Support for Irish unification growing amongst the Northern Irish youth and Scottish people wanting independence. The UK will soon only be England and Wales and even some people in Wales want out. The UK is doomed
The UK Will Fall Apart
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>t.birmingham paki leftie
Fair enough
You're fake news
t. Londoner / SNP
>how to trigger Sup Forums
Basically you just have to post facts and/or extremely likely events like OP has.
In Northern Ireland's last election the right wing DUP party who want to stay in the UK lost 10 seats and Unionist parties lost their overall majority. NI voted to stay in EU but are being forced out of it. Now borders will have to go up between the south and North. This won't work and will likely cause support of Irish unification to increase.
Scotland also voted to stay in EU and are also forced out of it due to Westminster. Support for Scottish independence is on the rise. There is no way these countries will stay in the UK.
good, england holds everything together anyway, the other regions are and always have been a net drain on our resources. ireland can have their welfare state in the north, let's see if their little tax haven can survive once it has to feed all those mouths up there.
I wonder if we should do with the loyalists once they're in our country. They're going to be immensely triggered their fleg not flying anymore and their kids learning Irish. We should probably extend an olive branch of some form in their direction.
Everyone is literally just expecting the Republic of Ireland to welcome the North with open arms which is literally the most annoying part.
They're a different people to us and there's very little connection. I've been to fucking China more times than I've crossed the border to go up North.
Oh and the EU are gonna welcome NI into the Union if they reunite with us :)))))))))))))))
Great! Does that mean they're going to fill our budget deficit when we have to pay for all the services up there. They do realize that NI is costing the UK a lot of money right. There's also the case of the pissed off unionists who are going to take up arms and maybe blow up a few cars. I sure can't wait for that to happen. Good thing they've flooded this continent with "refugees" so we can get used to a bit of violence before the real shit starts up again.
No one has actually thought out whether this would be a good idea. It's not Ireland's fault that German is completely buttblasted over Brexit and wants to fuck everything up.
t. Irishfag in Londinstan
>Great! Does that mean they're going to fill our budget deficit when we have to pay for all the services up there
Are you seriously suggesting that the EU hasn't been generous to us with the gibs? Of course they'd give us grants and shit, especially if we played the muh peace process card. They have a stake in the break up of the UK and the reunification of Ireland being a success.
> It's not Ireland's fault that German is completely buttblasted over Brexit and wants to fuck everything up.
Germans seem pretty calm and collected about all this 2bh. It's the Brits that have been losing their fucking minds over the past year demanding their Red, White and Blue Brexit.
Seriously lad, come home. You've spent too much time with the enemy.
The EU has us by the balls and Brexit was a fucking disaster for Ireland. They'll probably give us gibs but on the condition that we give up our corporate tax rate, which is the only thing that keeps us competitive, or some similar bullshit.
I'm seriously worried about the future to be honest.
>Seriously lad, come home. You've spent too much time with the enemy.
One day. I came here to earn more money so I can build myself a house back home in Tipp. Hopefully I'll have enough accountancy experience too so I can set up my own little firm.
Why does England even bother with those cunts anymore anyways? Seems like a huge pain in the ass to hold onto what was once an empire.
By the time that I predict it will happen is when the loyalists will just be a bunch of old men. Today's youth will be the people voting to unite or not. Loyalists will probably take up arms but in reality the Irish have a habit of kicking the british out.
The time that it has been split has been very small. Irish are different from loyalists. The republicans in the north have the exact same culture than those in the south. With GAA clubs, music, irish language, Irish dancing etc. Sinn Fein (They could be bias but the facts seem legit) did a video about how a united Ireland makes sense economically.
Hate the idea of making extra concessions to loyalists if I'm honest, they will already have the right to continued British citizenship.
Who gives a fuck man
Just live life and enjoy yourself
Ireland will re-unify, yes. However the Scots ain't going nowhere and besides England and Wales baes for life.
You'll get some angry loyalists probably attempt some sort of terror attack maybe but most of them are old and dying at this point, and in terms of concessions I suspect they'll be allowed to keep British citizenship and many will move back to Scotland.
We don't give a fuck either way it's literally people in Northern Ireland who care.
Thats nice Ahmed
>Hate the idea of making extra concessions to loyalists if I'm honest, they will already have the right to continued British citizenship.
Here's what I think we should do. Curious to see what you think as it's mostly superficial.
>keep NI assembly and let them retain some powers so they don't feel like they're ruled from Dublin
>make the Twelfth a public holiday - we can have paddy's day for the native Irish or "green" side of the tricolour and the Twelfth for the prod or "orange" side of the tricolour
>recognise Ulster Scots as a minority (not official) language of the State - again, more of a gesture of good will as Ulster Scots is more code speech than a language or dialect (plus we'd now get two national holidays and piss ups per year)
>put the King Billy statue back up in College Green - it would show that we're willing to recognise their tradition in the centre of the nation's capital, parity of esteem and all that (and in line with the proddy history of Trinity and Grattan's parliament 2bh)
>let the people of NI retain their right to British citizenship
>let NI have some sort of associate membership of the British Commonwealth
>let people in NI fly union jacks privately if they want, just not from public buildings
stfu nigel support and unification behind the conservative party has never been greater and eu resentment is growing day by day. we'll be fine.
T. Delusional Taig
Heh. Sure about that you ol' todger?
The problem with concessions are that they are often so superficial that they won't register as concessions to loyalists and just annoy the rest of us. I imagine a devolved assembly is inevitable in the short term anyway, with Ulster Scots naturally being recognised as a regional language. British citizenship is guaranteed by the GFA if I recall correctly.
>Scottish people wanting independence
All the polls say otherwise. Buh-bye shill.
And that is a bad thing?
>The problem with concessions are that they are often so superficial that they won't register as concessions to loyalists and just annoy the rest of us.
What out of all of those would annoy people?
I wouldn't exactly foresee an Orange Order marches parading down Pearse Street and up to the GPO or something if we all had a day off for the Twelfth like.
>implying trump has good policies
You're not seriously suggesting Trump's policies are good or even coherent, are you?
You're spending too much time on Sup Forums, lad.
The only part of the UK that matters is London, and it's the only part our politicians care about.
Either resign yourself to this fact and accept it, or at least stop being salty as fuck.
Tiocfaidh ar lá!
I think we were unfair to divide Ireland. Reunite the Kingdom of Eire. If Scotland want out, we should make it take a 15 year period (3 terms of Scottish parliament) to ensure they are sure they want to leave. If they keep voting for the SNP or similar, then roll over and accept it. Wales is insignificant and will always be ours imo.
If Scotland stays in the EU and leaves Britain, then we should reinforce Hadrian's Wall and make good use of our border security. It only makes sense that the joining countries take the immigration burden of the leaving countries.
I don't want in your country til you get rid of all the diversity. Cheers.
Also harp flag, tricolour is boring
>Support for Irish unification growing amongst the Northern Irish youth
Is it fuck
The Irish Catholic Confederation flag?
This one
>Scottish people wanting independence
Fuck off you bellend. Scotcuck here and it's obvious support is waning.
>When the polls are only rigged when not in your favour
We're all shills here
Obviously. The entire world has been scrapping to rip us apart for the last century.
Your current country is way more "diverse" than we will ever be. I'll never understand that bullshit concern.
keep those muslims in south england where they belong, I don't want anymore creeping up here
I agree. We're sort of isolated from it though.
Still not great either way.
F. Best ally, worst enemy.
wtf kind of white trash pepe is this?
>Scotcuck here
can i have better breakdown of what scots think about this? im asking cause i genuinely want to know and have almost no outlets to find out.
some people in my circles really think it might happen. personally, i really, really doubt it but idk if thats wishful thinking.
>did you vote in the in/out ref
>did your parents/friends
>how did they/you vote?
England here, from what we hear it's very anti-UK
I have no problem with it just being england , wales and crown territories though.
HAHAHAHAHA no mate the Scottish youth that actually know what the UK is (history and shit) whilst the drug using scum are all for independence . Right wing views are becoming more popular with the youths here. I've seen a rise in it myself. The conservatives seen a rise in voters in the council elections. Now i have no clue what is happening up here but I can tell you independence will not happen. The popular parties to vote for with normal people are lib dem and conservative, if you really want to stretch then go for labour but none of these parties are really seeking independence (except for sell out cunts). The brexit vote wont do shit to those numbers.
The King Billy statue and the 12th as a public holiday would bother people. They tried some antagonistic stunt in Dublin a few years back and it pissed people off. The main point though is that it's not really a positive step, it wouldn't make loyalists happy it would just serve to annoy republicans.
Except both the ROI and NI have ruled out a united ireland.
And the SNP has started empowering the conservatives in scotland for nearly two decades.
Dont know the timeline your longing for OP but its not this one.
just remember a united ireland would never be the same again, you would never stamp out the loyalist sentiment
its just a way of showing ireland we still own a chunk of them
Secession is good. Secession = competition
That's right. Don't forget to build a wall to keep the muslims i- I mean out.
>HAHAHAHAHA no mate the Scottish youth that actually know what the UK is (history and shit) whilst the drug using scum are all for independence
>people who agree with me are respectable, well-informed gentleman
>people who disagree with me are drug-using scum
Yeah not taking your word for it lad. You're living a fantasy.
>Except both the ROI and NI have ruled out a united ireland.
No they haven't.
We don't expect to go through a massive constitutional change and expect everything to improve or at least stay the same. That's more of a British thing to do, e.g. your Brexit expectations.
As an aside though, the southern unionists assimilated well enough within a generation or two. One nearly became president in the last presidential election, despite there being no pro-UK sentiment whatsoever. We don't give a shit about that crap south of the border.
Scot here
>did you vote in the in/out ref
Voted yes, you have to remember this was before brexit however. I'd like to be independent if we were both in the EU but if we are going out I'd rather we go out together. I'll be voting to stay if there's a second indi ref.
>did your parents/friends
Public support was 10x in favour of yes. There were 20 Yes pins and hats for every 'No Thanks' one. Probably the most embarrassing bit of the referendum was the Rangers/Celtic divide of Plastic Paddies voting yes and Plastic English voting no
The biggest factor that kept us in the UK was the older generations voting overwhelmingly No whilst the younger generations were more split
I feel like support for the SNP is wavering as people are getting sick of their rhetoric. A large chunk of their fanbase are simply Scottish nationalists but otherwise don't line up very well with their policies. I think we would vote no again if the time came
Yeah total bullshit OP.
> constantly butthurt scots won't actually jump like they keep threatening too
> northern Ireland is firmly entrenched in the British union. If anything there is far less support for a union with Eire now then even 10 and especially 20 years ago.
Britain's a good ship to be a part of, only workshy Scots and green Mick's want out. And even i have to agree theyre not the smartest tools in the shed.
t. Catholic who used to get caught up in Ayrshire sectarianism
Loyalism is already dying. Alot of unionists are jumping to the less extreme unionist parties.
>scotland also voted to stay in the eu
This actually didnt happen. I do support a second referendum though. But spain has already said they would veto scotlands membership.
You can have northern ireland, we have been trying tog et rid of it for years.
I find the idea of you being so eager for handouts to be embarrassing.
>Except both the ROI and NI have ruled out a united ireland.
What? They agreed that it will happen if the majority of people in the North want it
>But spain has already said they would veto scotlands membership.
No they haven't. In fact they've said the opposite - that they wouldn't veto Scotland's application if they left the UK in accordance with UK law.
Stop falling for (((English))) tricks.
Why would we turn down free money?
Sure if we didn't you'd be droning on about how we're all stupid paddies for turning down free money. No point trying to please you 2bh, the future is with Europe.
>even some people in Wales want ou
Kek, they're about to go conservative in a big way.
Bye then
And lets be real. if the NHS ever fails people will leave the UK. Loyalists in NI just want the benefits and free healthcare
the Wales comment was only speaking from personal experience with a few Welsh lads I know.