"Russia is our friend" Since when?
How can you defend this?
November 8th
Who's 'we' in this context?
What does the senator of Utah have to do with anything?
December 25, 1991
louise mensch's latest fantasy is that Trump's cabinet is getting arrested and hatch will become president
Spencer is clearly controlled opposition
>inb4 at least he's doing something
I have no beef with Russia and if some random meme ethnic group in Eastern Europe does that's not my problem.
Liberals 2017
>Russia is our friend since when?
>Let ISIS in! They're not the bad guys!
>he cant swallow the kvas pill
when will you learn ? the cold war was a divide-and-conquer move by (((them))) to keep the major world powers weak and fighting each other .
if not for (((them))) we'd be landing colony ships on titan by now and celebrating our probe getting 1/4 of the way to proxima cenauri .
I lav murica pliz let tramp kam to powa so I can occupy u
Can someone explain why I'm supposed to hate russia? I don't get this meme
Do liberal nutbags think we're at war with Russia or something? Why do they have a problem with having allies? Would they react this way to "UK is our friend" or "Israel is our friend"?
0.02 shekels has been deposited into your Bank of Israel account. Thanks for defending Israel!
Competition makes you stronger
Is that a Might & Magic Heroes game?
Since seditionist cocksuckers attempted to establish a coup against the sitting president of the united states of america.
That's retarded, Paul Ryan would become president before Orrin Hatch.
What did Yahveh mean by this?
well technically most of the red scare is bullshit built on the united states wanting to be top dog. so when you realize that we arent fighting them it seems kinda stupid to be all that mad at them
and technically its virginia. white supremacist all over the place. throw a rock you hit 3. russia HAD a neo nazi problem. china cleaned it up. a small wave of suicides in america follow the day the story ran. all had white power affiliations. probably a candle light vigil for their fallen brothers in arms
They made Obama and Clinton look like morons so now we must hate them.
When news about Podesta's emails revealing the possibility of child rape was at its peak in popularity, the left rolled out the Russia diversion in full force. There is absolutely nothing to the Russian hacking or Russian meddling with the election. It is a smokescreen.
Can I have a source on the tweet and the video where they chanted "Russia is our friend"?
Why the hell do you guys respond to bait threats? At least sage.
Did they ever clarify what they meant by 'hacking our election'?
Do the libs think the Russians literally hacked into the voting machines or something?
Yep, even in Russia nobody believes in this bullshit
it's crazy how everything little dicky says is perfect ammo against the right. makes me think
Russia IS our friend, otherwise they wouldnt have done the uranium one deal through the clinton foundation.
Wait...what? Why would they say that though? I'm curious.
The fantasy is everyone close to Trump gets removed from office as well
how do you fight back against tactics like this? people just eat it up, and attack you for trying to help them. it's like a fucking cult.
it changes all the time for them. Sometimes it's they hacked it, sometimes it's le drumpfer isn't russian puppet
>they troll liberals
>youre too retarded to tell the difference
If they are "trolling" then they need to stop. The media will just shit on them for this. Nice job Richard with that "epic troll".
Our main weapon is our superior powers of ridicule.
You can despise Russia and still be far right.
Those idiots don't represent anyone.
good old i was being retarded on purpose tactic
Well if he says right wing things he will offend liberals. Just because liberals disagree doesn't mean it's 'ammo against the right' - who cares what liberals think.
The media will shit on the no matter what. At least by doing everything that drives liberals mad they get media attention.
You still think the media will ever be on our side? No matter what we do they will be against us. Set yourself free, stop trying to please the opposition and focus on your own goals.
This, Putin is a kike puppet that bans "hate speech" criticizing his jewish masters.
I just wonder if he knows it or not. But he's a great example how socialist beliefs are poisoning everyone.
He might be a (real or concocted) white supremacist. But he's not fiscally (or socially) conservative.
Most importantly, he's not very intelligent.
by that logic we should divide the entire world into city states for maximum competition , nation states are weak because of cooperation .
hell why not go a step further and turn the entire world into a NAPocracy ? im sure we'll get alot done while we're guarding our property form NAP violations by our neighbor's starving sex slaves .
the progress of civilization has consistently been towards bigger organizational units .(with fluctuations here and there obviously with empires rising and falling). if we end all nation states on earth we can create a world police for a fraction of the cost of the worlds armies and police forces now. save a shitton of time and money on not having to deal with political shit on the country-scale and spend all the extra money and people into making our economy semi-post-scarcity
If this statue and other confederate stuff gets taken down or destoryed. Im straight up telling people slavery never happened. Prove to me it happened, oh wait you cant!
The old right is on its death bed. You have to accept this, the GOP dies with our parents. Nothing you do can change this.
>americans think russia is on their/europes side
You people literally deserve to get wiped out.
Russia's interpretation of 'hate speech' probably differed from what western governments define it as.
Russia isn't comparable to a European country like England or France, it's more of a collection of countries (and by extension ethnicities) united under Moscow. With that in mind I'm not surprised they have laws on how far you can go in riling up tensions between groups.
I don't think Putin is 'saviour of the white race' or anything but at least he doesn't go out of his way to eradicate his own tribe.
I wish it were six million and one.
>It was zero
This is what brainwashing looks like.
What makes them our enemy?
yep. Russia is the enemy - dangerous and organized white people, mostly. America is the enemy - same reason.
Minorities are not the enemy... they're dumb and dirty. Also they sold their soul to us automatically since we're the better choice for them.
>by that logic we should divide the entire world into city states for maximum competition , nation states are weak because of cooperation .
>hell why not go a step further and turn the entire world into a NAPocracy ? im sure we'll get alot done while we're guarding our property form NAP violations by our neighbor's starving sex slaves .
Yes his post was retarded.
>the progress of civilization has consistently been towards bigger organizational units .(with fluctuations here and there obviously with empires rising and falling). if we end all nation states on earth we can create a world police for a fraction of the cost of the worlds armies and police forces now. save a shitton of time and money on not having to deal with political shit on the country-scale and spend all the extra money and people into making our economy semi-post-scarcity
Holy shit. That's my birthday. Am i the Antichrist?
Theyre not currently an enemy but make no mistake, they arent allies either. Theyre competition, nothing more nothing less for the foreseeable future.
Russia opposes American liberal hegemony, so do most American people. Why do you think Trump won?
I don't understand why the American left want to be at war with Russia so badly. They are the only country that can seriously threaten us. Better to be friends, no?
>Germany thinks that U.S.A. is on Europes side
You people literally deserve to get wiped out.
Seriously, when has U.S.A. ever came to your aid.
We've actually sided with Russia before, out of mutual interest. We've never once sided with you, ever.
You're fucked, just like every world war.
Since Slavery never happened we can just take this statue down then.
Since I fucking said so.
Since they kept Hillary Clinton out of office
That thing is hideous.
Is she famous for absorbing the souls of other slaves or something
Not really anymore. Russia is even weaker than Poland, the only thing they have going for them are lots of old weapons (that have not been properly maintained and probably do not work anymore). The global elite are just propping up Russia as some kind of boogeyman, and Putin is going along with it because he's a USSR LARPer.
I dont know honestly. I cant remember exactly where Ive seen her from. If only there were more statues of an event like this from both sides.
>White people coming together
Nah, she's the lady from the syrup bottles.
Kumbaya, me lord, kumbaya
>"Russia is our friend" Since when?
And who are you, Comrade Questions?
I think they just trolling local liberals. At least I hope so.
Russian liberals tend to do chant something like 'western world with us', but our liberals is... special.
Cold War and communism.
That's literally it. Friendly compition that led to fearmongering and since we jate russia, other countries must as well.
I play EvE and Russians are my spacebros o/
russia is a christian nation that defends its nation, culture, and people. it also is not globalist.
its really just that simple.
They are trolling no one.
Why do Americans have such a hard on for Russia? Shouldn't they focus on deporting shit skins, and not on what's left of their once archenemy?
I personally hate Russia. Once us and China become good allies, we can force Russia into more poverty
cool #openbordersforisraelnow
You have to go back. Russia might be shit, but we will always choose a fellow white over a chink.
Is this a usa approved Russian hackers phone?
I just want the Nazis and Antifa to kill each other so I don't have to see their bullshit anymore.
HoMM 3, to be exact. It was (or maybe still is) quite popular around here.
since D. Trump asked, "wouldn't it be great if we could get along with Russia" and then we all voted for him
Spencer loves sucking Israeli dick you fucking idiot
Honestly what has Russia directly done wrong to America?
I don't like them but I don't see the point in accusing them of the things we have while presenting no evidence.
People overly praise Russia here as a back handed way of telling democrats they don't buy the story.
None of these people really like Russia, most have never been to Russia.
attacking was our only chance to defend and we lost.
They are just disillusioned by the propaganda.
The issue is Russia's current government wouldn't allow any cooperation even on the most basic level not mentioning fighting back Pharisees.
>Honestly what has Russia directly done wrong to America?
For about 50 years they threatened you with nuclear annihilation. They also spread their ideology across the world and waged numerous proxy wars against you. Other than that, not much.
i love russia because russians dont give a fuck about signaling virtues or "finding" (((problematic femtoaggressions))) or being scared of being racist and russia has 0 niggers
u wot m8 israel has most walls per capita\square km in the world and for good reason. before this was built i personally saw 2 buses and and restaurant blow up and after i saw some dude try to stab a 20 y/o girl and get his shit pushed in by magavnicks.
>Country doesn't have Freedom of Speech
>You can't even call someone a kike and tell Putin to go fuck himself
Woah really?
>russia has 0 niggers
Well not really
>i love russia because russians dont give a fuck about signaling virtues or "finding" (((problematic femtoaggressions))) or being scared of being racist
Their culture is very feminine and bases itself on not being confident in ones ability, so you shouldn't shill so hard for Russia if you haven't lived with Russians. They are still good people but the USSR really killed their ability to retaliate logically.
then i guess your little one world gov pipedream is dead at the starting gate then
better luck next time, kike-o
Friendly reminder that we're disappearing every moment that we argue and fight among each other.
>t. Penza
Even Moscow doesn't speak Russian...
really makes you think about (((who))) is pushing this russia narrative and (((why)))
>America is on Euros side
Britbongs, sure, but the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.
Except Estonia. Estonia can stay.
Can't believe Antifa are chanting that, as a proud Republican I recognise we are not friends with Rus-
oh shit I mixed up my narrative, forget I said all that.
Yup only Estonia should exist.
Putin is literally the only one standing up for Western civilization right now
Feels bad, man.
Hahaha I can't believe that Russia actually took it's revenge after the dissolution of the ussr
They will destroy you and you will thank them on top of it. Can't wait
Severely underrated