I found your new target Sup Forums
You have 3 years
Destroy him
I found your new target Sup Forums
Seems like a noble objective
Not your personal army
>implying 4chin doesn't want to meme kikebook out of existence.
Who /readyforZuckerberg/ here?
>if you don't support him he'll make all your Facebook chatlogs ever public
hed lose in any debate when it came to privacy.
yeah but he has dirt one every one...
well... the one the use (((fakebook)))
all the more reason why he wouldnt be elected. the state owning alll your thoughts unironically
How do you destroy facebook?It's shit but literally everyone uses it because everyone else uses it
how did myspace get destroyed?
It wasnt required to interact with people?
Facebook came out. Someone needs to invent a new facebook. Maybe tie in vr?
I thought Facebook killed myspace
no, this would be the death of humanity
It was too much for CIA to parse html/css so they started spreading media lies about ads and malware on myspace and Facebook starting breaking out into the scene. By design the website is all text input fields so it's much easier for data scientists to collect and compute.
What is the tape on the left side for?
do it yourself you cock sucking faggot.
asking other people to do something for you is reddit tier shit. get the project started yourself and then share it with us. if its a good start you'll get people on board. until then youre a faggot OP
i thought that was moot
>Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Obfuscating sound. Thats a mic.
hes already destroyed.
Did Suckerberg do something?
His the most unlikable beta ever. No one's going to take him seriously.
I would love to see this ugly kike get get his head bashed in.
"they trust me. fucking idiots."
> Someone needs to invent a new facebook.
> Maybe tie in vr?
no, it needs to be anti-jew, VR is a jew
missing the point, myspace was huge. and facebookj only became required because it got so big.
something that encompasses the characteristics of facebook, and Sup Forums needs to be created. there are a bunch of people on this board that i've wanted to straight up add to an email list or something keeping the choice of anonymity or displaying a profile with an option to friend request anonymous users.
What if 2020 was moot v zuckerberg?
Why? FB makes me lots of goy bucks.
He's trying so hard to be Steve Jobs, whatba kike loser
i love this board.
>thicc asian on the left...
Jokes on him I don't have any
He hinted he may run for president in 2020. The problem with all these fag celebs thinking they can pull a Trump is that they don't understand Trump had been talking about running for decades. Trump has been asked to run for president by so many people, publicly, on talk shows and the like, and has been somewhat invested in politics his entire adult life. Cuckerberg is a brand new type of idiot that not only can't win the presidency, he thinks he knows how Trump did.
we call those shekels
9494 these are gets
kek is here.
>implying I've ever said anything incriminating over fucking facebook messenger
now if he were to have my Sup Forums posts it would be a whole different story
im foooooooooookin zointeeeeeeeeeed mate
i don't even know what zointed is, but I'm happy for you.
incredibly underrated get
>implying he doesn't have my vote in 2020
This is the problem with burger. They think reality tv show is reality.
>mfw everything is controlled
Honestly, if you have a Facebook you're nothing but a sheep. Bleet on homobutts
We're not your personal army mother fuck.
one of his live videos he was trolled in the comments, he didn't know what zucced means and explained he is not a lizard.