Between these two, whose stories would you be more likely to believe?

Between these two, whose stories would you be more likely to believe?

Other urls found in this thread:

It depends on what

They're both propaganda, but when its not a national issue they're a bit more accurate.

CNN is a cumfart in general, but RT is better when it comes to reporting on the US.


CNN - absolutely fake, made up or butchered quotes and sensationalized ice cream stories

RT - has bias, but facts are usually in the story or at worst omits telling you something related that would change their spin.



They actually run some interesting stories at times and CNN is just the 24hr Trump news site now

Anything other than Cuck News Network.

RT has bias but reports on a much detailed level about everything

CNN is tabloid-tier by now

RT hands down, CNN is propaganda on 11.

RT because Russia has more to gain by discrediting the US by revealing "hidden truth"/corruption than the US has to gain by telling the truth.

its different jew clans in question here Rothschild Vs Rockefeller, both biased, but CNN is more sublte, whilst RT.coN is plain jew vlad tool for peasants

RT x1000

RT has better on-site reporting.
Is pretty good for when it's not talking about Russia.

I can't tell a positive side from CNN.

RT is equally biased but at least they call out when the US fucks up overseas.

Both are runned by jews

>the Russian state owned news media hands down, X is propaganda on 11.
No. I don't care what X is.

Depends on topic, but mostly I rather believe RT. Esspecially on global politics and US domestic politics. But I would trust RT too much on Russian domestic stuff, but neither should you trust CNN with their trans-atlantic agenda on that.

Depends on topic, but mostly I rather believe RT. Esspecially on global politics and US domestic politics. But I wouldnt trust RT too much on Russian domestic stuff, but neither should you trust CNN with their trans-atlantic agenda on that.

forget that "not"

RT obviously, they have everything to gain when it comes to telling the truth about how shitty the west is. They do airbrush Russia though.


Only rural and suburban retards watch RT

RT is all about rabble rousing. They want the US weak and directionless. They will help one side one day and work against them the next or even on the same day.

This does not mean they are neutral.

CNN and most advertiser funded media are bout casting a sleep spell on the sheep.

RT might be a source of footage that CNN et al would never run, but likewise CNN et al might be a source of calming footage RT would never run, or of footage and perspectives that directly opposes Russian interests.

Internet forums are where we discuss and form our own ideas and perspectives about the data we get from various sources.

RT, on alot of issues it's alot less biased than CNN.


CNN is shit because it's ridiculously sensationalist and tries to turn the fucking news into some sort of sporting event. RT is shit because it's literally propaganda.

To decipher the truth from CNN all you have to do is dial it down a bit and generally be a bit cynical. There's always at least a kernel of truth from which they blow everything out of proportion.

With RT, they simply say whatever the Kremlin orders them to so it's far more likely to be bullshit plucked from thin air. Even if it's not 100% certified fresh horseshit, deciphering the truth from the muddied waters is more difficult because you have to figure out what the Putin regime is trying to make you believe.

Either way, the faggot OP's post is a false dilemma. You shouldn't be reading either of them if you're not retarded.

CNN is absolute dogshit. Really glad they've taken such a hit recently because a lot of people used to think they were sort of the middle ground between MSNBC and Fox. You always knew they were liberal but it used to be harder to put your finger on. Now they are 24/7 anti trump coverage

CNN was hijacked by russia during the election it's all true now

Not even a contest here.

2 years ago probably CNN

nowadays RT without a fucking doubt

>democrats own cnn, msnbc, abc, nbc, every printed news paper, facebook, google, wikipedia, etc
tell me again how that's not state controlled

Except for the RT America bullshit they run to hold an American audience, you could watch it 24 hours a day, especially online where you can avoid a lot of that crap. Some of the documentaries are outstanding, some are just funny, like the one about the cats that patrol the Hermitage. Their tributes to Gagarin last year were incredibly well written and produced.

And yes, they run documentaries from time to time about Russian women who kill bears. World's Apart and Sophie Co. show you how real journalists operate too. It's great background material too when they're just running back-to-back news updates.

RT, don't think (((CNN))) can be trusted at all.
Everything on the U.S Politics page is all about trump isn't something else going on in there?

CIA propaganda
FSB propaganda

RT has better content and drops they're biases when reporting on a topic that doesn't have any propaganda value.
CNN only gets ONE SCOOP

RT, no question.
CNN is a fucking joke

I'd trust The Onion before CNN.

yeah but RT is literally propaganda and it's still more reliable news than CNN
which really says a lot


While RT is biased they often list their sources and include actual facts that you can research elsewhere. Of course it has an agenda but to dismiss it as purely propaganda is a bit much.

RT, but NOT for russian domestic news

RT for everything except overtly Russian news stories / CNN for absolutely nothing - so RT by a mile

Depends on the issue.

Russia related politics - CNN
US related politics - RT

You'd be better off and learn more about the world from RT. I used to love it when i was a 15 year old just watched zeitgeist infowarrior.

With CNN and ad funded media, you are not the customer, you are the product. They deliver eyeballs to advertisers who don't want those potential customers pissed at the content.

Information about areas of life where true friction exists is squelched, or presented in a one sided way so that there is one side who is the victim, never two sides in conflict where benefit to one side entails harm to the other and vice versa.

Any editorial spin given all the facts alienates one side or the other, and a neutral viewpoint alienates BOTH sides.

So one side's point of view and supporting facts are presented and the other side is squelched.

Generally the least woke side has been the butt of this.

This has led to a unified march in one direction, and diverse ad supported media that seem in agreement with each other due to the similar forces giving rise to their emergent behavior.

Unified purpose is strength ( though that purpose works against large segments of the population), and that 'strength' RT seeks to undermine along with being a propaganda outlet for Russian interests.

As demographics change and the internet allows 'hate facts' to propagate, the threat is becoming too visible and immanent for the sleep spell to overcome. RT presents footage of the Battle of Sacramento to rile up both sides.

But should there be any unified purpose that might work against Russian interests, RT will work to stoke what forces might oppose it, or stoke it further where it coincides with Russian interests without regard for the interests of those involved.

Never. Pic related.

Never watch it.

RT without a doubt

This thread is hillarious.

When it comes to news on America, RT
When it comes to news on Russia, CNN

Even then, I wouldn't treat any information gained as credible without multiple other sources, if you only use a single source in this day and age, you are a moron.

I wow thats an interesting take not like its already been posted 800 times in this thread alone cuckfaggot

>Chanell news today
This one

RT sucks balls its more trash than people belive, but at least sometimes they get decent interviews like for example Julian, but i dont trust those fuckers and even less when russia invaded that wanabe island. They were telling people that in that fiesta paradise werent any tanks while having a fucking division sitting 100 meters away

You realise that's because that division is literally always based in Crimea? Like it's military base is there. Russia have always had a naval base and army base on the peninsula.

It depends if you want to be influenced by media corporations or by the Russian government.

Most sane people should choose the former unless they're a full blown Russia supporter.

Yeah and the blocking of ukrainian military was always a part of routine.

As in blocking them from leaving their bases and moving into Crimea?

RT is more consistant on reporting on Canadian news. They like to make the Canadian government look bad so they cover stories the media here wont cover like fights between Soldiers of Odin and Antifa last in front of Toronto city hall month.

Both are propaganda,
But I would trust RT more when it comes to reporting events in the middle east.

RT to be perfectly honest

Fuck them both but especially Russian state run RT.


for russia cnn is better
for west rt i guess

well you put a parody comical entertainment blog next to RT which is a legit news source, so for news stories i would tend to believe the latter

if you were asking me which was funnier than the onion, i would say CNN

CNN. I'd rather believe American propaganda than Russian propaganda. I'm not about to be subverted by those Russian bastards.

Yeah, blocking ukrainian forces in ukrainian Crimea is totally normal.
Nothing to see here.
Let's talk about american debt

RT is like CNN during the Clinton years. You take everything with a grain of salt. A salt truck isn't enough for CNN now, it's a horrendous joke


It's too much bullshit in almost every prominent news channel.

RT and god have mercy Al Jizeara were the only ones to broadcast live the Russia FM press briiefing in DC recently

None of the US media let us see this .

I despise all US major (((media))) I dropped cable TV over four years ago sickened with their crap..

I looked into recently getting a cable box to watch the new Twin peaks and when they told me A the total bill with interte would be $100/mo then my current internet only tier was NLA and if I got rid eventually of the TV box I couldn't get my current 3Gb link back . Minimum was 10 G at an additional $10 /m

so I said f that .

ended up buying a demo Sharp Aquos 34" 4K from Walmart and figured out it came with the Amazon app and I can stream Twin Peaks for $8/mo

btw I miss _Plasma TV .. LED's really suck even in UHD they really blow.

Well given how they were used when deployed to the Donbass I would say it was a completely reasonable decision to block them.

Also you seem to be leaving out that about 2/3 of those Ukrainian army guys defected to the Russian military because most actually were ethnically Russian.

Both lie, but i can take the RT lie and work around the fact that i know for sure what their game is.

CNN is anti-American globalist propaganda.

RT, even though I wouldn't trust them outright. CNN is dogshit garbage.

Sup Forums

Stories about the U.S., I will believe RT.
Stories about non-oil producing third world countries, I will believe CNN a tad more.

You can ask for a russian citizenship now.
Le saviour of white race is need you.

Criticizing your government is a good thing and is necessary in a healthy democracy. If anything, I'm angry that they didn't treat Obama the way that they are treating Trump. RT just represents Russian interests which are often at odds with western nations interests.

RT, RT is the only non-biased media source left.

Great argument man. If we're following this level of quality may I just ask:

Do you vote Navalny?

i believe cnn in general but not with their opinionated presentation desu

You believe CNN in general....? You do realise that it is a 90% kike news agency?

Digits confirm.

RT of course comrade


If it's a report on the US, then RT.

If it's a report on Russia, then neither.

If it's a report on how DRUMPF IS FINISHED, then CNN is my most trusted source

This. Most likely RT but if it's anything to do with Russia or its allies I might believe CNN more

RT circa 2010. i know its state run and full of prop but better than jew n n

Gee I don`t know, who do you trust? NSA-CIA or FSB? Both are psyop tools attending their masters agenda of power and mass control. Wake up anons.

Hillary received 20% of campaign funding from Saudi Arabia, colluded with their owned MSM to timely release slander against Trump.

Where are the hearings of Hillary colluding with foreign entities to impact the election?

Depends entirely on the topic being covered.



Washington Compost is also payed $600M by CIA to be their propaganda arm while CNN and other MSM brands have executives that are relatives to Obama / hillary


RT is Russian propoganda for Russia and CNN is American propoganda.

I live in America, not commie Russia.

most of their articles are real things that happened, they just present it with a dishonest headline desu

IF Trump had these connections...

Wait, there's more!


Ever since pic related I've never been able to take CNN seriously. How the fuck does entire team fail to do so much as as Google search before going on the air and winging it.

RT by far

Why did the DNC refuse to let the FBI examine their servers after the "Russian" hack.

No special prosecutor until the DNC answer this

RT, no question.
