Being Black is a Curse; I hate myself

Everyday I wake up truly angry and depressed because I'm black. Everyday I curse the souls of my ancestors, especially my cuck white slave owners ancestors, for having the audacity to have sex and procreate.

I never get any good matches on tinder no matter how I workout, Dress, or try to be funny. I only get hooked up with fat white trash and 3/10 black chicks.

I have no friends, because I can't stand hanging out with hipster cuckolds and hedonistic bugged out niggers with no aspirations in life to be found.

The last time I ever felt truly happy was back in 3rd grade when a cute redhead white girl kissed me on the cheek retrieved her ball from the other side of the fence during recess.

I will never be able to pursue her or any other white women for that matter because I we could only produce confused half breed mutts that would hate themselves, albeit not as much as i.

Everyday, I have to deal with people either seeing me as a savage ape or entertainer. I try my hardest to look docile and friendly and I even wear a business suit to my blue collar job, yet people still find the need to walk across the street even if I'm 3 or more blocks down the road.

I considered many times to give into my impulses and be a fucking nigger and embrace who i am, it'd be easy. I'd move into the projects, Smoke hordes of jinkum, and fuck aids infested crackheads on the street or better yet just go back to africa and try to assimilate with some random tribe and live my life as God almighty intended. But i can't....

I wish I could just wake up in the 1950's....Have a Blonde hair, Scots-Irish ancestry..heh..heh..maybe a drop of swiss just for shits in giggles. I'd have nice stable job, a beautiful white wife, a son and a house with picket fence. I'd live in the white suburbs of, far the hell away from niggers as if they were just something was a white man was more likely to encounter a nightmare than on the street......

Sup Forums Why me...Why me?

I wish I could just wake up in the 1950's....Have a Blonde hair, Scots-Irish ancestry..heh..heh..maybe a drop of swiss just for shits in giggles. I'd have nice stable job, a beautiful white wife, a son and a house with picket fence. I'd live in the white suburbs of, far the hell away from niggers as if they were just something was a white man was more likely to encounter a nightmare than on the street......

I don't fucking care

You think you got it bad? I'm a fucking kike.

Then don't bitch, because america dont care bout you.

>literally wealthiest ethnic group, still thinks they have it bad.

Wow, really bad because white people get everything without doing anything. I think you just having a normie live, which is much better, than plus 95 percent of all black people on this planet.

I might be a mongrel spic, but at least I'm not a nigger...

Feels good man

Eh, you could have been born in some African shithole where they burn you on tires. If you don't act like a nigger and actually contribute to society you're fine in my books desu

HOTEP it out nigga, dont be pus


Dude don't feel bad about your race. You shouldn't be tied down to race. You are not the sum of all of your fellows. You are an individual and you can rise above.

Suicide always an option. Show that you have even a little bit of agency in you, boy.

Be a leader for your people. DONT BE A LAZY NIGGER

Stop cooning nigger. No shame or pity matters. You're black.
Do what's right, and defend the white race from kikes and their shekelslavery.

Original pic for that Venezuelan?

>Find decent black/mulatto grill
>Marry her
>Create black spawn and teach them how to be productive member of society
If you won't fuck up you can at least change something.

Go to one of your ghettos and kill as many of your kind as you can until they kill you, you'll put them and yourself out of your misery. You're welcome.

Removing a tattoo is a piece of cake compared to removing a black skin.

shit mlk couldn't do nothin, how could i do somethin?

If i call the kkk can we arrange a public self lynchin? Id like to be immortalized as tourist attraction for their headquarters.

I wanna go out with style

see In another age, you would have been king of the niggers. Make money in the States, and then go back to wherever your genetic ancestry is from and establish yourself as king.

Adopt white kids then.

>Everyday, I have to deal with people either seeing me as a savage ape
Shouldn't have been born nigger then boy

self hate.
im not interested in your feelings or your life or hopes and dreams. you're not white. i don't care.

Have you tried wearing glasses? It makes blacks look a lot less menacing

reread that, idiot


By american standards you are probably white, so cheer up

You can't change what you are, so learn to love yourself and your people.

Self hatred leads nowhere.

look at it this way: black people are much better off today than they were a century ago. It may take a couple more centuries until you can actually form a functioning society, but at least your shitty starting point means you have nowhere to go but up.

My people, on the other hand... it's pretty much downhill all the way.

I'm good monkey-man, I comprehended your ape babble as well as possible but I have no sympathy for you awful creatures.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Then go do something productive for your race for once. Like actually fucking a carbon based female.

Why doncha kill youself NIGGER?

What the fuck. That was not supposed to happen, right?

.... RIGHT?!


OP, I feel for you. You are a young man, no? Many of these feelings are normal for being a young man in this world, whatever one's racial background.

It sounds like you feel very alone. I cannot tell you what will come next, but only that the most miserable and low times in my life we're often the most formative: these times that suck, where everyone is shit, where everything shrinks from your expectation, these are the times where you are made into a Man, into the Man you were destined to become - or that you decide to be, depending on which philosophy you prescribe to.

Godspeed, user. We will look for you in the future and I hope you make it. You are asking the right questions, but you are the most powerful one in these conversations.

Don't ever let the small petty shit we obsess over here get to you. You're your own man, even if you're still figuring out what that means.

Stop being a whiny little bitch.

>being this vain
you really are a nigger

>Don't ever let the small petty shit we obsess over here get to you.
>small petty shit we obsess over here
>white genocide is small and petty
get fucked you nigger loving faggot and fuck you too OP

no it was aussie shitposting irl

That wasn't op, bitch.

All you pussy beta's in this thread are pathetic just like the subhuman OP

You are not the one being a nigger tho, right?

>muh white privilege

Are you serious? Why don't you try to master the multiplication table and AA yourself into the Ivies instead. Whiny faggot.

nobody cares nigger.


I'm sorry bro. I wouldn't cross the street if i saw you in a suit. I'd even say hi. I had a bro Black friend in high school that was amazing at starcraft and his parents were awesome and had a nicer house than mine.

Sorry boy but it won't get any better, you'll forever be a dumb animal living in a world created by your superiors. Get out while you can

>Talking shit in the internet
>Being alpha
Pick one faggot.

go to africa to be with your people.
become an entrepreneur to make africa a better place to live so the nignogs don't try to come to europe.
Use your wealth to make birth control widely available and push for one-child-policies in africa to solve overpopulation.
You can make the world a better place

Why doncha fuckin go in the ghetto and kill as many niggers that makes everyone hate niggers

we would errect a fucking bronze statue for you if you kill at least 20 ghetto drug niggers

why doncha become a hero for the white race?

you have a big dick

>a black guy with sense

MLK was all about tolerance and apathy and blacks fraternising with other races. Malcolm X was on the right track and that's why he was so controversial, he tried to give your people self-determination.

Don't blame all of your problems on being black, I can relate somewhat though

This is true for 95% of white people as well btw

> have it bad
Bro, I know it's rough just embrace it. My mantra is Hitler in the sheets , schlomo on the street.

seriously you see how a fucking muslim can rent a fucking truck and kill 90 people

just do the same but with niggers

WE WOULD MEME YOU INTO WHITE HEAVEN WITH 72 Ginger white girls for you

For you.

Why go for the ginger caucasian girl?

This confirms my theory that gingers have negro in their bloodline

You should stick to your own race, find a redpilled black qt and improve the negroid race. You'll be considered respectable and a hero in years to come

Saying this because all my negro friends want caucasian girlfriends. It's like Stockholm syndrome, they think procreation with the oppressor will take them a step further. Sad shit. Negros need to man up and contribute getting us of this planet or we will leave you behind

you are a self hating faggot if you take any of these worthless losers on Sup Forums seriously.

Vast majority of people couldn't care less about any of this shit. Most people here reached this point because they were socially awkward and couldn't get a girlfriend and generally failed in school/life and came here to find excuses about why they are so shit and lazy.

If Sup Forums has changed your way of thinking or influenced it then you just have a weak mind and will. I've been here 4 years and Sup Forums hasn't changed my views on anything and all because it's all just ridiculous poorly sourced infographics, LARPing and the odd funny meme (usually finn or aussie)

Boo hoo. Be grateful for what you have. Your life is probably better than 80% of the world's population. Your life is better than the quality of life for 99% of people in the year 1917. You've got all your fingers, and body parts intact, and you aren't wasting away grinding through a farming job that will suck the soul out of you till the day you die. You are well off, don't waste that on self hatred.

Why do you guys want to help this dumb ape? Plebbit needs to get the fuck outta here


we believe in you.... you will live for eternity

but that would cause civil unrest and more burden upon whitey.

That's the whitest black I've ever seen.

blacks kill each other all the time, it wouldn't make much of a difference desu

Finding a redpilled gf is near impossible, a redpilled black gf that doesn't exclusively date white bois would be like finding a unicorn

Fucking kek.


it would be exactly what we need, WE NEED YOUR HELP

maybe it all for a reason, maybe it was all meant to be like this

maybe your sacrifice will truly create a statement, a statement that black people had it with the niggers and will do anything to get rid of them


You're absolutely correct. You are cursed. Your people remained idle while our Heavenly Father was in need, hence you and your entire race have been cursed.

If such a thing as white genocide were actually happening, I'm sure a virtual toy like the chinz is our only hope.

Furthermore, no reason to be coarse and vulgur, user. We must build each other up or we will become nothing.

What have you done?

I'd still hate the dumb jigaboon


>We must build each other up or we will become nothing.
This board is whites only, there is no we that encompasses this beast

motherfucking dübs of truth


get inspired by the sandniggers and DO IT

You might try being a person.
Or a doctor, or a lawyer, or an engineer, or a professor, or something more than least common denominator.
If you're ready to grow out of your little pity party, that is.

Its not like anyone has been handing free stuff to you since you were born, or anything.

OP, if he is believed, is torn between identities of caste, race and culture. The black man that wants to do better in this world, rare as they may be, has no easy road ahead.

You can appreciate the human drama of that story or you can cast insult and mockery.

t. White Florida Man

>a redpilled black gf that doesn't exclusively date white bois would be like finding a unicorn
Racemixing is a sin!
Get full blood African Waifu!
Preferably Nigerian.

You know when people say Hitler wasn't racist, but racialist?

That means that he did not go against other races (jews aren't a race, they're barely human), but wanted to self-center the white race to help it better itself and reach their full potential.

The problem with black people is not that they're black, it's not in their genetics but in their lack of unity.

Africa is made of 50+ different countries, a hundred languages and a thousand religions, it will never ever work. Black people hate eachother and themselves. The moment they give up on that bullshit and get together to actually do something for themselves, racism will die in two generations.

Why would people go out of their way to mess with people trying to do their own shit? Why don't we have black Nazis that want to separate completely from white nations and create glorious black empires like those of the past, from black people to black people?

Shit, I

Nice b8 thread

Qt white girls will date and fuck niggers simply to show their friends how progressive they are

Niggers are paid to fuck 10/10 blondes in porn movies because of their dicks

Check your black privilege

Kek, for a moment I thought that that was part of the performance, but i can see him getting tackled at the end now.

Then kill yourself and get off my /pol, nigger. Go to Russia.

Noble Aryan Warrior, Your words fuel and enkindle with the flames of rage. I feel the warrior blood of my zulu ancestors flowing through me ....


Truly your race is gifted, kindred soul. But i must resist. The glory you speak of, I'd love it more anything. To please and save your people, It would truly give purpose to my joke of an existence. that it would nigga.

>Everyday I wake up truly angry and depressed because I'm black
Remove the word black and suddenly you're like every white person on earth.



Shit, I'm white and all I wanted is to see black people forming rich, cultured, strong nations we could ally with, without having to integrate or fuse or become a single thing. That's real diversity.

Be a leader for your people. At this point, y'all blacks have nowhere to go but up. Get yourself a black woman and raise your black kids to be respectable members of society.

Suicide is always an option.


>life so easy for whitey wish i could take yo wymmiz muhfugga.

I don't know whats worse. Shitskins who hate us or envy us. Find a cute black or brown girl and go be a happy nigger, just leave us alone.

Sad, user.

I think racism is often pretty hilarious, but you just sound low brow.

Don't worry about what other people think. I am a conservative, and I know the leftists hate me, but I don't give a fuck. Just keep working hard, don't start any trouble, and don't worry about people liking you or not. Have good values, a good work ethic, speak properly, don't act like a hood nigga, and all will be well. We don't hate niggers because of their skin color. We hate how they act. If they all got their shit together, respected authority, did well I'm school, and didn't commit crimes, almost no one would be a racist. Some blacks are bros. Be one.

you're the true victim of black culture. you would probably ascend to the upper middle class if it wasn't for the fact that hiring niggers eventually ends in tears. the sad fact is, employers can't easily tell the diff between a fine upstanding black man and hood nigg. if they could, you'd have a shot at social mobility.
i wish i had some good advice for you, maybe go to church and find a nice black qt?

I agree with this man.

Chances that op is rly a nigger: 0

Right now NATO culturally terrorizes us with 'allied' niggers in american army uniforms sent here to 'defend us' from russians. From both mine and my gov's perspective each and every of those soldiers is equally an American (conqueror colonist tbqh) so I don't really get the point of american blacks whining about race

Don't be so defeated. Take all your money and buy the first plane ticket to Ethiopia. Teach your people how to be civilized and bring them up from their despair. Make your race a race to be proud of.

This is probably the best solution if you really care about black people

Find a chink, they are good at maths.
Stop being a patheticfag and be a strong christian man.

Mark go back to hotwheelschan

Oh, yeah, I feel really bad about a guy who walks around with a fucking little bag of Jew gold on a chain around his neck. Probably lives in a million dollar house in the suburbs, drives a benz, and spends his leisure time counting his shekels. Boo fucking hoo.

you know what to do, and deep down you know how happy it would make you

it would literally be your salvation

Do it.