Newfag here. Wouldn't it be much easier to exterminate the Jews if we *promoted* Israel, had all the Jews gather there, and bombed them?
How to Exterminate the Jews
Most likely, Jews won't leave America until it's been milked dry though and most of them are there
Not shilling either
>How to Exterminate the Jews
Make Israel drink its own poison.
Nothing will end the Jews faster than having the borders of Israel open for the millions of Muslims flooding into Europe to instead invade Israel. Imagine 10+ million Muslims from the Middle East and Africa culturally enriching Israel with all its diversity.
But this is the original plan since the beginning
we have missle defense systems
nice try achmed but we aren't falling for you fbi tricks
They aren't leaving NY or London any time soon.
Are you retarded or just a shill?
They will never EVER do that to themselves you fucking idiot.
They all won't go. The solution is to keep calm and Sup Forums on until most are wise to the JQ. The clock has been ticking for years now - the results we are finally starting to see.
Oh the naivety. The NWO will do that all by itself. Google Astana, and weep.
You are but sheep ready to be slaughtered.
No wonder you will be punished.
You do realize that the iron dome can be overwhelmed right ?
and the countermesures can't las forever.
I have a question:
If USA goes down how will you stop the surrounding arab countries to rape you a part from nukes ?
>They will never EVER do that to themselves you fucking idiot.
WEW LAD!!!!!!
Get a load of this faggot!!!! The cuck thinks we need their willingness to have our way with Israel!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA
If what I proposed is nothing then we wouldn't be having this conversation today.
The iron dome isn't even real. It's a hoax.
The videos they show you are just rockets exploding when they get into the air like fireworks.
They aren't even hitting anything.
Jew. You will never open Israel's borders because you're not trying to genocide yourself. You're just getting people to waste energy on ANYTHING except attacking you directly.
You're forgetting the Sampson plan or whatever it's called - they also control ALL OF THE US NUKES
you cant exterminate the ants in your bedroom wondering around on your unwashed food plates, fat ass.
more jew tricks
>You're just getting people to waste energy
If it was a waste of energy you would not be responding negatively.
Israel will be forced to join the 21st century and it has already started.
Get ready kikes you will die at the hands of your own Open Borders Globalist agenda.
Fuck off Jew.
Save any more of those memes kike?
oh no were so afraid. it's not like soros/un/eu/everyfuckingovernment is up our ass for 30 years promoting open borders.
you see, fat ass, what europa and USA are experiencing now with open borders, we have for decades. if anything, you should have listened to us whan we warned you, you ungrateful monkey.
Dude, I'm totally not jewish. Thank God.
Suggesting Israel to open its borders really gets an angry rise out of you kikes. I think we are on to something.
great idea
How many people died in the "holocaust" in your opinion?
We need to all convert to Judaism
See everyone. Suggest Israel to do what its kike propagandist suggest and they get all upset.
Israel will lead the world in the 21st century by opening its borders and its hearts to all the tired, sick, and hungry immigrants.
Muslims are not welcome in Europe or the USA but Israel will not turn its back on those in need as they were once in need.
Around 271,000. There were no gas chambers. There was typhus and a lack of food toward the end of the war. Germans were starving too and getting blown up.
So you're actually not a Jew, my apologies.
But in all honestly, it's must easier to destroy them if they're all in the same place. I'd rather have them in Israel than in any other country
not even close, if anything it frustration of how retarded you are. i'm telling you the globalists have been trying to destroy Israel like this for for decades, and you think you came up with something new.
not going to help them, not going to help you.
Sure, kike.
I will still get the masses aware that Israel does not participate in the kike agenda being forced on the rest of us. Anytime you kikes want the kike hate to stop you can stop the Soros bots and much of the problems will go away. I have no hope in you kikes to do the right thing so open borders for Israel it is.
Also, I have seen no single thing get kikes more angry than #OpenBorderForIsrael so it must really hit a nerve for something you consider a waste of time and energy. Really makes you think.
That's the way it's been done 109 times. We just want Jews to GTFO of our countries so we can live in peace.
But they won't leave us alone. They keep coming back.
Killing them all really is the only option
israel is democracy. sooner or later user.
now your just repeating yourself, fat ass.
#jewishprivilege is clever. I think that could work. It plays into marxist culture perfectly and it is accurate
Just googled Astana, what's its significance?
>How to Exterminate the Jews
Why would you want to do that?
Anti-Semitism is extremely degenerate, especially for the fact that the Jews are our white brothers.
22 September 1979 best day of my life.
The average Jew is stupid af, Tel Aviv is already a liberal shithole, we only need to promote that and they will expand. We will have Jewish israelis chanting "Free Palestine" in no time
I hope there is a way to get out of this without much violence. There's already been way too much. At this point, I just try to spread the truth about the Jewish problem wherever I can - not just on Sup Forums where so many people already get it.
I literally have no words for this. This is the most obvious Jew shilling I've ever seen in my life. Even above "Umad whiteboi?" threads.
We force them to open borders and race mix if they resist expose them as bigots, use their own methods against them.
Give them an unhealthy dose of cultural Marxism
>hashtags are going to defeat ZOG but Hitler couldn't
You have to be delusional to believe this shit
you have feeedom from religion and the using the us gov to prop up the Jewish state violates your 1st amendment. Kikes have no arguement against this. They will just call you an anti Semite
>import cunt
nah... picrelated: they are your average kike cunts
An Israeli company controls the US nukes. Open borders for Israel if what we need.
They will eventually destroy themselves. Just wait and see
remember goyim
if we all die
there would no real reason for this board to exist