Is this what you dickheads wanted?!!!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:



I never wanted this I regret voting Trump we have to abandon populism and nationlism if we're to ever progress as a society...




I live 45min drive away....... it's a good place. They do a lot of things white.




>literally shaking

this faggot is either LARPing as a leftist or he's the funniest fucking stereotype

Can America Un-jew itself or is it too late? I hate to say it, but it's way too late.


You mad, bluecoat?

Yes, as long as they remembered the rope and burning crosses for all the shitskins.

Muslims and Jews arent being driven out of the country, so I'm kinda underwhelmed actually.

more plzz

Did we start the fire Sup Forums?


nope... this is still newbie level

I know the left is retarded but seriously, are they retarded?

>White supremacists
That's like calling black people niggers nobody self identifies as a white supremacist what were they actually doing there?

Day of the rope is neigh


I am proud to be a European-American.

I guess that makes me racist.

Haha if this was the grand strategy then you guys have already lost.


Honestly, it wasn't enough.


>literally shaking

It's a start

Yes, this is exactly what I wanted.

>It's only ok when we chimp out the facebook post

I fucking hate these scum bags

Do ever feel like the media keeps getting you're hopes up? I don't even know the story here but I bet they're not white supremacists.
It's like that memeball of Sup Forums getting offended when people call Trump Hitler because Trump isn't as good as Hitler.
We wish there were actual far right uprisings going on but there simply aren't any.


> literally shaking

But yes, I am ready!

Yes. we did. Never forget all it takes is a flicker of light to erase the dark.

The most disappointing this is that Trump isn't even doing most of the horrible hyperbole shit that the left claims he is doing. Nor is anyone else.

What a disappointment. I was expecting a full-on race after him winning, but it's nothing. Way to go.

Oh noes, a candlelight vigil esque stand-in. A telltale sign of Nazi oppression. You fucking pussy... scared by people standing with fire.

Never wanted what? Non-violent protest?

this pic made me hard as a rock. Thanks OP

time to get the popcorn

Digits confirm, FPBP

No. I expected way more people out there.

There will be video of the event, including speeches, coming out soon. It's being edited now. It was an explicitly white nationalist event.

>literally shaking
>they couldn't possibly be using that phrase
>they did

>"I am literally shaking while writing this A peaceful mob demonstrates carry torches"

Meanwhile, at dozens of Antifa demonstrations that turn violent and destroys property

>"I have never been so proud and fearless as I am today watching this antifa demonstration turn to hell"

does this have to do with the recent dismantling of southern historic landmarks?

From what I hear the city or town sold a statue off without telling the people living their. They found out later on and staged a protest.

To elaborate, there were speeches calling out the Jew by name. This was the real deal.

They might not be entirely right, but this time it's more accurate than ever
Have some faith laddo

Of course

lol George Soros probably organised it

B-but, they want private property and safe neighborhoods and clean restaurants. That is racist. And they are white .

Yes why yes it is




so basically they are just protesting their history being erased?


They're dead serious.

Flying the Confederate flag is LITERALLY treason.

>liberals called everyone racist nazi's
>Racist nazi's now actually exist

Will now becomes fact

The Saxons are beginning to hate

I would be more concerned if it was a group of minorities wielding those torches.


Well, at least, we can have some good goy music at the end. No more nigger noise, kikes BTFO

Yes. Like producing Chris-chan

>literally shaking


How about you clean out your towns of non whites instead of parading torches around like impotent posers.
>inb4 French posting
We're working on it okay ? The arabs will die, all of them hanging from their ghetto buildings.


Underrated. Just a matter of time now

You would never see a protest like this in France



Yeah nah I'm on board with their cause

Jefferson Davis was a bit of a cunt so I have no issues with taking down his statue but Lee was fighting for state's rights

He fought fiercely for freedom from the tyranny of big government, he deserves a statue

>Literally shaking

Wow, I didn't think anyone actually wrote this shit outside of satire.

>literally shaking
Why do leftists shake so much?

>Trying to destroy our monuments
>Expect us to be fine with it
>Autistic screeching when there's resistance

>Weezie, this is horrifying. Just horrifying. And being “friends with Russia” was mentioned? Sweet Jesus, are these people THAT STUPID?!? There’s no friends with Russia — Russia is touted by the Nazis and the Klan and all of Bannon’s Breitbart Boys as being the answer to the preservation of the white race (and I quote) but in truth — friends with Russia on Monday and slaves of Russia on Tuesday; or more realistically, Monday night.

>But I’m not surprised. I was addressing the issue of white supremacy in the comments thread of another diary and this issue came up. What I said is that it was my understanding that the Old South made one last magnanimous gesture before it sank to its knees and a branch of my family is from the old south — Virginia in fact, Fredericksburg, Virginia to be precise. And so they would have known who would have done what at the end of the Civil War.

>Apparently history is repeating itself and the KKK is going to make a lot of noise before it goes out.

>Truly disgusting. Thank you for posting this, I had no idea this was going on.

Damn these comments are just a goldmine of assblasted leftist boomers


we'd see this in textbooks if it weren't for these people blocking the mob and ruining a great shot

Not a day goes by that I will regret any of this. RaHoWa!

I was there. It was almost a spiritual experience. There were nearly 300 of us, organized in secret. We held a moment of silence for all the men of European descent who have lost their lives in Brothers Wars, pledged no more brothers wars. Then we extinguished the flames, and sang Dixie. We chanted things like "you will not replace us" and "tomorrow belongs to us." Our chants reverberated off the surrounding buildings like thunder. The city FELT us.

I wish I was in Dixie.


no this is what we get for electing a black president because apparently its now forever racist to elect a white man again

are these white supremacists or "white supremacists"?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

And flying the Mexican flag is patriotic? Though do tell me how elevating a piece of cloth either harms American interests or gets Americans killed, which is what actual treason is.

>movement starts to "take back Nazi"
>Nazi party is reborn

Those people in front are Richard Spencer's body guards. He was speaking to the crowd at the moment.

>Daily Kos

I would have preferred niggers hanging from every tree and street light but a protest is a good start I suppose

post pics nigger

any qts there?


Generation Identitaire is really big in France, but I never hear frogs here talking about it, so I suppose nobody from there goes on Sup Forums. Plus, a significant amount of Sup Forums Frenchies supported Macron over Le Pen


False flags / cointelpro to hurt the image of nationalists coming in soon.

Also Daily Kos fake news.