Redpill me on conscription

Redpill me on conscription.

Sorry for outdated map.

No one should be forced to work against one''s will.

it's no different than going to school

I would be fine with if it applied to everyone, but it doesn't.

there isn't conscription here though

Professional army is the only way to go

why do south americans and central americans move to capitalist countries and vote for big socialist governments just like the hell holes that they left?

It's garbage. Conscripts are near useless during wartime and are just a resource drain. Sup Forums will insists how it teaches men to "be men" but in the end of the day it only introduces them to drugs, whores and faggotry.

Serving in your nation's military should be one of the requirements to vote. However, it shouldn't be compulsory. Don't want to serve? That's cool, but you don't get to vote.

What? My family moved here from Honduras and my parents cheered when we heard they removed Zelaya from power. No other Hispanic I know from those countries is a socialist.

The 2nd generation though...

Any serious war effort requires conscription. Any nation that participates or anticipates it applies one.

>less than 0.5% of population serves in the military
only tax payers should be able to vote

People (let's assume not trolls/shills) keep on asking why test levels are lower and men are having a harder time with... whatever... and this map appears to suggest a possible explanation for that.

yeah, thats just your family.
only 29% of hispanics voted for trump

I think it's well understood that lack of voting rights or having voted for someone who didn't get into power doesn't limit the amount of sentiment expressed by people. The unvoters won't magically stop bitching.

>conscription is for shitholes.

>norway is a shithole

It is. Its just a pile of nothing and small number of guys with oil. Just noridc Suadi.

Conscription plus mandatory military or civil service is the way to go.

how do you know what latinos do and don't do? there are in your country?

conscription = military slavery

Only Taxpayers should vote because is their money what is being used
People who serve should get more privileges ang general worship


We should also scale amount of votes with the monet paid in taxes