18 the restriction would be lifted and you can pork anybody.
Regulations and laws prevent things. Comparing it to gun free zones is a false equivalence. What you're saying is like saying drug laws don't get rid of drugs so they're stupid.
Hey everyone, laws against rape doesn't stop rape, so let's just legalize rape!
Not all government regulation is inherently bad. If we outlaw it and give some sort of punishment (not advocating for putting kids in prison) it will prevent it from happening.
It's mainly because of media and hollywood. Look at the music that gets pushed at mainstream, constantly glorifying sex. Look at the mainstream singers they prop up, people like Miley Cyrus and Nikki Minaj, people who glorify shaking your ads for people and dressing half naked. Look at the shows they have for kids, when I was a kid I watched a lot of Disney and Cartoon Network, which was harmless shows like Kim Possible and Kids Next Door. Now it's nothing but shows that promote degeneracy like that Steven Universe show.
The answer is cracking down on that stuff. Fuck that small government anti-regulation bullshit. We need government intervention, just not leftist intervention. The founding fathers were wrong. We need to crack down on this, have the government step in and not let these shows be on children channels. Get rid of separation from church and state laws and openly embrace Christianity and ban Islam. Put religion back in the schools again, reach children religious values and to be pure. We need a Christian culture again. Even Richard Dawkins has come around and admitted he likes church and it's necessary for civilization.
Do you really believe in this difference? This is just move to legalize pedophilia.
Yes, there is a clear difference between pre and post puberty
If this make the guilt go way, believe.