Remainder that weed is the root of SJW'ism
Thank you. Weed is the number one cancer on Earth. There is a reason Israel just decriminalized it. All stoners should be put to death.
I am a Hitler incarnate yet I smoke often. What do?
Can't tell if troll or not.
Weed awoke me to the issue of Israel and the true meaning of land of the free.
Everyone smokes at this point . Having it remain illegal doesn't even curb use, but it does give the state a dubious reason to violate anyone's rights
There are a lot of redpilled people who smoke weed on a regular basis. The problem is the fucking daily stoners that make regular smokers look bad.
I want to live in a society where weed is legal but nobody see the point of smoking it.
Same thing with abortion.
abortion is the only chance at a white recovery. Opposing abortion is counterproductive and alienates most women
And wants to to save the west with this High Iq
Start throwing spears or whatever niggers do.
>There is a reason Israel just decriminalized it.
Why dont they open their borders and let liberalism take over their country then? Really makes your boggles noggle.
Wow thats a bad typo, I think I need to take a break from shitposting.
Abortion is a minority culling method only in America, in Europe, minorities don't do abortion, white women do.
i've smoked habitually since college.
got through uni
now at a kickass stem job making nice money
i smoked pretty much every day since college and still do
also before i started i was a far left liberal douche bag, now i'm centre right so u fokken wot m8?
Well America needs it for that reason and Europe will need it soon. Abortion is also eugenics because only trash would get an abortion so it is a net positive. I personally want to focus on nationalism and women overwhelming support abortion so at the very least I hope issues like this stay separate.
Daily reminder that drugs used for recreation is a Jewish conspiracy.
Drugs used for self betterment(like adderall,Ritalin) for a small period of time are alright.
Drug dealing nigger detected
how does it feel when law abiding businessmen will take over your source of income when legalization finally sweeps over the civilized world?
The problem is with recreational use, if used STRICTLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES and if regulated like prescription pills, it can prove to be a competitive replacement and rival industry to pharmaceuticals. Theres vast profit in medical cannabis, but regulating it can be a challenge. I also know many republicans that choose to medicate with cannabis, these are people who have legit conditions that feel relief when using cannabis. Cannabis has also been used to keep people off of jew-created Opiate-based medication.
People who smoke weed are retards. Plain and simple, people who do it generally have no desire, no drive, & no value.
Shows how retarded you anti-legalization nuts really are.
i smoke weed and am a hardcore conservative/libertarian voted republican my whole life. don't generalize
>adderall, Ritalin
Idk desu. I took a variety of amphetamines (adderall, Ritalin, and vyvanse) for about 3 years and finally stopped taking them last august, and it kind of fucked me up. Every morning I wake up and think "fuck, I wish I had some adderall, that would make this day 100x better." I even started proper diet and exercise, and it's still constantly on my mind. I was assuming the cravings would subside after a few months but they have not in the slightest.
That's not how you take these user, you were probably abusing them.
What I do is, whenever I start a new topic to study I take them to build a momentum, and leave them midway when my interest in the topic is developed enough. Rinse and repeat for every boring topic/job.
Also keep in mind about over dosing...the normal dose for a typical person is 5-10 mg
(adderall and Ritalin). What you shouldn't do is, chase after euphoria
Lol. And you're also a degenerate pothead.
>Cannabis is one of the first plants cultivated by man
>Has been cultivated and used for as long as civilization has existed
>Cannabis oil is an ingredient in the holy annointing oil described in the bible
>Cannabis is a sacrament in Hinduism
>Was used by the Romans to ease birthing pains (burned in braziers like incense in birthing chambers in pompeii)
>Fast Forward a few thousand years of society evolving and becoming more civilized over time
>suddenly it's the source of civilization's downfall.
Yeah I don't buy it.
If it were never criminalized in the first place that is what we could have. A small group of people that use it and the majority who don't give a fuck about some random herb. But criminalization has made it cool and edgy so kids smoke themselves retarded even if they don't really enjoy it.
Well they were prescribed by a doctor, and I didn't ever exceeed the dosage I was prescribed, I'm convinced that they either:
1. Gave me too high of a dose (My most productive period seems to have been when I was on a fairly low dosage of vyanse, they ended up consistently bumping me up all the way to 70mg, everything after 40mg just seemed to make me more wired, but I was used to it so didn't think much of it).
2. I never really needed it to begin with, and the (((doc))) was just pushing pills without thinking too much into it.
because you're a stupid burger you stupid drumpfy drumpfinson
I want to live in a society where weed is legal but, like alcohol and cigarettes, nobody sees the point in glorifying it so damn much like it's some otherworldly gift sent from the heavens or some shit.
It's a narcotic for fucks sake. It's one thing to make weed-smoking an occasional once-in-a-while type thing, but start smoking that shit daily for a long period of time and you will see negative results, regardless of how physically harmless it is compared to most illegal substances.
t. former daily pothead
Thanks Joe Rogan
Really the only reason why it's not treated like alcohol (where they tried to ban it but realized it's too tied into human culture and history for a ban to work) is because after the fall of the Roman Empire, Opium and Cannabis fell out of use in Europe for 1000 years. Opium was reintroduced to European medicine in the 1500's and Cannabis indica wasn't reintroduced until the 1700's. European hemp was bred for stronger fiber so it lost most of its cannabinoid potency, where Asian hemp was bred for more religious purposes (why they made the distinctions of "Cannabis sativa" and "Cannabis indica". They're both the same species, both of them are Cannabis sativa (the sativa meaning that it was an intentionally cultivated domesticated plant), but the indica from Asia had higher cannabinoids)
The fall of the Roman empire just put this huge gap in our use of the plant.
Wheres the problem user
Like Sup Forums's favourite LARPer said, just don't be degenerate yourself. No degeneracy in your life
captcha : manual leisure
thanks guy who is okay with mega corps telling him what is bad and what is good, reefer madness and all that jazz, yeah?
Definitely not him, but nice try attacking ad hominem rather than refuting anything I said.
I don't know if it'd be a small group of people. I reckon it'd be pretty popular, I just think that "stoner culture" would be so normalized that you wouldn't notice it, like you don't notice coffee culture and beer and wine and liquor culture.
Tobacco culture only stands out because it's demonized lately (though for good reason, Tobacco is much more dangerous than Cannabis, Alcohol, or Caffeine)
Don't fight against it, let it happen, let them rot.
Work hard to produce a alternative in the meanwhile, there are so few people actually working to spread traditional ideology, there are so few communities left where it can thrive. That's where we should focus, not on people that will never listen anyway.
Only when things are bad enough, will they listen to us.
Congratz on being a rational human bean
Everyone's smoked weed at some point, the problem comes when you use it as a crutch. taking the bluepill that it's a universal medicine or that it will save the world is a sure path to self-delusion. It can make a lot of shit not happen for you.
It's not a narcotic. It's classified as a mild hallucinogen.
What if the republicans legalized it? we could get alot more support now.
Nothing wrong with smoking weed instead of drinking. It doesn't give hangovers or make me fat. The problem is people who use it in excess like the degenerates who drink too much alcohol.
Cannabis is /ourplant/
Use it wisely
well, SMOKING weed is bad. Anyone who uses weed more than just "well a friend passed me a pipe so I smoked it" should invest in a good dry flower vaporizer, or learn to cook with it. SMOKING it frequently can cause lung problems and cancer, because of the actual combusted plant material.
Cooking it and eating it allows for longer lasting highs (although harder to dose).
Vaporizing it gives the same quality of high as smoking but your herb goes a lot further, has better flavor (you can really really taste the terpenes rather than just smoke, strains like blueberry or purple urkle taste amazing vaporized), and a lot less lung irritation/coughing.
weed turns people into stupid mindless faggots
t. been around potheads my whole life. they're all the same
I usually vape at 410-420F, I mean while those boiling points are correct, the higher the heat, the more boils off.
as long as you're safely below combustion and don't overpack the oven it's good.
I mostly do half packs on my Davinci ascent. So one nug will fill my vaporizer 2-3 times, and that like 0.15g will get me baked and I usually don't even finish it in one session but have enough to take a few puffs an hour or so later to pick me back up. 1 Nug can pretty much last me an entire evening.
I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.
Peter turn off that proxy and go to bed.
I'd liken it more to those who use kratom or kava than coffee or alcohol. A niche.