Christian Theocracy is the best form of government

Christian Theocracy is the best form of government.
Prove me wrong. ProTip: You can't

b u m p

How do we meme this into existence?

dont stop posting Christ-Chan

>never will be a pure christian waifu






Separation of church and state is there to protect the church, not the state. A Christian theocracy would force us to submit ourselves to earthly princes in a way that is anathema to the will of God. Stop LARPing.


It would be off just what the bible says not Muh Francis






Until we get dumb cunts in office that say shit like "the bible is a living document" for political expedience. I'll keep petty temporal concerns out of my religion thank you very much.

>implying im a CuckLick

That man would rule your country if we lived in a Theocracy. You would have to lick nigger feet if he told you to do so.

The Catholic Church is the One True Faith, though.

Our coalition is falling apart already.

They dont follow the bible though my dude. At least your not a fedoracuck



I Cant.
take the Christian Distributism Theocracy pill.

>in b4 muh James 2
that was about being justified to man not to God

patrician taste, pic related


I would be a theocrat immediately however I can't conceive of what a Christian government would even look like. Maybe ecclesial courts and government courts with a monarch that rules with the sanction of Rome.






Only the pope and bishops would be able to enforce law because the authority of god is required to commit violence

I feel like the clergy is too few at this time to be burdened with such a task. I would imagine some form of formation by clergy in which just judges are commissioned would make the most sense.

Ecclesial courts would deal with self-mortifying acts like drug abuse and other banalities. While the commissioned courts would deal with matters of incarceration.