Things you hate about your Home Country

ITT post your least favorite things about your home country.

1."Le Sportsball 24/7"
2.Glorification of ghetto """culture""" in popularized Rap and Hip-hop, which everyone listens to.
3. Celebrity Worship

The extremely pernicious jewish influence on almost everything nowadays.

Example: I used to work at a call center that took clothing orders for plus-sized women's clothing catalogs (USA yes) and this one lady called in one time and actually put me on a 3-way call with her and her lawyer, who "had to legally advise me" that he was recording the entire call because she was so butthurt (dissatisfied) with previous times she'd call in to order fat people clothes.

this lady was literally paying her lawyer for the time it took her to order some fucking canopy-sized blouses and stretchpants

Natives asking for cigs/money
Arrogant pseudo french people
Canadian food is shitbread or fries witg gravy
Leftists evrywhere

I don't get this either. Who the fuck cares about Menendez hitting a baseball or 700 pound Jamal Smith sweating down the field holding an egg? I see people go "AW YEAH WOO LET"S GO WEOOO WOOODWO OH SHIT HES FROM MY BIG INDUSTRIALCITY FULL OF OVER 30 MILLION PEOPLE THAT MUST ME HE IS TOTAL RELATED TO ME. Shut up.

>Black culture
Extremely stupid too. I'm tired of hearing people go "Yo senpai that be finna lit bruh (emojis) do the dab you savage nigga!" I can go real deep into it but amazingly enough thug culture is so disgusting I can't describe it wouldn't getting mad lol.

>Celebrity Worship
I don't understand this either. Who the fuck cares what Kim Kardashian is doing? I seriously do not get it. I can't seem to understand why a person finds interest.

1. Patriotism is hate, theft is charity, and terrorism is peace.

I weep for humanity

What does this have to do with the Jews?

I'll agree that litigious behavior is tiresome, but it's not like Jews invented tort law.

The white trash and alcohol culture

>I'll agree that litigious behavior is tiresome, but it's not like Jews invented tort law.
They might not have invented tort law, but they catalyzed and promoted the litigious culture that's made every 30-something fat white woman a self-proclaimed expert on it ("it" being tort/consumer law).

Incessant Jew-worship, despite the fact Jews have given nothing to this country but wars and the atomic bomb.


The absolutely disproportionate rate of black crime that is completely ignored by the media and is politically incorrect to even mention.

You hear all about black crime on the local news. National news makes it sound like blacks still live on plantations.

1. Women are too good-looking
2. The food is too tasty
3. Quality of life is too high

>Quality of life is too high
Your internet speed is slower then eaven ours, be ashamed sven.

>The food is too tasty
Our is better

>Women are too good-looking
Our is better

sportsball 24/7 is because we have the biggest, strongest, and fastest athletes on the planet, so we have a deep appreciation for it. everything else is because of the jews.

Pussified 2smart4you cucks everywhere and sandniggers

The government
Stefan Löfven
Fredrik Reinfeldt
All the retarded Tumblrites who infest the country and took away my sister.

also muslims and other assorted foreign minorities

>Pussified 2smart4you cucks everywhere
Do you mean as in "2smart2 not vote for cultural enrichment"

>Home Country
your country is your only country. you don't have another one to distinguish with "home" and something else.

Spain is legit. I was shocked by how much fttp was there when i was on vacation. Japan is literally the source of all fiber. All the fusion machines come directly from Japan, not taiwan or China.

>3. Celebrity Worship
People have always had heroes, ideals and idols. I doubt this will ever change. However, you can change your value systems and by extension the types of people who become celebrities.

German who know everything better and kinda look down on you. Probably because of the WW2. After that they learned such a big lesson noone else could learn and they are much more wise and see if something like this happens. When the election with trump was they also talked so smart.
>Do you really think refugees take jobs away or do violent stuff? It never happend to me.

If your opinion is not the same as theirs, they try to teach you.
If you opinion fits theirs, they circlejerk.

Not all germans but most of them are like this.

I hate the sycophantic attachment many people have to the UK

That pink stuff is nasty, I have tried it. What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

>The extremely pernicious jewish influence on almost everything nowadays.

This. Time to steal the money back from the Jews.

also a lot of our dishes are shit and look like shit