Kim Jong Un is a murderous dictator, his people are so afraid of him and not happy under his ru-

>Kim Jong Un is a murderous dictator, his people are so afraid of him and not happy under his ru-

Saged as fuck

>me on the right

>being this butthurt

>tfw no Kim Jong Un Dear Leader

would drink a pint with

>tfw no best korea gf
Why live?

>swn be your traffic cop

Why even live?

Why don't you just move to NK then OP?

Man hands and disgusting skin. Good job user

>a dictator
>gives his soldiers piggyback rides
Choose one (1)
Wtf I love best korea now

That man was probably shot shortly afterwards for mishandling the Führer :(

What if roles are the opposite in reality but we are shown whatever that helps us accept the destruction of North-Korea?

when the media shits on someone he's probably opposing the jews

>hug me motherfucker or I'll rip your throat out

We should save all the qts beforehand

((Anglo)) sources

Honestly at this point I don't even know who is a dictator anymore

Some of the stuff in Germany in current year is worse then most of the stuff I hear out of NK


are you that afraid that maybe Kim is a cool fun loving dude that loves horsing around?

Everyone can be a "qt" it jus really depends what they eat and do in their daily life. Humans who don't understand this are fucking trash who are led by marketing and feels industries. Emotion controlled machines. Literally.(No im not ugly but handsome gentleman, I just despise humans who don't realise what they are made of)

Mass hysteria.

>Unironically replying to an ironical post
I appreciate the input finnbro

You realize if literally everyone hated him there would be a coup? The people who can actually stand him are the ones in power keeping the people who hate him down.