Is it easy to get laid in Sweden? I'll be there in a month and i wanna fuck blonde chicks with blue eyes.
Getting laid in sweden
only if you're black/muslim
Good luck with that
They'd rather a fuck a nigger than a pole. The women are even worse.
only if you're dark enough for your dick to resemble a turd log, Swedes have an incurable scat fetish
kek wills it
>The women are even worse.
You never got laid and secondly you never got laid.
My dad is from Cuba. I look like latino. Does it change something?
This might be true. I rawed a Swedish girl when I was traveling around Stockholm. I'm dark hispanic, not completely ugly, but fit and great hair
Better try Norway or Iceland
How long is your big black dick namasyn
I'm guessing 3.5 inches dick, 170cm "tall"
>tfw no turkish-swedish commie gf
Not for you cabbage breath. You have to be jehootie so they can feel progressive about it.
I would say rare, but since this is a Sweden thread, it doesn't really apply.
Good God, I would only go to Sweden if it was the rural section that isn't over run by roaches.
If I had to go to a major city I'd go out by daylight and stick to the hotel.
Godamn kebab.
Sweden has raped Poland in the past. Maybe it's time for revenge.
Swedish girls have been perceived as "perfect" and "innocent" but they are sick of the cis white male generalization so they want to be fucked by niggers in the trashiest way.
I had my dick sucked by one and I made her gag with force. She was reluctant at first because I looked white but I said I am slav and she took me to her place while her parents were at home.
Basically OP, if you are a nigger/slav, you will have a chance.
rape is legal in europe now.. just say your a muslim and rape away... if they question you.. just say they're a racist for questioning your beliefs..
Can this "hot Swedish women" meme please fucking stop? East Europe has women that are 100x better looking and haven't been BLACKED.
Just rape one and say you're muslim, I hear they're tolerant
This. I can confirm Silesian (Polish/Czech, German probably as well) girls are nicer and hotter.
This. Swedish women are a meme, majority of them aren't even blonde anymore.
Swedish women have the worst princess complexes in the world. They all think they live in sex and the city, and unless you make them feel like they're in a movie they'll lose interest. Some of them will probably whore themselves out for you for free just because you're "exotic".
If you are Mahmud, Muhamed or Muhammad, yes.
This is 100% true.
I don't think Poland qualifies as exotic though. Poles are probably the last people Swedish girls would sleep with due to their general status in Sweden, perceived STD risks etc.
That's pretty much all women. Most of them watch these TV shows. Part of the reason why they're so attracted to "exotics" because all they see is cool black/latino rappers, singers, badboys on kikevision. They're too stupid to know the reality from fiction.
We must nuke Sweden.
Can confirm. Young insipid women LARP sex and the city now, especially the ones just out of school.
It's difficult to listen to their conversations in the elevators.
Average, I guess. 5.6"
Honestly though while Swedish women are generally attracted to foreigners due to media etc, this doesn't really override their racial dating preference, which is curiously very strong. Swedish women rarely date black people or arabs, contrary to the memes. They do like foreigners though, but that's generally reserved for foreigners of higher status. French people, Brits, Irish, Aussies, Americans would be successful with most Swedish women. Spaniards and Italians too if they're cosmopolitan enough which they rarely are. Russians, Eastern Europeans, Asians, Africans, not so much.
you will fuck male syrian refugees and you will like it!
Gonna have to agree, it's been a while since I saw a really good looking swedish blonde girl, even the immigrants look better.
I'm an American lived in Stockholm in 2010 for 6 months.
I managed two balancer 4 different Swedish girls, because they were attracted to me being in politics.
Then 1 of the girls caught me in a restaurant with one of the other ones.
I have never seen such rage. Chicks need to get more Vitamin D.
And by D, I mean muh dick.
But nowadays, I wouldn't want to go back. It's a fucking rat hole of a country now.
>blonde chicks with blue eyes
underrated post
Stockholm hasn't really changed at all since 2010. It's always been a shithole.
This. We get lots of Swedish backpackers here. I live in a backpacker town. My housemate is arab he brings one home once in awhile some are even married / boyfriends back in Sweden
If you are dark you can go and fuck any woman you want. Also, you don't have to pa for anything, just take what you want. Hell, kill people if you feel like it! The police can't touch you - that would be racism.
top kek
average Nordic dick is like 7". we're taller, more handsome, and smarter
your little Mexican dick could never please a Nordic woman
no suprise here that white girls who live in predominately white and evil countries would prefer to break away from the norm if the opportunity arises and fuck someone with a different color skin.
same with dark girls only problem is they just haven't been taught that traiting their race to evil weak white men will damn them to hell.
She's 1/4 Jew, isn't even that great in reality, it's a really good photo
tarjoat mämmiä ni kyl heruu
Finlan go hoem, yuor drnuk
Why are you lying, we are only racist towards Finns and slavs because it's ok to be racist towards them for being anti immigrant.
At least post proof, your cellphone convo or something.
>Mämmi służyć moją zimną heruu
What did he mean by this?
Use the same tactic people use in america. Get a really intense tan (the nigliest the better) and put a sock inside your boxers.
They will literally make a line and put themselves in all 4's. Also say some stupid ebonics gibberish while listening to Bob Marley. They will squirt on sight.
Swedish girls are mega sluts outside Sweden.
When they go backpacking in Brazil or Australia, u know what they will do.
No swedish person there to shame them.
Swedes are extremely racist, refugees are literally abandoned pets that need to be housed and fed. We can't expect them to take responsibility for their action like a normal swede would have to do.
It is as they say on /trv/, If you can't get laid in your own country you're not getting laid in another one either
You won't be doing the laying, so bend over you're about to be culturally enriched to the point of being fulfilled. SEE WHAT I DID THERE.
It is so easy!
False. In the real world only low-tier shit girls go for nogs. Stop forcing this meme
Most women in Sweden are not blonde bombshells, most are homely chubby plain janes
*disapproving look*
This and the few good looking ones have probably at least taken 10 dicks.
I'd rather get robbed by a good looking Ukrainian girl.
Only non slut women are nerd girls who stay inside and watch animu or some other chink shit.
Normal people don't have any contact with one night stand Sven... You shoul-
Oh wait, you are getting out-cucked by brown invaders. Though, seeing how most white sweds are scrawny pussies.
If I were a white Swedish girl, I would too sleep with a nigger.
Trust me, it's on another level here.
they are incredibly slutty. I went to Sweden for 2 weeks and fucked like 10 chicks,first time in my life that chicks approached me first.
>My skin,hair and eye colour is like the guy in pic related.
Relax Ulmas.
You know this Swede might kill himsel-
Continue bullying him mate.
Kek, went right over my head.
I say take one for the Fatherland, then go to Norway instead.
Every Pole should pole a German and a Swede at least once in his lifetime.
t. 50% done
>This and the few good looking ones have probably at least taken 10 dicks.
10? Mate at least 2 dozen. And thats before they're 20.
You idiot, you don't have to ask for permission in Sweden as it would be considered rude by Swedish women.
Surprise sex is legal in Sweden.
If non of them want to give it up just rape them. Its completely legal now.
God this Svens, are a bunch of cucks...U deserve what you get, that country is lost and you are to blame. Next time if you survive the muslims, defend your country and put them in there place.
coat yourself in shoepolish.
guaranteed swedish pussy. in fact, it's against the law if swedish women don't assist with your sexual emergency.
ainakin vittu sata nuokkosta
well, let's be diplomatic about it. kick them out of nato first.
rural och suburban retard girls are pretty easy, they slut out for anyone with alcohol involved.
Tell them you're from Syria.
I can also make stories up.
Post any proofs that you were even here.
Girls pussies run dry like sahara. When they hear the soumi/eesti accent English. It's like being a homo.
If you just oreten you don't understand the screaming of the word NO, cuz your a poor rapefugee, then you can go pretty far. If you're white you are considered to know better (you know, cuz you're white and therefore human)
put on blackface and say 'no speak english. no speak swedish'
> When they hear the soumi/eesti accent English. It's like being a homo.
That's extremely racist and homophobic. Someone should do something about this.
the funny thing is, i know 1 estonian guy and hes gay with an annoying high pitched voice
Eastern European women look better, but they hit the wall twice as hard.
Aren't slavs niggers?
if you're brown, go to town
are you white? then take a hike!
Where did you get that?
Most of them still look OK up to mid-late 30s
It's okay to be racist towards Finns and polacks.
I'm not joking, people are openly racist towards Finns and poles for some reason. They aren't a protected class I guess.
>swedish feminist hottie detected
show us your tits...or are you too busy fucking achmed?
>I'm not joking, people are openly racist towards Finns and poles for some reason. They aren't a protected class I guess.
Well you aren't either so there is no difference.
For a Finn probably almost impossible. Swedes despice us. We're below niggers to them.
Though of course they aren't as tight, obviously, some wrinkles and shit. Still bangable though.
As long as you're not socially retarded you'll be fine.
have fun
Only if you are Black
it would be easier if you're either black or muslim and if the Swedish girl has a cucked boyfriend who likes African culture and socialism then that could be a bonus.
>tfw 7" southern european manlet
european masterrace
Gave me a good chuckle
Or get fucked by one
>We're below niggers to them.
So you don't fuck Somalis?
yo Sven, its highly recommended that you start deporting those Muslim invading shitskins. Your country's gonna go to shit if you keep this on. Quit listening to the Jews and just take back your country. Abdul, Ahmed, Mohammed, Abdi, and all the other Muslims just wanna destroy your country.