why are you guys like this
Hey uhhhh
Other urls found in this thread:
if u don't find the comedy in memes leaking into real life kys
who cares what autists do it's infinitely entertaining
White people in general are disgusting sheep. Almost everyone on here are just faggots who hopped onto the "MUHH SJW" bandwagon and cry on hear about "MUHH NWO" and shit. The day white people stop blindly moving in a mob mentality, they will be less pathetic.
Reddit + Youtube
Time to get harsher on these cucks.
This movement outgrew Sup Forums. Yeah we nurtured it during it's infancy but it's not in our hands anymore.
I just sit back and watch and hope for some good protestor vs protestor fights. Almost all the kekistani people I've met don't even come to Sup Forums.
Sorry op, it's not our problem. I guess you should go deal with them if you have a problem with them. I'm going to stay on Sup Forums and talk with other anons like I've always done Kek. Have fun liberating your memes and shit.
Yeah because a unified white people haven't created western civilization or anything.
Unified shitskins only genocide Africa over and over though sheer retardation.
I dont see a single kekistani flag, and i don't believe they where yelling that.
yes maybe one day they can sit inside whining on a weeb image board like superior Aryans. The fools.
Lets hope it won't grow to Chanology tier.
Useful idiots. They serve their purpose.
To troll antifa into violence. And its hilarious. What are you a fucking pussy or something?
>i don't believe they where yelling that
See for yourself.
How fucking stupid are you? Sup Forums's logo is on the stupid flag.
>survived slavery
Of course massa survives slavery you dolt.
>Vultures who leech off of cultures and reap benefits off the accomplishments of others
Sounds like everyone who isn't white desu.
>Only known for arbitrarily dividing up the earth
Thats why non whites flock whenever they can to white countries. Right?
I thibk you want mexican wrestling
Why not challenge antifa to football or hockey?
We should have sports teams
Good god, the cringe level is off the charts. I lose this fight.
Abandoning thread now.
Wind them up and let them go. Lol. I just lurk mostly. Funny ass shit on here. I'm a 45 y/o army vet. Got redpilled few years ago. Broke my heart our govt.s so fucked up
>if u don't find the comedy in memes leaking into real life kys
>Not knowing these cringy edgelords legitimately believe in this cause
Listen, I know this is humiliating for you Americans, but you just gotta deal with it.
Okay, maybe they look like D-list rejected superheroes from a failed publishing house, but the opposition look like homeless ninjas.
I'll back rejected superheroes over the Hobo Foot Clan every day of the week.
for every 1 in that group there are 100 that didn't bother to leave the computer. this is why beta uprising will never have any impact
You make me ashamed of my leaf.
My leaf makes me ashamed of my leaf.
literally Guy Fawkes/Anonymous Reloaded
happens whenever people start taking memes to serious
Not we.
These are our mind slaves.
Just like the lol cows playing Rick astley in front of scientology buildings while wearinf Vendetta masks.
I honestly have not seen a kekistani or whatever the fuck that bullshit is on here for over 2-3 months. It is a reddit thing perpetuated by "red pilled" youtubers like Sargon.
Someone's basement is empty.
I wish I could splinter reddit into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind.
Fucking normies ruin everything. Everything.
so what you're saying is......
"Normies out!" ?
i have no doubt that this is the work of plebbit
Memes never worked in real life and that hasn't changed.
Normies have appropriated our autism and memes.
But we were born with autism, molded by it.
They will be destroyed.
i can't believe i made someone on Sup Forums say that their culture is being appropriated
Sup Forums memes matter. You should be an ally and help us fight against normie oppression.
I was there, they literally yelled that and Reeee! a few times. There were kek flags, more than one. It wasn't taken seriously though, people were joking around and having a good time. The antifa group was screaming and taking themselves way too seriously. Only thing that had me worried was when they took pictures of all our faces cause I work at a very liberal place full of immigrants that hate Trump.
You don't belong here...
At least we weren't literally shaking over the thought of leaving our parents basement and trolling antifa.
>Only thing that had me worried was when they took pictures of all our faces cause I work at a very liberal place full of immigrants that hate Trump.
Remember comrade, only antifa cowards wear masks. But based patriots can rock respirators and goggles to protect themselves from pepper spray, and if that has some side-effect of obscuring your facial features, well, that's just an ancillary benefit.
what you mean cunt
Because vaccinations