11 Londoners stabbed to death in 16 days. Why?
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they didn't bin that knoife m8
Why not?
Guarantee you 95% of attackers weren't white.
Cus no guns, otherwise they'd be shot
Alright, whats a good knife to buy before they're made illegal
Guns are genuinely very difficult to get in the UK and niggers love to kill each other.
This is all it is.
>next to a nigger smiling
>b-b-but the bins
because we aren't allowed to own firearms and simply shoot the attacker
Same reason the us have high gun crime
Because with coons, you'll loose everything; even the spoons.
b-ban assault knives
>Guns are genuinely very difficult to get in the UK
The more nogs you amass, the more they will manage to create a supply chain for guns
In the meantime, they are keeping busy
I noted maybe three actual English type people there and they were probably robbery victims
The main problem is, the nogs never kill enough of each other
Why don't they ban assault knives?
Bin that sharpened spoon, m8
>Cus no guns, otherwise they'd be shot
This is the proof that a gun ban works. In America they always say that if guns were not allowed only criminals would have guns.
>they could've binned it
It's proof that a "kill other people" ban doesn't work. People will kill people whether they have the freedom to shoot up a crowd of people with an automatic weapon or be forced to drive a truck into them for the same effect.
If you really want to do someone in, human imagination will find a way.
No guns that's why.
>Guns are genuinely very difficult to get in the UK
just wait until russians start selling them on the black market, though I imagine getting them into UK might prove to be hard
maybe illegal domestic production?
Elijah Dornelly looks like a KANG
Doesn't stop niggers shooting up the place (London). The police even have a special task force to combat it.
A tiny island can more easily regulate importation of firearms then a country with extensive land borders. Add in the fact that one of the bordering countries has an active smuggling operation and you can see how a ban just would not work in the US as well as in the UK or Australia.
Cause black guys love to stab
Why do anglo countries have such a big knife/stabbing problem?
People get stabbed all the time here too
Because you wont get arrested for carrying as much as a butter knife on you in England
>be anglo
>get stabbed
When are they going to get civilized and ban assault knives? Plastic knives are good enough and encourage veganism, which is good for the environment.
It's Mohammad the ripper.
Looks like more of a case for Mulder & Scully than some newspaper. It's gotta be aliens mind controlling these British Londoners.
You do know that 100% is the maximum, right?
>good for environment
Thought you cunts we supposed to be smart.
Ban assault cutlery
Because there aren't guns to shoot people with.
daily reminder
Are these gang related stabbings or just people having a laugh?
Yeah, it really is a mystery
>implying i said plastic knives are good for the environment
I said veganism is. Cow farts literally cause global warming (according to liberal science).
Outlaw meat! Meat is the cause of the knife crisis in the U.K.!!!
there are millions of guns in the uk, the city where i live (Liverpool) has shootings everyday you just dont really hear about them
And before you ask another dumb question, the joke was that you can't eat a steak with a plastic knife. You're welcome.
>Mudslime mayor
Gang and just regular nigger prankz.
Veganism is worse for the environment, vegans talk more shit in a day than cows put out in a year.
I've never known such a terrible joke, not since 1948.
>be french
>be overrun
>be dying out
>look across the water
>laugh at us for the same problems
Nice work.
>My message today is clear: if you carry a knife in London, we will catch you and arrest you.
The mayor just solved the problem. Go back to sleep.
You get 4 years I'm sure for possession of an offensive weapon. So gangs, especially in London are clocking onto this and carry bottles of acid/drain cleaner/strong chemicals to use as weapons instead. As it's almost impossible to prove you're going to use it as a weapon. Hence why since 2011 there have been 1500 acid attacks in London.
Well at least we don't elect them.
>1500 acid attacks in London since 2011
Let that soak in.
>those joke attempts
Do you feel challenged, lad?
On the bright side, 6 of them were niggers.
>I've never known such a terrible joke, not since 1948.
By the way, that joke was on you.
Nor did we. You know damn well that London is minority English, and you know damn well who the hordes voted for. On top of this you know damn well it wasn't the common Englishman who was happy for it to happen; it was the hyper-controlled inner city children who were happy for it, it was the billionaires who were happy for it.
Don't be dumb, for fuck sake. This is just more D&C shit. I feel no special affinity with Euros, but right now when we're both dying the same I think it best not to fight each other.
My jokes were roughly as shitty as yours really, I'd call it a draw.
no plz stob
Because the government took all the guns away.
nigs gonna nig
the UK doesn't share a 2000 mile border with a lawless third word hellhole
Take a wild stab in the dark.
It's the UK, what do you expect? Have you ever been to the UK!?
england does
Even if you had a wall you don't want to disarm yourself or you end up with modern Europe and politicians not giving a fuck about the people's will.
Who cares hood rats killing other hood rats is a good thing doubt any of these fucking scumbags was gonna find a cure for cancer or put a end to world hunger
That point would work if America was a utopia of politicians doing what the people want but after last years shitshow of an election & the last 10 years in general you should know better.
Not anti-gun at all though. If you're a Brit, get a shotgun license. It's cucky but it's by far the easiest. Justify it with clay pigeon shooting or join a gun club, there's hundreds around.
Don't just accept the fact you own guns and then let your country become 54% white like America though.
Because he went to the West Asian communities and campaigned there, talked to local leaders and told them to vote and that it was their Islamic duty to vote for him. White people were too apathetic to vote (till now I'd assume), thus muslim mayor.
Because black "people"
Because London isn't an English city any more
>tfw every white british is a middle aged and up bloke, probably trying to stand up to gangbangers
>every non-white is a 20-25 yr old gangbanger
Lack of vigilance is better than inability to be vigilant due to lack of power.
diversity is your strength ;)
No guns
>stabbed to death
liberals told me it was impossible to die from a stabbing.
And nothing of value was lost. Into the bin they go.
>Crispin Siddon
Sounds like a sandwitch I can order at my local McDonald.
"I'll take a Crispyn McSiddon and a medium coke"
Have you banned trucks yet?
How come there aren't many non whites in Northern Ireland?
>11 Londoners
I only see 4
Not even the Irish want to live in Ireland.
Also about 50% of those areas on the map aren't non-white. They're just aren't white British. There's huge European communities in some areas.
>All those black people
Who could be behind such crimes? Something is really strange. Why has the knife crime risen. I just can't put my finger on it.
How many Londoners were being stabbed to death in the boring 1950s?
if you subscribe to the constabulary of places like Liverpool or Manchester you can in fact get regular CCTV updates on the various acts of gun crime as they appeal for witnesses
Should bin nigs instead desu
Sadiq Kahn is more concerned with hate crime online.
they didn't have guns and dude weed.
Niggers are too dumb to create gun supply chains, the supply chains in the USA are done by spics who sell them to niggers in African American shitholes thats how basketball americans get their illegal firearms.
Oh how Bongistan has fallen.
We've always had gangs in London, only difference now is they're a different species.
Serious answer.
Police budget cuts (20% over 5 years) coupled with making it more difficult for police to stop and search (stop and frisk to Burgers) people on the street.
This is why...
Why the fuck didn't they form a line and charge?
Yep. The likes of the Krays kept the violence among themselves And if your daughter was raped back then you could probably have gone to the Krays and they would have sorted it out.
Now if your daughter gets raped by the local Paki gang what do you do? Go to the Yardie gang and ask them for help?
I honestly only give a fuck about two people on that list. I'll let Sup Forums guess which two.
Guarantee you 95% of [LONDINISTANIS] weren't white.
Because there was a switch in the power dynamic, and people who felt wronged, wanted to take revenge.
Same thing everywhere just with different names.