I don't understand. They constantly attack white people for historic imperialism, when that's exactly the reason Palestinian Arabs are even a thing.
Why are SJWs so pro-Palestine?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying that the jews didn't settle on *their* land
Because arabs are brown, that is all.
It's not just Millennials. Pro-Palestine was always hip.
>Why are SJWs so pro-Palestine?
Because everyone hates jews
They did.
But these people make out that Arabs were peacefully living there since the neolithic age, until the Jews arrived in the mid 20th Century.
Pro-SJW detected
Shut the fuck up, your nigga.
>pro palestine
only the old liberals are pro palestine
sjws are pro jew.
This desu. Everyone is burned by the jew, hence why they have been kicked out of so many countries so many times.
They're trying to figure out how to be anti-semitic.
They've become anti-nationalists, and anti-racists in order to sabotage their own cultures, and now they're starting to realize that Jews are the ultimate ethno-nationalists, so they're going after them now too.
Eventually they'll realize that Christianity caused the patriarchy, and they won't know what to do.
Because they are anti semetic.
Pro-Palestine fags base their opinion on feelings and being uninformed
Based Pro-Israelis know history and facts.
What exactly, when reading my post, comes across as "pro SJW"?
Only the Jews that push the "hello fellow white people" shit.
You never hear goy SJWs whine about antisemitism like they do about racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, Islamophobia, et cetera. To them, rich and powerful Jews are just privileged white people.
how's the hotel wifi shlomo
because they are being redpilled about the khazars invading and occupying a land they have no right to and the genocide perpetrated under the auspices of false Talmudic "gods"
My fellow monkey, your words hurt plz, next time you talk, with your monkey mouth plz, be a civil monkey, and eat your banana.
>Palestinian Arabs aren't a thing
Nice try retarded shill
I'm sorry, I'm confused. Are we anti-Palestine because SJW's are pro Palestine? Or are we anti-Israel because Jews?
SJWs are pro whatever the fuck gives them the most attention. It isn't about solid, rational beliefs. It's about contrarianism and LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM I BELIEVE SOMETHING NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE DO (yet everyone their age does the same thing).
There was an pro-palestinian protest at a nearby college and most the cucks there wanted a two state solution, so they support kikes and mudslimes. On a side note a lot of the professors were pissed about the protest because they saw it as anti-Semitic... I wonder why they would take it so personally hmmmmm...
>>implying that the jews didn't settle on *their* land
>They did.
saying the jew invaded the land
and asking why are pro-SJW, when the SJW are pro-Palestine.
Shit nigga
This is actually the debate that usually breaks SJWs and libshits alike. Just bring up muh holocoaster and they wont know what to think.
I saw one user's warning about this.
Just a desperate shill/leftie attempt to divide us.
Israel is the home of parasites. Palestinians might be sandniggers, but not even them deserve to be genocided by the jews. It has their rightful homeland for thousand of years.
Fuck SJW opinion, if they're redpilled in this regard, why would we be anti-palestine? We're not a counter-culture. We support reason and logic.
But that's beside the point I was making.
SJWs complain about white people invading America.
SJWs also support Palestine Arabs, despite how they also invaded the land that they currently inhabited.
What the Jews did before then is irrelevant to what I'm saying.
not actually giving a fuck about sandnigger shitholes is the true redpill
'whats a leppo?' are truely the wisest words ever spoken
You're right my Spanish friend. I now understand that we should simply leave the middle east the fuck alone. Probably for the best.
When this shit happens, we all attacked trump, for the mainstream media supporting him.
Now the SJW are Pro-Palestine, and we are not against Palestine why?
Because they're muzzies and it's their eternal complex to suck Ahmeds dick.