Help defend Europe and win a date with Lauren Southern*:
*last part may not be true
Other urls found in this thread:
Help defend Europe. Please?
You need a billionaire backer.
Thanks guys.
Totally forgot to post the videos:
Or a billion people who donate one buck.
Where is that pic from?
This is what we are up against:
Das ist doch der Typ von den Identitären wusste nicht das der jetzt so ne große Nummer ist.
Nice. Are you a part of this movement?
This is straight up people trafficking
I help where I can, but I am not a member nor an "official" spokesperson or anything.
Ja, Martin Sellner.
just move to america and well make our last stand here. at least an ocean separates us from the rapefugees. europe is done for, they just stream in like ants by the millions
And it looks like the local government is corrupt as fuck because no one is doing anything. Fucking traitors.
I used to think Doctors Without Borders was a respectable organization too but apparently they're complicit in this.
Are you Lauren?
this user is a Zionist shill who posts in every eceleb thread. likely MOSSAD.
>pic related
>Behind these NGOs, we find a billionaire, who made his fortune by de-stabilizing regions to advance his political power and further increase his personal wealth. The NGO producing leaflets for illegal migrants announcing “Welcome to Europe,” and coaching them on how to avoid cooperation with authorities is funded by this billionaire, George Soros.
Fuck off and die already, George.
Antifa go away
Well, she just tried to stop a NGO "refugee" trafficking boat from going back to Libya and bring more "refugees" to Europe.
What did you do to defend Europe lately?
let me know when she names the Jews responsible for the "refugee" crisis
pic related
Are you the jew? Or just working for them with this D&C tactic?
>haha he wants us to expose and name the Jews responsible for the refugee crisis instead of merely crying about the refugees
>he's a Jew
stay defeated low IQ subhuman
So to summarize: you did nothing
I'm not a white knight for Lauren Southern or anything but I appreciate her bringing more attention to the Identitarian Movement than I care if she is or is not a Jew.
*more than
Guess I should stop donating to MSF
Just for the record, she's not Jewish. And that guy knows it. He's just posting the same images over and over again because he is paid to do so.
So a jew is trying to stop immigrants from coming into Europe but you're against is because she must be a jew trying to kill white people by stopping shitskins from entering Europe?
>jews into logic
>you did nothing
>*more than
I make my point with one post.
Why are you so neurotic?
Is it because you're a woman?
What's it like knowing your personality is so cancerous I can actually assume your gender with near perfect accuracy?
Is that martin?
You are attacking the right, you are not helping anyone. You call me subhuman, where is your border wall burger? Hungary did more than the USA.
>So a jew is trying to stop immigrants from coming into Europe
>By not exposing the Jews who control the immigration crisis in Europe
jews into logic
>5 posts by this ID
>calls others women
Nice try schlomo. All you're doing is allowing me to bump this thread more.
>you are attacking the right
There is no such thing as Right and Left.
Take this meme and tell others.
A woman posting on Sup Forums. Right...
Go ask your mommy to make you a sandwich. And be nice, after all it's mother's day.
>2 posts by this ID
>both criticizing me
Nice try, shill.
ive reduced you to "yo mama" jokes.
at some point you niggers will realize im right.
No you're right. If we can't nuke Israel we should just give up and let shitskins in with open arms.
>defending your borders against shitskins isn't nationalism
You're logic is already failed.
Generation ID always has good actions, on a continent much more cucked they have bigger balls then the US kekistan BS larpers.
Whatever. Just keep bumping this thread. Okay?
Fuck her, fuck her book, fuck Germany, and fuck you too Kraut. Enough shilling of this fucking broad already. She's being pushed as the Alt-Right David Seaman, fucking sham.
>I'm too dumb to think of a solution outside of "kill all Jews!"
>Guess I had better join the Jews :(
dumb fuck.
>Jews are behind the shitskin invasion
>Better not expose the Jews
I dont sage your threads for a reason.
Just remove Lauren from the equation, she's not the point. This operation is by Generation Identitaire, Lauren is just tagging along.
Fine, but you are still attcking the good guys, instead of Soros, the NGO's, globalists European governments you are attacking a nationalist female reporter.
(((Generation Identitaire)))
>instead of Soros, the NGO's, globalists European governments
Who controls all of that, user?
>inb4 you dodge the question
>Well, she just tried to stop a NGO "refugee" trafficking boat from going back to Libya and bring more "refugees" to Europe.
idk if you are literally braindead or a really good troll, but she is not capable of stopping anything.
I mean just the idea of 2-3 manlets and a girl stopping a SHIP with hundreds of savage sandpeople makes me laugh...
She is only after your NEET permavirgin shekels when you watch her channel or visit her website or whatever the fuck she does.
>Who controls all of that, user?
This is the part where you prove it to me, that Lauren controls them all. She is not even a jew. Soros is the jew controling the migrant crisis.
How exactly are they defending Europe? It's three people in a dingy shouting at migrant boats with a megaphone. This is nothing more than virtue signalling.
>that Lauren controls them all.
show me where I said Lauren Southern controls them all or stay exposed as the deceptive kike you are who can't hold his own in honest discussion.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
>Soros is one of the jews controlling the migrant crisis
If you think actually stopping the ship was the point of this, you are the one who is braindead.
Sad part is, it is still more, than what the Italian government did.
So what is your problem with her?
Why can't we stop the invasion but also continue the dying at sea?
I accept your defeat.
My problem with Lauren Southern is the same I have with every other Jew and Zionist :^) My problem also happens to be the problem of many other people, and many more if they knew about my problem..
>Lauren Southern race mixer
You can't really declare it "race mixing" when they didn't even kids, dating someone outside your race before taking the red pill always happen. I've dated Asians, Mexicans before realizing that white women is what I need in my life to carry on the white race.
Were these two dating at one point? What's with that leg pop?
Stopping the boat was not their goal, the point was to bring attention to the fact that this is happening and now to possibly fund a bigger mission against these criminals
They are copying a Greepeace's style of political activism. It might not have a direct impact, but will get publicity to your point.
Not a Greenpeace supporter, but one cannot deny that they had an effect in the long run.
She is still not a jew stop lying.
God damn I bet she took that white cock good
That guy will never stop lying. He has seen that vid and all the other evidence 100 times. He is a paid shill.
>its not race mixing if you dont have kids
jew logic, ladies and gents
so she's a Zionist? :) stay defeated.
If legit will donate when I get home.
>buy my book!
I like your way of thinking user.
She is not a Zionist. Maybe she was in the past, but do you have any evidence, that she is one now. She is white nationalist not a Zionist. Show me evidence from after she left rebel media.
Well, has she within the last year exposed the Jewish plot of white genocide? Has she even recanted her own words and apologized to her (((fellow white people)))? Or is she still denying the Jewish Problem and focusing on Muslims and immigrants...whom the Jews control?
this silences the shill
Notice the pattern that in this thread this guy admits she is not a Jew because he has to. But when you see him in a future Lauren thread he will once again claim she is a Jew. Because he is a paid shill and not a genuine person with genuine opinions.
2016 jan 8. She changed since that date. Also how it is a Zionist intrest to stop migrants, and stop white genocide?
>Implying she's not still with (((Ezra)))
>Implying if Jews help you, you lose
Enemy of my enemy, etc.
Even if she is not admitting white genocide, she is trying to stop it. More than what you are doing now.
>Notice the pattern that in this thread this guy admits she is not a Jew because he has to.
You're saying she isn't a Jew.
Now think about this...
If I concede that she is in fact NOT a Jew...
you're left with explaining why she's a Zionist who protects Jews.
No matter what you say, little wandering dog, I win.
And now you gain a small insight into your opponent's thinking..
Hurry. Pick up your jaw and change your panties.
>She changed since that date.
then link us to the Tweet where Lauren Southern exposes the Jewish plot of white genocide. Go ahead. I'll wait.
>you help your enemies when you expose them
You should just ignore concern shills.
Now show me how did you expose white genocide to the public, I wait.
"e-celeb" is a shill word. If you're user you need to stop using it, you're making yourself look like an angst-y, uneducated teenager.
They're called journalists, reporters and activists. Either sort yourself out or leave this board you racist, sexist sub-human shill.
That's not the issue here, the issue is you will call her a Jew again in the next thread. You won't just call her a Zionist. You will call her a Jew even though you know she is not because you're intellectually dishonest and a shill.
Funny how that tweet from "8 Jan 2016" has her current profile picture where on 2016-01-26 she had this pic
and before this one
You wouldn't have a link to the actua tweet now, would you?
/thread checked
where does she say anything about white genocide? does she even use the word "white" or nah famalam?
>when you expose your enemies they win
are you telling me Lauren Southern is a professional researcher and she doesnt know the Truth about white genocide despite having talked about it for at least two years?
I think you're an eceleb shill m8 :^)
Ok. How about I call her a Zionist then?
Lauren Southern is not a Jew but she is instead a Zionist: a traitor to the white and human race who has chosen to side and work on behalf of Jews.
Why is Lauren Southern a Zionist who refuses to name and expose her Jewish masters?
Is one really better than the other, or is it true when I say the Zionist is just as bad, if not worse, than the Jew?
(((Lauren Southern))), a journalist, reporters and activists ? wew Can you share what you smoke ?
2015 dec 30
Western is a codeword for white.
But you havent answed my question. How did you expose white genocide to the public?
Nevermind, found it myself.
>western is a codeword for white
LOL why is she talking in codewords that no one understands?
>tfw you will never take martins big austrian dick
So Lauren is a Zionist for not exposing white genocide to the public. By this logic you are a Zionist too.
Everyone with two working braincells understand this.
Maybe she had a taste of it.
I'm literally exposing white genocide to the public you low IQ shitskin.
let me know when she exposes white genocide, user :)
(((Eli Mosley)))
nice work
Who is this?