How do we fix this? If Sup Forums has taught me anything it's that africa is full of savage niggers who are barely more advanced than monkeys. Is this just the way it will be forever? How come some niggers come to the west and are able to become doctors and shit?
How do we fix this...
It's all lies. Many African countries are on par with Eastern Europe. Just look at Mauritius.
Put whites in charge.
the word fix implies that it was working sometimes in the past.
Carpet bomb the whole place and fill it with literally any other race, it doesn't matter which one.
Ebola would have been the way to fix it. Aids is prevalent in many areas but is inefficient.
What about the really nigger countries though? Like Congo. Wtf goes on there?
Seychelles is a tax haven
Look up the demographics of these countries, they are not niggers
The Chinese will terraform it to their liking
If we stopped giving them food aid most of the warlords would starve and it would slowly return to subsistence farming villages. The niggers would still do terrible things to each other, but less frequently since they would need to work to feed themselves instead of just constantly raping each other.
we dont fix it. im old.
we dont feed them anymore.
we dont arm them anymore.
we don't aid them anymore.
we leave them alone and let nature take its course.
Well then you have to stop Bill Gates and other organizations dedicated to feeding them.
Rape, mostly, I think. And diamonds. Rape and diamonds.
Nah, they'll find out like France that they've opened themselves up to massive niggerization. You see what Paris has turned into? Just another African city, right? Same thing will happen to the Chinese cities...
Eh, you can bet whatever it is that Bill Gates is doing to them, it's not helping them out. It may look good, but somewhere along the line he's jewing the fuck out of them.
We offer amnesty to any whites still on the continent. Then we impose an "African conservation zone" where nobody is allowed in or out...kind of like Antarctica. Enforce it with millitary indefinitely
But then who would buy the guns that keep the factories humming?
imagine putting your life on the line to rape a black woman
i'd rather just jack off
Stop feeding them.
Yeah, that's what they keep thinking. This virus will de-niggerize Africa! No, this virus will!
Somehow the niggers keep surviving though. They really were engineered to take a beating and live.
This guy gets it
A German on vacation?
On paper, in theory - Africa as a region has the least amount of debt of them all. Which, on paper, means that they have the greatest potential for economic growth.
In reality though - niggers. And the reason they don't have debt is because everyone knows it's not worth it to lend a nigger money.
it's beyond fucked, even china tried to do something there but it didn't work, nothing work, just let them live in their shithuts or die
this is actually the only way to fix africa
Local farmers cant compete with free so the economy will never take off.
We could also kick all of the white people out that might work
You can't , build a wall around it
This, We should quarantine the continent off until they make radio contact with us. Fucking whites and Christians can't help themselves from fucking up Black man's natural evolution.
Also, we should bomb anything there that the west gave them. Farming equipment, buildings, power plants. Anything that is unnatural for their development. Just make it a wildlife preserve and forget about it for thousands of years.
Kill them all. Get rid of their genetic lineage. Prevent them from polluting the gene pool elsewhere
But ,eventually,when all other continents are cucked , africa will be the last cotinent where life is possible because its resources are yet unexploited , maybe africa will feed you someday , an don't give me the "we 'll je colonise it again" argument , cus you can't