Serious Holocaust Discussion

How can you deny such a well documented event Sup Forums? I don't find 6 million to be that hard to believe. There's also well documented proof of allied soldiers finding concentration camps. What am I missing here?

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as someone whos relatives where in a camp i don't deny it happening, but i seriously doubt the figures that are given

>well documented
>There's also well documented proof of allied soldiers finding concentration camps
Yes, they found camps. Camps they had spied on throughout the wars which were inspected by the red cross while they were operational; camps they observed with aerial surveillance, camps with piles of bodies and ash where the cause of death was ruled to be from typhus and starvation. Camps that had proper facilities and shelters in comparison to the Soviet and Allied camps for the shelter of the prisoners.
>What am I missing here?
Either a few red pills if you're curious, a few brain cells if you're confidence in the Holocaust narrative being truthful, or a few shekels if you're here to go "MUH SACRED HOLOCAUST GOY"

no one is denying the camps existance, but thats not evidence for 6 million deaths.

I can believe there were six to twelve million people in the camps, but not killed, given that it seems like everyone apparently has relatives that were in the camps, even though they don't know shit about what happened, and lying about it is a thing.

>well documented

user, I...

Chamber of rotating knives
Masturbation machine
25 inches of wood in ass
Fucked by a dog
Gassed six times
Survived six contraction camps
Survived mengele
Pool of electricity
Burned alive
Human soaps and lamps
It was real in my head
Outlawed to criticise it
Conflicting sources
Only evidence is witnesses
Witnesses caught lying nunerous times

3 million died out of starvation and typhus


>relatives where in a camp
muh camp is proof of everything

congrats man you're a retard.

>3 million died out of starvation and typhus

This number is still too high, otherwise you are correct

Would you kill six million to save six billion Sup Forums?


>well documented
provide one document

>I don't find 6 million to be that hard to believe.

That's your decision

>There's also well documented proof of allied soldiers finding concentration camps

... And?


When you deny the Holocaust ever happened but want it to happen again


That one gets me everytime, I can't remember what book it's from though.

yea right asshole

Why is it illegal to investigate this historical event?


6 million is a number that existed in the Jewish community for decades before the Holohoax

This is a door to a real gas chamber compared to the door to the Auschwitz "gas chamber"

Last frame should be:'We are pieces of shit because we didn't let Hitler genocide the jews'

Why didn't Britain declare war on the USSR for invading Poland from the East if they declared war on Germany for invading Poland from the West?

WOW, what a fucking image!

>There's well documented proof of allied soldiers finding concentration camps
They found concentration camps, but the only "death camps" were the ones never inspected by American troops.

The Bolsheviks were Jews. The Bolsheviks discovered Auschwitz and claimed many things about the camp.

I like the masturbation machine more desu

And why was that?

The Soviets would not allow U.S. forces into their conquered territory.

This pic is pretty accurate
If Hitler had killed the RIGHT kikes we wouldn't be in this situation today

Why is it an amazing coincidence?
Death camps just happend to be in the east.

>25 inches of wood in ass

One of my favourites.


hhhhmmmmmmmmm now this interests me

now is THIS document fabricated?

How do Holocaust believers explain all the wild stories like: ? By simply calling the Holocaust memoirs part fiction(alized) like they do with Night nowadays?

On the other hand, how do Holocaust deniers explain Josef Mengele and his experiments? Surely the cruelty of these experiments (such as sewing sibling together or injecting brown-eyed people's eyes with blue ink) is a testament to the evil nature of the Nazis.

Not trying to start anything, just curious.

But if the "Final Solution" was a thing, why were Jews being kept in the non-death camps instead of being sent to the "death camps"?

There's the "Holocauster Tycoon" pic

Not what posted though

Come on. You know (((why))). Don't play stupid.

Because Germany send all off its own young working force to fight so they put to import jews to work in the factories. lots of them still died tho.

I agree some parts are legit although are highly exaggerated. Also "evil" is a slippery slope, every bit of medical research conducted in the past was pretty "evil"

superior german ovens teleported the smoke into the unattached chimney

I'm talking about the Jews being kept in concentration camps. They weren't fit for work. Why not gas them?

the ovens where they burned bodies are located underground you dumbass

It's not.

They where. As long as they could work they got to work. when they where no longer fit for work they where gassed.
Jews in deathcamps where immediately gassed

They supposedly cremated over 4,000 bodies per day at Auschwitz.

First: Where are the mass graves?

Second: How is it physically possible to cremate that many bodies every day?

Gassed like Anne Frank? Oh wait...


>It's not.
You sure? Seems fairly illegal.

I want to ride the holocauster

>hands up

Anne Frank died of typhus, in a conentration camp, where she had to live in horrible conditions

Honestly I'm on the fence about the whole thing. I would place myself in the "AH should have" camp (no pun intended).

I can't accept that fake memoirs serve as proof that it's all a lie because with any disaster you're going to get imposters (see: fat bitch who claimed she was rescued from the top floor on 9/11). It makes sense that so many people would lie about it for personal gain, but that doesn't disprove if it did or did not happen.

As for the experimentation, the answer I've gotten is that Unit 731 did stuff that was just as bad. Also that the Allies dropping the A-bomb was just as bad. I can't really argue with that because there's no way to rank morality. Maybe nuking the Japs was worse than human experimentation, but it's pretty much your opinion.

The thing that really gets me thinking it's a hoax is the fact that so many European countries have banned calling it a hoax. Again, not evidence, but it does make me suspicious.


Why wasn't she gassed at Auschwitz?

nobody was gassed


Guess I may as well post the masturbation machine one too.

Because she was still capable of work, so she was send back to Bergen Belsen

I think this stuff is just a distraction from the BIG lie which is the gas chambers.

Being "capable of work" didnt prevent them from "gassing" millions.

And you have to wonder if an emaciated 14 year old girl was truly capable of work, especially when she was sickly.

just luck then

Mein kek

Quite possible.

That reminds me, I forgot to link to may favorite holocaust video.

>people have accepted this as historical fact instead of immediately considering it as evidence of a lie

What the heck? These aren't even good made up stories. I thought Jews were supposed to be funny. Okay masturbation machines is a little funny.

Part of our communist heritage (no seriously it was instituted under communism) and after 40 years of red plague WWII is nearly irrelevant to us. You won't find people being dragged to jail for it.

Unlike tweets in other countries.

Why was Amon Goeth relieved of duty for "mistreatment of prisoners at Plaszow camp? Seems weird that the Nazis would care if they had a "final solution" to genocide every last Jew.


You can definitely be dragged to jail for it.

Gets me everytime.

>On the other hand, how do Holocaust deniers explain Josef Mengele and his experiments? Surely the cruelty of these experiments (such as sewing sibling together or injecting brown-eyed people's eyes with blue ink) is a testament to the evil nature of the Nazis.

Funnily enough the americans didn't find unit 731 too atrocious to co-opt them.

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

This is also implying there was an infinite supply of gasoline, zyklon b and firewood available in every death camp that was used.

It reminds me of my birth in Treblinka, from which I escaped at the age of 3 years by using my pacifier to hold my breath for 68 minutes while all around me gas was filling the lungs of thousands of eternally persecuted chosen people until I could crawl out from under the wooden door, unseen by the ferocious Nazi guards, 600 of them, who were masturbating furiously while watching giant imperial eagles strip the emaciated bodies of flesh, leaving only bones, bones, bones, the bones which i wish to forget but they will forever remain real in my mind.

It was a day spa, with free pina colotas, you know the kind with the little umbrellas in them.