So explain to me why you don't have a conservative gf yet.
So explain to me why you don't have a conservative gf yet
Because they are too hard to find?
because i have no job and browse this image board all day with the occasional masturbation session to traps and anime on /gif/
They're not allowed to marry kuffar.
I will in the summer, should Deus vult.
cuz are over age
They are not. You just don't find many of them acting like idiots in shitty bars and clubs. Have you tried church?
Church is for people that have something to repent. Otherwise it's younger girls with their family.
Only conservative girl I know is from Chile.
I live in the San Francisco area
Because I made her my wife so she could have my babies.
I live in the Seattle area.
They all turn liberal after I'm done with them
Because I'm a poor, fugly, loser who masturbates to 2D anuses.
We all have something to repent, if we possess the self awareness to recognize it. It's also a good case of an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure
I do, it wasn't easy to find one online but I managed. Now to marry and crank out white kids, preferably males.
I am immensely retarded and ugly and operate purely on hatred.
Same here. We all have to be undercover here in this shitty place now.
Conservatism requires brains and an adult mindset.
Things women dont have,
SO the only way to get a conservative girlfriend is to go to fucking church?
Nigger please. Im not gouing to waste my time with some "spook" in the sky that cannot be proven in any way shape or form when there are fucking MILLIONS of portneial dieties.
It never ceases to amaze me at how this site can claim to be smart and christian at the same time.
This is the most euphoric post in this thread, good show lad.
Because I live in a multicultural liberal land. :(
I've met 2 in my life, one was an orc/troll hybrid, the other one was married
You live in Texas how hard can it be?
I on the other hand live in BC, in an immigrant community. The only conservative women I've met irl that were in my age bracket were already dating someone or married.
I have many christian principles, but I never had faith.
That said, going to church would be a huge hypocrisy and a lie, even though I agree with almost all the traditional values, but for social and human reasons - not because of God.
What do you guys recommend for someone like me, a christian without God in it's heart? What places, events, groups?
i do, we are both hispanics causing panic
Because they all love libcock :(
A choice between hard work(rightwing) and being taken care off(leftwing)
Is it any wonder why there are so few Conservative women?
They literally evolved to vote leftwing.
My conservative family.
Pic related
I married one. You don't even have to try to redpill her. Reality and your guidance redpills her naturally. At this point, she's more of a nazi than I am.
Without this "spook," there is nothing in society or culture that encourages women to live conservatively. Everywhere else encourages degenerate behavior and applauds it.
Also, spooks are a spook
I have a gf who's dad is in Aryan Brotherhood and always talked shit about spics and niggers. One time we were at the pool and he got told by the Asian lifeguard to throw away his beer, ended up yelling at him and callingim a filthy chink.
She was already primed before I met her to be far right.
lol at the dyke on the left wiht 2 girls. based red-pill dyke
Portland here, I share the feels. I do have a gf though, just not one I think I want to start a family with. She's only gotten her shit half way together because of me, but she's still a mess than can hardly make it to her job on time and she can't take stress without burning down a whole pack. i.e not mother material and time's a wastin'
I'll be starting church soon, not religious myself, but at least a woman I meet there will potentially have principles that match more closely with mine.
>there's a qt blonde grill who works at the church my daughter goes to preschool at
>already know she's probably taken or married because how would she not be
feels fucking bad man I bet she's really nice
I do.