Left wing economically but still nationalist/racist

I'm wondering if anyone here can relate. I generally agree with lefties on a lot of economic issues. I think an 8+ hour workday is absurd. I think we should have tax funded universal healthcare. I think we should have higher wages.

But why, WHY, is seemingly EVERYONE who believes this stuff also obsessed with multiculturalism, cultural destruction and social engineering? WHY do they also want to fuck countries over with immigration? I don't get it.

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Because leftist economic policy is rooted in a Marxist worldview.

>8+ hours is absurd
>we should also have the manpower of a workforce that works less than 40 hours a week and tax money with fewer hours earning tax money to pay for it

Are you retarded?

I'm more of a Marine Le Pen kind of guy. Socialist and Nationalist. More NatSoc than anything.

>Left wing economically but still nationalist/racist
In other words, you're a retard.

You are not alone friendo

like National socialism?

sieg heil!

What are you some kinda... National...Socialist?

I wonder if I heard of this ideology before...

It's absolutely mindboggling how leftists can not fathom the concept that work, productivity, tax, wages and wealth are related.

Do they not realize that increased wages, taxes, hours and productivity are not just arbitrary numbers that greedy corporate reptiles set just for the fuck of it? If we would teach our kids some basic fucking economics in school instead of flute, muh diversity and islam, people wouldnt be so god damn dumb and lazy.

Because the left is led by college elites living in a bubble rather than the salt of the earth working class they claim to represent.

They don't even claim to represent the working class anymore. They hate the white working class more than any other group of people. They firmly see themselves as the party of college educated rationalists.

8 hour work day is nothing you lazy cunt.

The NDP in Canada basically had your economic views OP, and your social views.


They have recently gone full SJW though. Here's one of the leadership candidates, after she made a tweet "Like Beyoncé says, to the left. Time for an unapologetic left turn for the #NDP, for social, racial, enviro and economic justice" citing a Beyoncé song written by white people.

I've often wondered about this. There are so many hours in a week, 40 is not much. I feel guilty if I work only 70 or so a week.

or, you know, a national socialist

Honestly this thread is a great example of FPBP. I have the same views as you user. I feel like there are a lot of us out there but we can't really tralk about our real views because our economic views would alienate us from those on the right and our societal views would alienate us from those on the left leaving us alone and disliked by everyone.

>anyone here can relate.
Kind of. I'm an archivist at a local museum. I specialise in old maps; title deeds, boundaries and other stuff. I've been to court as a professional witness a few times.
Some of the legal aspect can go back to the Norman Conquest.. Mostly I show kids around on school trips, and have my head buried in documents. It's a great job.
I'm also a gardener and sell my produce at market. I make very little from it but have land.
>I think an 8+ hour workday is absurd.
Why? It's normal. Eight hours is alright. Going to a job you don't like is my idea of horror.

Your fault for being an uneducated, brainlet subhuman.

Any functional, hardworking, successful man wouldn't have any of the complaints that your blue-collar as has, so there is no reason for them to be left-wing.

It's not the others, it's you.

Because your economic views are retarded. We want to preserve our way of life, including out economic freedom. If you want to trash our economy like some eurofag's country, just move to a eurofags country.

he's a nationalist
and a socialist

I wonder if such an ideology exists and if some people are against it..

That is the worst of two worlds. You are an economic pussy and you spend your energy on racism rather than getting a better job

we should just go back to tribes, barley any rules at all, do what ever, kill and fuck, and die young, that would be awesome, too bad the life expectancy is about 75, so im going to have to kms at like 25 or so, oh well.




what a fucking idiot I hope no one can relate

>Left wing economically but still nationalist/racist
What is National Socialism or Strasserism?

YOU are a retard

I can relate user. Join the NazBol gang of the Strasserist Crew. We're forming an online movement.

NazBol is a meme mate

Youre a Soviet essentially.

All online movements start out as ironic memes. That's the point. That's why I don't care if someone makes fun of nazbols with memes. They don't realize that they're just pushing the social nationalist agenda.

>There are so many hours in a week, 40 is not much. I feel guilty if I work only 70 or so a week.

>I feel guilty if I don't spend 2/3 of my awake hours working so that I can retain a tiny bit of profit produced

unless you're self-employed everything over 8h a day isn't worth it.

We should have to waste our life working for the man.

But why call yourself Bolshevik if you claim to be Nationalist and hate the kikes? It's too stupid.

>ionalist. More NatS
Thats called fascist you fucking idiot.

That's actually pretty normal here, I'd even argue a lot of the shift in right-wing politics over the past few years is the realization of the incompatibility of market libertarianism and traditionalism. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a right-wing nationalist and socially conservative movement ended up strongly resembling early 20th century progressives in their advocacy against big business and for community values.

>free movement of labor is obviously incompatible with blood-and-soil nationalism
>individualism is necessarily at-odds with group identity
>for all the talk about how feminism is a Marxist plot or offshoot, it's actually remarkably compatible with capitalism; an attempt to reassert traditional gender roles would almost certainly step on the toes of business, and when they are advocated it is often in spite of economics
>capitalism has no real use for traditional hierarchies and customs, and advocating capitalism alongside traditional social structures and restraints was mostly a defensive crouch against the commies perceived as more radical in their social leveling (though Sup Forums has been slowly coming to the conclusion that the USSR were the real Volkisch all along)

Conversely, it seems that left-liberals have abandoned the conception that capital and markets are the enemy of social liberalism on similar grounds; turns out fatcat CEO's aren't the champions of ethnic nationalism and patriarchy after all. Saudi Arabia doesn't lock its women up to keep oil prices up, after all.

Yeah, all those cocks aren't going to suck themselves, eh?

>But why, WHY, is seemingly EVERYONE who believes this stuff also obsessed with multiculturalism, cultural destruction and social engineering? WHY do they also want to fuck countries over with immigration? I don't get it.
Explain how Republicans are any different. I'll wait.

National Bolsheviks aren't the same as international Bolsheviks just like National Socialists aren't the same as international socialists.

Left wing economics in America = salty someone has a nicer car than you.

Very few are suffering in the first world. We've got it pretty good. Why damage a system that's working ok for almost everyone?

Why not call yourselves Strasserists? In which way you differ?


I'm an oldschool Progressive like Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M LaFollette, and Henry George.

I like the 2nd amendment. I think capitalism is the best economic system we've figured out so far. I like having a strong traditional culture.

But, the government needs to regulate business monopolies. The government should build infrastructure that benifits us all. I want a public option in healthcare. I want NASA. I want medical research. I want a national parks system.

What I don't want is SJW bullshit and cucked universities thinking they can control our culture. Colleges are for learning skills not enforcing made-up social norms that pervert our culture.

Fuck off nu-pol

I'm the opposite, practically a darwinist when it comes to economics but I don't care about social issues. If there's no social safety net or any kind of other government aid bullshit then it's all just personal responsibility and they can die from their degneracy and faults.

If Englishmen and women decide to make dumb fucking decisions that gets them fucked by pakis then they deserve it. In Cornwall we will defend ourselves.

Without government looking after the dead weight we can progress as a human species. Many ethnic brits that would be better off dead as well, looked after by state handouts to keep them afloat. Immigrants would be dead without ebenfits here as well.

im with you op %100. unfortunately i have to play the part of the right winger because the alternative is madness.

i think it depends on what kind of work you do

1 National Socialist confirmed
2 Also people cant think for themselves.

Then you're a national socialist, welcome, sieg heil! Hitler created 6 million jobs for the germans in one year, this is just imposible with right-wing economics aka the way of the kike.

I actually am a Strasserist. People just don't know what the fuck Strasserism is for the most part and NazBol has more meme power atm so I sometimes call myself a nazbol for convenience' sake. Also, Strasserists believe in nationalistic authoritarian market socialism. NazBols believe in Stalinist style nationalistic planned economies.

> why is bad economics and gibsmedat mentality leading to self destruction
Gee user, I don't know.

Then don't call yourself nazbol brother, it sounds retarded.

I understand your sentiments but I think you misunderstand mine. I believe that before we can have a minimum wage that allows for a worker to live a good life or before we can have universal healthcare we need to ask the tough question of what do we do with all the leeches and those who can never be part of a good system (namely illegals and immigrants who won't assimilate). As soo as we arrive at a Final Solution to this problem I think that we can have a more leftist economy (I do not believe in hardcore regulations or government control over any private businesses) without tanking it.

Like I said, the only reason I do sometimes is because of the meme potential and because people confuse them anyway. With that said, Strasserism is superior to NazBol but I still like NazBols, they're bro tier imo.

OP like many of us here you're a nationalist social democrat

Let me help translate:

"I am not a very able person of high intelligence and/or I lack the will and motivation to succeed. So I have no use for freedom because it's not like I am going to become wealthy. So instead I want to cash in my freedom for socialism/communism and insist that using the government as a weapon to steal others resources and give it to me... is a right! MUH RIGHT!"

Get more loved ones in your life. Then you'll feel guilty having to give 40 hours to your job rather than spending your time with them.

Yeah, I'm with ya OP. Socialism for our people, not any old nog off the boat. That doesn't mean gibs , it means supporting the nation by not letting it be exploited by corporate entities. Capitalism has its place, but the nation comes first. All the problems with "multiculturalism" wete caused by corporatists anyway, looking for cheap labour and a population that has had its sense of self destroyed by mass immigration. There's a reason it was called national socialism. Neocons are as much scum a sjws


>I think an 8+ hour workday is absurd
then don't work 8+ workdays you retard
>I think we should have higher wages
"I am an economically illiterate eighteen year old"
fuck off cunt

Jews hedging their bets against the fall of capitalism. In a world where they can't control you with money, they must rely on their cohesion as a religious group to survive. What better way to come out on top than to destroy everybody else's culture?

A large part of leftists literally believe that the government can just make more money and give it to people and it would be more equal, they have no concept of reality, which is apparent even in the most basic form of their ideology.

They actually believe that a Utopian socialist society is possible, that notion alone tells you everything you need to know about them.

>implying nationalism and racism are the same


minopolies practically only come into exstence, by government intervention. in like 9999 out of 10000 cases.
goverment intervention is typically pushed by lobbyists ( to greate monopolies for their backer ) and is the strongest force in creating monololies.

Being nationalist and solidarity with your race is more important. Who cares about wings?

You stupid idealists that think something is good but can't justify its deployment in a financial sense.
That's why you're a dumb frog poster.

The problem is few people seem to understand the worker and the boss need to work together and it is the absentee investors who do nothing who need to be removed from the economy.

>labor theory of value is debunked
how?? how else do you get money??

Based Henry George

Then you might be national socialist. Welcome.

This, so much this. Leftists take food, shelter, other products, and services for granted. They don't understand that their arbitrary restrictions and quotas have real world consequences beyond fulfilling their utopian dreams. Imposing price controls such as minimum wage doesn't control the real world value of goods and services. "Spreading the wealth around" simply makes the rich resentful of the poor and makes the poor more dependent on people they envy.

The left sees the productive people as unchanging givens -- machines buffered from their masters' decisions. They're so committed to this fantasy that they refuse to acknowledge the countless examples of their ideas failing and causing so much misery.

Agreed completely. The Nordics were largely built under Social Democratic policies and mixed economic systems as opposed to fully capitalistic ones. The problem is these policies only work in ethnically homogeneous societies with protestant work ethics. Once you start taking in third world populations and introducing cultural relativism, the whole thing comes apart.

Monopolies naturally form around geographic anomolies, limits to the laws of physics, and services that have unlimited demand. Also, a business will make more money if they callude and form a monopoly.

Infrastructure, radiowaves, space travel, and healthcare will all naturally form monopolies. The use of military force also forms a monopoly.

Welcome to the Center Left, OP

Fuck yeah, Georgism.

>Capatalism has failed.

If you have a central bank, you have soft core communism called Crony Capitalism or Corporatism.

You're looking for National Bolshevism.

Can you explain Georgism to me user? I hear about it a lot but I don't understand how it works.

Welcome to natsoc friend

This is it.

Georgism is an economic model written about by Henry George. It advocates for free market capitalism built on ideas by people like Adam Smith and Thomas Paine. It's a populist tinged outlook.

The central premise is that land, capital, and labor are the sources of all wealth. Taxing labor is slavery. Taxing capital has deadweight losses and disincentiveses innovation and creates bureaucracy. Taxing land has no deadweight loss. Land can't avoid taxes. The government is tasked with keeping people off your land, so that land should pay for that government.

Ah, interesting. I don't think it's an economic ideology I'd convert to but I appreciate you explaining it to me.

Productive people are productive because of the capital they employ. The guy using a backhoe can dig faster than the guy using a spade.

Guess who is doing the work? It's liquified plankton from millions of years ago fed to the backhoe, and controlled by a productive operator who is ultimately interchangeable with the guy using a spade and burning hamburgers to make himself go.

Sovereign power is shared among voters equally. We all owe rent to the sovereign collective.

Let's keep that collective as small as possible to keep our individual stakes undiluted and not invite rent increases we may not be able to afford.

That means closed borders and no immigration.

The higher rates for labor resulting is part of the rent.

The benefit is a community that values you rather than one that will eventually want to kill you.

Your missing a piece of the puzzle. You still don't realize that a clandestine guild of dark occult, child raping, baby eating, blood drinking, blackmailing, murderous Satanist pedophiles run most of the important institutions of authority. You don't need medical research, you can heal almost all disease with mono fruit eating and water fasting. You don't need NASA, you can have the free market take care of MUH SPACE. You don't need the national parks system, people would take better care of it than the government. The SJW liberal dogshit cancer you are referring to is merely a temporary symptom of the controllers to distract us away from monetary policy. Every other government policy is irrelevant. You obtain a traditional culture by letting the people create an enduring resolve by their own will, not by putting a gun to someones head to make them pay for Shaneeqaw's 12 kids. You need to come to understand objective moral behavior and consequentialism before you believe you know what is right and wrong for other people. The creator already endowed nature with laws of morality.

This is a valid definition of natsoc for the modern age. I'm a nationalist, I believe in elevating the social realm by lifting up the lower strata by tearing back the effects of (((finance capitalism))) on the working classes, and encouraging their best traditions and values: common decency, respect for law and order with a 'right' view of the law that is neither unquestioning rigorist nor subversive activist, that sort of thing. I was a commie all my life, essentially, even during my bourgeois days, and haven't given up on what motivated me there: the economic injustice foisted on the working class.

all natsoc does is names the enemies and make plans to remove/disarm/dispossess them in order to win the war for the nation over the aggressors. natsoc is a war-footing socialism to rescue a nation from the ravages of a war waged on it by an enemy who is not another nation and who doesn't use conventional warfare, but whose effect is ultimately the same.

Go to /leftypol/, put on a "NazBol" flag, and make a thread telling them I sent you to ask what your idelogy is

You wrote it perfectly. I was initially a social democrat myself, even voted for social democrats when I came of voting age. I believed in classical liberal values such as various freedoms for everybody as long as they cause no harm to others etc. In fact, I even believed we have a moral responsibility to help the syrian refugees. All my life I have always believed in left-wing economics. Not communist ones, I despised it, but more like social-democratic kind of, with progressive tax, socialized healthcare, government regulating business, limits on free market, more nationalized assets/companies in fields crucial for the existance of state etc.

My rude awakening was islamic terrorist attacks, most impact on me had the mass abuse of women in Cologne New Year. I learned my fellow social-democrat-minded people were more interested in protecting muslims than women's safety, it made me mad, and once I saw this attitude was very consistent in entire leftist spectrum, I ditched that worldview.

Got redpilled on Sup Forums on everything over half a year time, learned all the shit about degeneracy, political correctness, anti-white statement, radical feminism, racial crime statistics, SJW stuff, jewish privilege etc. then watched TGSNT and found that national socialism is perfect for me. I love nationalism and preserving western heritage, but also left-wing economics, since I don't like the idea of supporting a system owned by super-rich oligarchs, so there is where I found myself in. I am happy that local nationalist party in Estonia is actually pro-big government and protectionist, not libertarian, so I also have a chance to align myself with some political force in real life (can't really say people I like natsoc and expect to maintain my social status, unfortunately).

The butthurt anarchist mods will just ban him.