Blacks gearing up

racewar is upon you murricans

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Don't get my hopes up

Welfare. Dogs do not bite the hand that feeds.

Go fuck yourself.

They'll lose.

Rooftop Asians will be our greatest ally.

Gun Club for blacks.....when the majority of black males over 21 are felons and cannot purchase a firearm.

Great idea, chuckles

it would go poorly for basketball americans.

There will never be a race war. Even if there is, you'll never leave your house

Your little pale boipucci will be absolutely DESTROYED by strong Black men in the event of a racewar.

>They'll lose.
Keep telling yourself that. You are so weak and effeminate that Black people can barely tell apart who's male and who is female in your race.

Also, asians and other PoCs have always looked to the Black community for leadership and guidance. They hate you as the oppressors you are.

Got a question for Latinos here, who would you side with? Who would your relatives side with?

there's a reason you never heard about the basement koreans

Nice proxy, nigger. Did you learn that at your community college? Nobody looks up to niggers except degenerates. Keep living in your fantasy world.

This is some STRONG bait

Good. I'm all for Americans getting more legal firearms and more training. I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever.

Depends on the location, but for certain mostly with whites. Just look at Compton in Commiefornia, Tejanos in Texas and Cubans in Florida.

poor bait, but here's your (you)

I am white but I have to admit I would probably side with the black race in a race war. Why? Because even though they would get slaughtered by white devils, it would be the just and righteous side to be on, given all of the oppression and violence that white people have inflicted on black people over all these years.

WE NEED GUNS CUZ DAT RACIST WHITE BOI TRUMP GON- *gets shot by a fellow black man*

You should atone for those sins by killing yourself.

1 post by this ID

Y'all niggers keep posting in bait/slide threads.

Only Aussies look up to these niggers

> You are so weak and effeminate that Black people can barely tell apart who's male and who is female in your race.

The whole point of guns is they equalise, a small child can kill a middle aged navy seal with a gun.


It's nice that they're trying the legal route instead of just stealing the guns like usual

Maybe it finally dawned on them that if they want to get rid of the police they're going to need to protect themselves.


Neutral or side with whites if it camw down to it.

We hate niggers, but whites don't really treat us like equals.

Niggers are retards, literally. They can't even beat a tiny group of organized white men (cops). How could they beat all of us?

Dat trigger discipline.


You're a fucking faggot

Blacks have always killed whites in the USA and the americucks never did anythign about it.

> winning the race war singlehanded

>asians have always looked to the Black community for leadership and guidance


>Nortenos and blacks
>Surenos and whites

I'm not worried since they'll most likely just end up using those guns to kill each other.

so true

Boy i just cant wait for that race war

The funniest thing about the race war is that it's going to break out in the most liberal places first. All the hipsters who wanted more "diversity" on campus are going to be the first to go. After that, considering that all the niggers are trapped in the ghettos, it'd be pretty easy for some right wing death squad to put an end to the war.

>He's forgetting about the rooftop koreans that will fuck up nogs trying to steal their shit
Why you making me spend another $0.43 bro?


Why would the 100 iq demographic treat the 85 iq demographic as equals?
The average hispanic has a severe learning disability by white standards.

Useful idiots are always the first lined up against the wall.

What did they mean African Americans? Americans ARE Africans cause majority of them are BLACK.

>thinks people who hold guns sideways would have a change against some shady motherfucker who trained for years with militias in the fucking woods.

Here's how it's gonna go down.
1.Blacks attack. all the white lefties, feminists, failures, etc. get killed.
2.Other competent white people immediately organize in groups elect local and regional leaders, pool up resources, and rush to the woods and majority white areas, all of this with remarkable skill and efficiency.
>NOTE: any non-white races that wish to join our side are more than welcome. Asians can bring their swords.
3.After their wives and children are safe, the men take one of two roles: defenders and hunters.
4.Defenders fight in the open and protect non-combatants. Hunters attack at night, targeting vital enemy resources, assassinating leaders, rescuing captive women and children, and, depending on how the non-whites treat the captives, brutally annihilating civilian centers.
5.One month in and the non-whites lose their food supplies, fuel reserves, ammunition stores, and their ability to maintain order and the survival of their civilian population.
6.The starving civilians surrender and accept slavery in exchange for food, that's the only way we'll have them.
7.The remaining enemy combatants are now hungry, poorly armed, have no vehicles or technology, suffer from exposure and whatever evil we wish to subject them to.
8.When the risk becomes acceptable, the whites launch a full offensive and eliminate EVERY. LAST. ONE.
10.Society is now free to continue as it always should have, prosperity and liberty reigns over the whites. The remaining enemy civilians are either enslaved and fully controlled, or, if the damage wasn't that bad, they get a small plot of land where they can live and maintain themselves and reproduce under the strict supervision and control.(we may need them for research or something one day)

Remember to turn the sights all the way up so it shoots harder, blackbros


regardless of what any latino here tells you, they'd side with blacks.

>black people can barely tell apart who's male and who is female

Have you seen nigger bitches? They look like fucking men, and probably have more testosterone than Tyrone.

lmao, overwhelmingly whites. Worked construction with Mexicans and nigs, and they hate niggers more than me, it's great!


>implying niggers have the capacity to understand the consequences of their actions

if you talk about the gangs probably. All the rest would side with white. Zimmerman remember you anything ?

Wrong genius only 5-7% of whites can be traced back to slave ownership. Majority of whites came over after the civil war

sure kid.

nigger spotted

>forgetting about our based cops
>implying our military wouldnt be atleast 70% on our side

Every nigger has an illegal gun starting at about the age of 14.

Source: I'm from a shitty nigger city in the south


>retarded faggots give (You)s and swallow the bait down like their lives depended on it

You and the retards that took your bait need to be lined up against a wall and shot.

>defenders and hunters
tough choice
>fight in the open and protect non-combatants
getting real tough to choose
>attack at night, etc

It's a shame you can't be both

this is actually a good thing. it means more legal gun owners. you know the kind you want. they are probably just defending themselves from the gangs in the area.

no one but a nigger would write that shit xd

Definitely whites. Much more trust worthy than nogs. Come to think about it,... we generally already are cooler with each other. Disliking nig-nogs is a common denominator.

I'm Mexican and I can tell you we all hate niggers fuck off faggot

I doubt it. Light skinned blacks would also side with whites.

>Blacks represent 11% of the population

>Commit 54% of the gun related homicides

Makes sense

>implying they wont be just used in crimes

Yezzz sir

Sup Forums doesn't want to kill based law-abiding african-americans like in the pic. We only want to kill niggers, and they steal all their guns.

Good thing niggers only buy and steal Saturday Night Specials that not only rarely cycle properly, explode after 4 or 5 mags. That and monkeys can't shoot

Non-whites hate niggers too but they have no white guilt.

If you want to see full force racism you need to talk to a non-black minority about niggers, it's glorious.


Pick one

Sorry but we do. We need a happening. Any happening...

Sorry, but you gotta specialize in one thing.

If you want maximum honor, then defend.
If you want maximum fun, hunt.

half the replies are calling it out as bait and you just gave him another (you) you fucking retard...or is this next-level baiting on your part?

not the fucking blacks. My latino friends would disown their own daughter if she dated a black guy.

Maybe more black Americans are becoming more interested and aware of their first amendment rights.

Is this Eminem?

>good for you son providing the black revolutionaries with a white comfort trap.

>1.Blacks attack. all the white lefties, feminists, failures, etc. get killed.
-I foresee more as an insurgency that will be made of leftist/revolutionaries/anti-conversationalist.
>2.Other competent white people immediately organize in groups elect local and regional leaders, pool up resources, and rush to the woods and majority white areas, all of this with remarkable skill and efficiency.
-Most likely gonna become allied w/ lots of veterans that are sympathetic to your cause.

>5.One month in and the non-whites lose their food supplies, fuel reserves, ammunition stores, and their ability to maintain order and the survival of their civilian population.
-Flashmobs will be a serious problem

>6.The starving civilians surrender and accept slavery in exchange for food, that's the only way we'll have them.
7.The remaining enemy combatants are now hungry, poorly armed, have no vehicles or technology, suffer from exposure and whatever evil we wish to subject them to.
-More reason and opening these "revolutionaries" could ally w/ NATO/EU/Chinese.

>10.Society is now free to continue as it always should have, prosperity and liberty reigns over the whites. The remaining enemy civilians are either enslaved and fully controlled, or, if the damage wasn't that bad, they get a small plot of land where they can live and maintain themselves and reproduce under the strict supervision and control.(we may need them for research or something one day)
-No. An insurgecy lasting alot longer than you could imagine would ensue and it would get much uglier than imagined. Probably what a full on civil conflict would actually look like.


this is bait.

You should kill yourself to appease your white guilt, faggot

Who cares about legal gun ownership? Still have to fill out 4473 just like I do.

you realize he is halfu and will side with his tranny friends. how many Sup Forums would it take to take down keanu

I don't understand.
What good will a 4th or 5th gun do them?