How do we fix /pol?
How do we fix /pol?
removing phoneposting would be a good start
it is too late. Sup Forums is compromised forever.
there are too many people from reddit and they now make up 80% of the posters.
theres nothing we can do about it. they finally killed pol
could always try nazi spam though, that seems to either drive people off or convert them pretty quickly
Here is an idea.
stop hating on our own lads
You can't, we willingly got enriched.
how do we make the_donald neocons to fuck off back to their farms
bring back /mlpol/
completely serious that it worked
Sup Forums is done
exactly. please do go fuck off back to red.dit if you unironically say any of that
you don't bitch, we're here to stay and we're gonna keep on winning.
Cry more faggot because we're here to stay
Impeach Trump.
Naziposting and patience
giving you guys independence was a misstake.
hello facebook neocon glenn beck grandpa
looking forward to another war for foreign interests?
says the guy from a country that voted THE FUCKING GREENS in
Come join this general. Sup Forums is slowly but surely being fixed. RaHoWa!
>hating reddit is now reddit
i cant keep up with this anymore
Literally the only group of people that voted him were roaches and your kind of slavic "i don't care about politics but media says Hofer is a nazi" people.
So shut up and be happy that we integrate your crappy country again.
It will die off eventually.
hello fbi
you're a cuckier country than germany
just be silent
your image is basically depicting what Sup Forums was like before the redditor drumpfist invasion. suffocate yourself cavoglave
As I figure it, just don't even mention reddit, or give the idea that you have been there.
haha le epik contrarian opinion
like this post if you want the old 9gag back
axe it for a few months so that normies can move on to whatever fad social networks shit out next
also bognadoff shit is our shit
just because the redditards use it doesnt mean its their meme
stop using words you can't use.
Also you should hurry up with your shitposting. You only got half an hour left until your government turns off your power for today
Require any original post to have the word 'faggot', 'nigger' or 'kike' in it.
reddit migrants won't do that.
Block Russians.
It's too late. It's overrun by Trump normies.
Sup Forums is now reddit, and soon the rest of Sup Forums will be.
demoNkratz are the real racists!
please go back to rebbit underage
*derails a serious thread*
yes, keep telling to yourself that the only people who voted in liberals were non-whites
it's totally hard to believe that austrians arent massive cucks and that at least 60% of the population are numales and cucks willingly voting in the green party
>You only got half an hour left until your government turns off your power for today
hilarious! xD
In 4 months all of the dumb shit is going to be filtered out and only the higher quality memes and jokes will still be popular and/or relevant. The shit memes and jokes will be replaced with new ones and people will be making these exact threads when really theres nothing we can do to stop popular culture from seeping onto the board with the high amount of traffic.
It's an endless loop. The definition of nu-pol changes every week. The "old Sup Forums" considers itself more intellectual and rather than discussing actual topics, they complain about nu-pol and normies.
lying won't solve the problem that you're both wrong and a poor faggot.
And yes it is hilarious to me that some people still live like cavemen.
Bring back /mlpol/
you sound hurt and exposed rebbitor underage
please go back to the_donald and post frog memes
This. Mobile posts are always sub-par
t. phoneposter
nigger bognadoff is FUCKING FUNNY
>and saying our means im underage
because this isnt a thread representing a certain majority
>that spacing
redditor complaining about reddit.
>lying won't solve the problem that you're both wrong and a poor faggot.
what does it say about your country when foreigners have enough voting power to vote a party/politician that, according to you, are unappealing to the native inhabitants?
We fix Sup Forums by removing the libertarian menace.
This pic is literally r/the_donald.
just post a bunch of gore and shit
will eventually leave
it's not funny and it's never been funny
it's a legitimate derailment tactic used by the government shills
they just know they can count on most of /pol being underage retards that will help them derail discussion by spamming unfunny copypastas
>posting twice like a faggot will definitely get my point across
literal shill, leave your country now
>what does it say about your country when foreigners have enough voting power to vote a party/politician that, according to you, are unappealing to the native inhabitants?
poor decisions of faggots a couple of decades back, but unlike your Bundesland (which you will be in due time again) we can handle problems.
And even if we were cucks. Who is the bigger cuck? The cuck or the übercuck who got dominated by the cuck
>yes, keep telling to yourself that the only people who voted in liberals were non-whites
>it's totally hard to believe that austrians arent massive cucks and that at least 60% of the population are numales and cucks willingly voting in the green party
You are absolutely right.
Austria is on 2nd or 3rd on the cucklist off Europe.
Unfortunately mods get butthurt over gore. If you post it you'll get b&.
t. someone who got b& once for posting gore.
you're genuinely embarrassing yourself
He sounds like the typical socialist from Vienna.
>we can handle problems.
is the biggest lie in Austrian history ans especially in times like now
Patriots here are so cucked they will defend their keynesian feelgood gulag with force if they had to.
You leaving would be a start.
>i don't have arguments, thus I shitpost: The Thread
turkroach detected
Typical socialistic patriot, hope your shithole burns soon.
Typical Person mit Migrationshintergrund, I hope you die and your family goes back to Turkey
I don't care , You parasites in Vienna leached long enough from the blood and sweat of the land, when your economic machine brakes your city will be the first to burn with all your beloved diversity, and then the south will be finally free.
>there are too many people from reddit
>uses reddit spacing
Nice implications, mate.
Unfortunately I agree with you on the matter that Vienna is a shithole because of the foreigners. What now?
>Unfortunately I agree with you on the matter that Vienna is a shithole because of the foreigners.
Vienna was always a shithole, the enrichment just shows the latest degeneracy there.
Also it was not the Urban population who voted the greens in.
It was the Urban population who voted him in, I meant.
>stormfags claiming ownership of the board
>stormfags claiming ownership of anything
follow your leader nazicucks
Get Clover
Nah man, back in the days of the Habsburgs it was pretty based. Also it was the last bastion against kebab. Twice.
And the Urban population voted green because no matter which city you visit most people are foreigners. And those barely ever vote anything but green because everything else is "nazi" and refuses to give them their gibsmedat
>purity spiral thread 27
Hope you're getting paid more than the last batch.
No fuck off faggot
Well last time I checked the City it was full of turks niggers leftistsand bourgoise liberals.
Urban areas were always in history a breeding ground for democracy and degeneracy.
Becaus all those rotten subhumans like to gather there.
nu-pol detected.
There should be a stickied nigger hate thread.
>could always try nazi spam though
Agreed, that gets us the fuck out of normie media real quick.
More anime
Less politics
No memes
That's a very pessimistic viewpoint. Sup Forums is not dead as long as there are any whites still here. Not even Sweden or Canada are dead. Not yet.
like pottery
>phoneposting because computer broke
>ancaps are good people
There's nothing wrong with Hoppean libertarianism though. Basically ancap with traditionalist moral values.
If Croatia had 1 stereotype it would be that they are obsessed with brother wars
ok its a derailment tactic but i generally find it funny
kinda hate myself for it now
Do not criticise bog memes you fag
We need a new Sup Forums immigration wave, so that nu-pol can one-up the newbies by showing how wise they are.
Alright user, I'll give you a pass... this time.
This. We need to introduce Sup Forums to the Syrian refugees. We need them to replace the aging native Sup Forumsacks.
As a Fascist I can say, my believes goes pretty hand in hand with Hoppe.
Neither of those represents Sup Forums. The enlightened position is to say fuck middle east, fuck Jews, fuck everyone not white.
Well it's the oldfags' own fault they didn't reproduce enough... We have to think about the stability of the meme economy here.
By making sure we represent Trump as a fucking moron he is. The same way we did with Hitler back in the old days. These newfags don't get that we are meming because they have mixed with nigger blood, they have to get out.
oldfag here, I prefer my little brothers stormfags than these newfags of plebbit.
Sup Forums was never broken, nor good. If you're not boss enough to deal with change then find a new neo-nazi hug box.
I am probably the newest of newfags to this board (former /k/ommando), and it seems that the "True Sup Forums" values align with my own.
A non socialist German, can I hug you?
What are you talking about faggot? Most of the self hating krauts here are lolbergs because they don't want to be associated with NatSocs.
>can I give you a hug
Why don't you to queers go fuck while you're at it. I'm sure it would be perfectly permissible in a degenerate lolberg society.
>most selfhating krauts are socialists
>most patriotic krauts love socialism and the constitution
Prussian socialism left deep scars in the German soul
I'm not a German, despite what the flag says. I'm a burger occupying Germany.
Also in every libertarian is a fascist who just waits to awake when pushed around enough by commies.
But what I saw from German libertarians I kind of understand what you mean, most of them just just want weed and open borders and others are afraid of their own ideology it seems.
>I'm not a German, despite what the flag says.
It crushed like all my dreams.