Should women be allowed to become police officers?
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That's porn, roach.
Also the answer is yes. Nothing better than seeing a woman beat up a roach.
Only if the standard doesn't need to be lowered for their admission
>That's porn, roach.
whatever helps you sleep at night.
nothing better than seeing a stronk independent woman get shot in the face because she's incompetent and weak
I'll just leave this here.
Absolutely not. At least not in roles where they're out on the streets.
Of course, there are specific circumstances like strip searches where women are needed to preserve peoples dignity, and there are a lot of jobs a female police officer is capable of doing especially with a more physically capable partner. Women often have good soft skills which is well suited to police work so long as they're able to be stern & disagreeable.
Male cops are frequently obese donut munching lardos, it's not as if there are strict physical requirements for all police work.
In general there are more men suited to police work than women, but excluding that minority of women makes no sense to me. I'm just anti-quota.
Only if they pass the same physical tests as men.
What movie is this?
i can't even count how many times i've jerked off to this
Women don't belong in any position of serious authority.
Out in the jobs world, they're fine as waitresses, secretaries, customer service reps, but no position of real power.
Riot (aka G.B.H.)
[spoiler]I made this webm and it cost me 7 pound to order the dvd from amazon[/spoiler]
I love getting arrested by hot female cops
Wonder how much he paid to fuck her? Wonder how many diseases he got?
Sure. They can work dispatch.
Unlike you I don't live in a country where we hand out free guns to niggers, but nice try.
Pair them with a male officer. Women can search women, men can search men... and while youre at it, give them all K9 units too... and pistols FFS Britain
wow. If I was a brit watching this, I would hate my country.
What a fucking joke.
>don't live in a country where we hand out free guns to niggers
Obama did that with Mexicans, more or less. Like a dumbass.
The rest of the niggers have to steal their guns like every other nigger in the wild.
In some instances they are useful like when dealing with hysterical women after domestic abuse
As a cop on patrol they're pretty shit. Once had 3 female cops fail to take down 1 guy and had to go help them out
Shoo roach or we'll bite off your leg again
I stand corrected.
not when you have to deal with niggers.
Pretty accurate.
Doing God's work lad
Someone post the webm of the migrant who overpowers 2 female cops in Sweden
>tee hee look at us we're defending law and order *takes another selfie*
Wow she got BTFO.
Whhyyyy would you send 3 female cops to a refugee site to deal with a guy?
How many women could the average guy take in a open brawl? I'm guessing around 6v1, supposing no combat training on either side.
You're posting those pictures for hours on end today - are you bored? Maybe you should kill yourself, roach.
I mean, be honest: are you proud to be a subhuman degenerate?
Well not all police work is grunt work.
Dealing with the public means you need soft skills a lot of the time
Women police are the biggest fucking bitches- totally unreasonable and have no respect
Yet when they have to actually do any police work they're useless and get scared easily
I mean male police here are fucking pussies and sperg out when there's any violence but women are hilarious to watch- truly something else
Wow bongs are confirmed as the most beta people. Wtf
only if they're good girls
HOLY KEK I'm fucking rolling
Yes roach here in the west women have equal rights. This is why turkey will never be European.
Me too I got taken into custody from court once by this hot ass chick cop and had a chub. She grabbed it for a second while searching me til she realized what it was. She turned red as fuck hahaha god damn I wanted to fuck her and she knew it.
That's nothing to brag about burger
Depends. American women? They've got more mass to flail around with. I'd say 3 or 4 is the max an average dude could fight off.
A man would've been able to take the punch and probably fight back.
why does the dutch police have a santander bank logo?
>30 euro
>no disease he didn't already have
....well shit.
no women shouldn't be allowed to even work
Of course not.
yes but they need to be physicaly on par with their male colleagues. NO short girls with pony tails and make up
That's never going to happen, even the 4% of women that can get through the same fitness demands as men will not be as strong, or mentally prepared, men are literally wired for it.
I agree with this. In the Police force, there's no room for pussies. Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.
Oh believe me there's plenty of room for pussies in the Metropolitan police.
Waaait is that
could it be
is it
Paperwork yes
operations no
>should women be allowed to become police officers?
I'm a pretty well trained martial artist and am quite naturally broad, even with a nightstick and taser I wouldn't take on nine people.
I might if I had a firearm and they weren't all in one immediate mass (and therefore able to rush me).
Neither of those women are actual police officers though.
Fake police uniforms are all the rage with moroccan youth nowadays. Not entirely sure why.
Even if they aren't real cops, there's plenty examples showing why female cops shouldn't exist.
Well, well, well, if it isn't Geert "Copgrinder" Wilders, Geert "Blazing Blunts And Mosques" Wilders, Geert "Million Muslim Massacre" Wilders
>Neither of those women are actual police officers though.
so they were raping the girls on police property and this is couched in a question of sexual abuse?
Why not?
Niggers too
>Oh believe me there's plenty of room for pussies in the Metropolitan police.
>Niggers too
They probably get paid to sign up.
females are way better
Have you fags seen some of the women in the force? The are fucking ogresses! Really, if a guy risked a rape he would be the one left with a trauma for the rest of his life, because holy fuck wth is that!.
The stereotype exists. Skip to 1:25. They're like primary school teachers.
the answer is the same as should turkey be considered european?
i think female police officers are a great idea, only when mixed in with males. they would probably stop low level corruption and officers abusing their power by being much more caring and empathetic for such behaviors.
better than a circlejerk of roided shaved head bad boys who want some ultra violence.
Dutch women can easily be good officers. Most of them are taller than the roaches anyway.
Kek, whats that guy in the leather jacket doing
rape ?
paying for a hooker is now rape ?
>better than shaved head roused bad Bois that want ultra violence
Literally the opposite of what we have now
Would be pretty cool if they were like that I might have some respect for them
It's more humiliating if they arrest muslims so fuck yeah.
>inb4 kanacken are peaceful
thats Anja Abi some alleged german(?) prostitute or instagram ho
A female family member of mine has recently become a police officer. Never before have I seen someone take the redpill so fast after being exposed first-hand to the shit that actually goes on in life.
>originally your stereotypical feminist redditor
>lobbied HARD for the #BLM shit that goes on in Toronto
>failed physical qualifications multiple times but kept on trying because "I am womyn, hear me roar"
>surprisingly doesn't think it's unfair, works her ass off to eventually pass
>about 1 year on the force and responded to over 100 violent calls
>73% are involving a black male
>tells me NOT ONCE have they ever co-operated
>always violent retaliation, shot at multiple times
>calls out the nigger, and names the jew for perpetuating this shit in the media over easter dinner
>whole family hates her, I'm her only friend
>"user, why the fuck are you always right"
It's not just women, not everyone is made to be a police officer. But the vast majority of women shouldn't be in combat roles, in my opinion.
Lasted 8 seconds.
>meanwhile in sweden
and then they all stood up and clapped.
This is the reason why women shouldn't be in the police force or military.
They are in all actuality the weaker sex and have less muscles than men
>This is the reason why women shouldn't be in the police force or military.
>They are in all actuality the weaker sex and have less muscles than men
It was the jews who started all this city thug shit and fuck da polis.
now i have to hear about benefits class trash robbing pensioners in my neighborhood...and the police?
too busy covering for somali rape gangs because they are low iq muslims.
In the U.S., a strong percentage of cops are former high school wrestlers. Lots of grappling and takedowns in the U.S. police force. Also, it's a popular post-military activity. U.S. cops wouldn't put up with this shit - mostly.
I have the feeling he's a plainclothes police officer or something. But i'm not sure.
The fact he's holding Mehmet down while the other officers seem to tolerate it, makes me wonder.
>"user, why the fuck are you always right"
Because Sup Forums is always right.