We are being raided by leftypol

Why do they do this on a Sunday on mother's day of all days?

Their mother doesn't love them

Notice their tactic: Way overplaying Sup Forums's fear of jews as a way to slide in some shitty communist system. It's so obvious it's insane. I'm beginning to think leftypol are unironically autistic and can't into shilling properly


Leftists hate mothers, that's why they love abortions, slut walks and shaming traditional women. Their issues bleed out and poison society


They're the types of people who hate their parents for not showing them enough attention.

What's their deal? I see at least 5 or 6 communist threads, plus a few more subtle ones. I hope no one falls for it.

>Le invasion Xddd
You know what they say about people that don't get enough attention as a child

There have been a swarm of share blue shills ever since trump fired comey. Wonder why? Sarcasm....



Here burger. Give yo moms a burger. And give her whole family a burger. Dem's hungrey!!

Its not just /leftypol/

There is an international group of students, part of a university project that are assigned to shitpost here.

There's also the leftist subreddits such as r/anarchism, r/communism and so on.

I wouldnt be surprised if we had actual government paid groups shilling here.
This board attracted too much attention in the last few months and is literally going to collapse under its own weight.

Sup Forums's racist core is almost dead and replaced with a blurry anti-establishmentarian, anti-leftist nucleus of beliefs.

Sup Forums is on its death bed.

>Give them attention
Best course of action is saging in all fields

I remember some of the threads say "Gommunism will save the white race :DDD" too

As is the White race as a whole. You lose. Embrace death. Your race will not survive this century.

I know. I just want to see leftists and non-whites suffer

They have no family values.

>Sup Forums is on its death bed.

blackpills are black shills

as if

You can deny it, but the statistics don't lie. Almost no White communities have birth rates above replacement.

Because they're degenerate faggots.

Everyone will suffer, but you will suffer first.

Nothing can save the White race.

I don't know, shill. You tell us.

As are all Whites. Yes, even you. Especially you.

Now this is shillposting. Filtered.

Like you absolute subhumans could do anything except shitpost in your safe space while your race and civilization dies.

Ignoring me doesn't make me wrong, it just makes you ignorant.

How does this make you feel?

Yet more evidence of why Whites are subhuman.

I don't have a mother because she was killed by drunk conservatives. On this day each year I plot my revenge.

You're missing that Italian goy.

And I'm not really bothered by it. Brexit is gonna happen and even if Trump turns out to be a Jew then it was pretty funny seeing those Hillary supporters crying in election night. We've gotten the most important countries so far.

Also: AfD increased their vote from literally nothing to 7.8%, I'd say that's an achievement.

Oh sure, such an achievement, getting single digits.