This is what happens when the niggers and sandniggers work together

>German lawmakers are surprised that NatSoc is coming back

Other urls found in this thread:


Please, I'm not saying this isn't true,, but I need to know if this is real. I've never heard of the site it's on.


Dude... This can't be real?

Can't be real.

Nothing new. This happened in other federal states before. There was a news article like 2 years ago about a German family being evicted, so the house can be given to refugees. It was in the news for a day and then nobody cared anymore, insha'allah.

There is no fucking way that is real.


sauce? this is just sheer sacrilege

>properties seized
Well okay that's imminent domain.
You're paying the property owner, right?

>properties renovated
Okay, you already took the property from its owner

>all renovation costs will be billed to the owner of the property
Y-you mean the person who the government gave it to after it paid the legitimate owner, right?

Excellent idea.

Use refugees as ideological shields against media to spread right ideologies with good intentios. Perfect.


Not a source to OP, but a similar event (as already mentioned above):

That's fake new Son. ha ha

where was that hotel they took over? i remember the old guy that owned the place being pissed about it and they weren't even compensating him full cost.

So progressive! I'm impressed

Wasn't that in Italy?

its real but its not the whole story, the whole story is that the owner let the buildings rot over years and did not rent them out to anyone...

man, it's almost like if I own something, I should get to choose what happens to it...

The owner has the right to do whatever he wants with his property. If he wants to turn it into a giant crater to shit it that is his choice. I will enjoy when the mudsharks bull your mother, father and daughter you fucking germanic cuck.

And that justifies theft how exactly?

This sounds as retarded as that GEZ fee that Germans are forced to pay for state-owned TV/radio in NRW every other month or so. If a German refuses to pay said fee, GEZ employees disguised as, say, sales people come over and ask to enter their house to confiscate their appliances and get sued by the state. The GEZ states that it doesn't matter if you own a TV/radio or not, as long as you have appliances in the property, you must pay this fee and are subjected to prosecution if the fee is not paid. You guys are rich, but you have a ridiculous government.

And you'll get sued by the state*

GEZ is essentially another tax imposed upon every citizen. You are forced to pay for the same radio and TV shows which propagate white genocide.