Not enough frog anons got into it, without their help the movement was ultimately doomed. You cant make people save themselves. If the frogs want to be enriched there is nothing we can do except wait for the next truck of peace to maybe wake them up to take their country back.
Austin Long
Le Pen offered bullshit solutions that any person with two functioning brain cells could see would have made everything far worse. If the far right wants to win, you need to drop the batshit insane policies and focus on more realistic ones.
Justin Ramirez
>drop the batshit insane policies and focus on more realistic ones.
such as? FN is a quite moderate party, no far right exists here.
Cameron Ward
The leave EU and Euro thing was kill. France isn't UK, and leaving the Euro would in the short run crash the economy and might burn people's savings.
It's the economy stupid. Her father said the same, that she focussed on the wrong issues.
Dominic Harris
>Also, what we can do to prevent such humiliating losses from happening in the future.
Don't try and elect female leaders. Even leftists don't like Merkel, and that female PM in Australia was absolutely hated.
I don't care if she's right wring and I don't care if she would upset the left, women don't belong in politics. We should base our support on what makes sense, not what would cause the left to spaz out (Although the left having twitter panic attacks is always fun)
DON'T ELECT WOMEN, FOR FUCK SAKE. Nobody fucking votes for them.
Asher Thompson
>no far right exists here.
You people have cucked yourselves so hard there is no coming back from it. The EU has burnt the coal and now has to pay the toll.
Christian Lopez
Language barrier. Latin and Germanic are completely different.
Grayson Parker
>The leave EU and Euro thing was kill. France isn't UK, and leaving the Euro would in the short run crash the economy and might burn people's savings.
>You people have cucked yourselves so hard there is no coming back from it. The EU has burnt the coal and now has to pay the toll.
I know this, that's why every suggestion for a moderate approach is worthless anyway.
Luis Martinez
Jonathan Morgan
If you focus on economy, you will lose your life. Considering what's happening in Europe, Economy should be the least factor to be taken into account.
Jason Murphy
I've been thinking about this and I've realized that normies are such unthinking sub-human pieces of shit that they'll only accept the red pill if it's given to them by a member of their group, not from an "outsider". What this means is that red-pilled policies must come from mainstream outlets if they are to win elections. That is why the radical BREXIT was brought about by a referendum from the mainstream Conservative party. That is why the populist-nationalist Trump became president as a member of the mainstream Republican party. Le Pen lost because she was Front National, which is seen as radical and that's scary. If she was a member of the normie-friendly conservative party and had the exact same policies, there's no doubt she would have won in a landslide.
The bottom line is that we must infiltrate and corrupt mainstream institutions instead of coming up with new ones that will be branded as fascist and face relentless opposition from the jewish media.
Leo White
>activism and stuff. go be a faggot on tumblr.
Asher Martin
In the short run it will cause a mess. And thats what several french People i talked told me, and was their reason why they did vote for Macron. Also the EU takes not a lot of economic decisions for france, especially not for france who always had their own industrial policy. Unless the ECB is concerned.
Thats what Jean-Marie did suggest, but apparently not what Marine did. She went all on economy and EU bashing.
Christian Perez
honestly its just because most europeans are leftie fags. the good men died in the wars, the economy is fairly good which has made people lazy and weak, and the (((marxists))) have infiltrated academia, media, entertainment etc. Also, everyone is taught that the nazis are the worst thing in history, so now whenever any remotely right wing movement or politician gains momentum, they will most likely be strongly rejected by the indoctrinated, left wing population. Frankly, im surprised le pen did as well as she did (assuming the polling results are accurate). However, if france is still around 5 years from now, i definitely think theres a good chance she can win, because she will have been proven correct on most fronts, and the people will be more accepting of a strong leader who will fight islam.
Hudson King
Whie I don't disagree with what you're saying, this is not what made the normies think her EU policy was bad. In France, Brexit was advertised as a complete disaster and the return of Hitler, just like Trump's election. Every french normie complained about it between their weekly mourning ceremonies and terrorist attacks because of how much shit the media gave to these events. They didn't want to be seen as badly as they see Bongistan. No matter how good or bad it would have been for France's interests, these people wouldn't have wanted it. I see how the french media works and not a single channel isn't going full on propaganda these days, it's disgusting.
Isaiah Rivera
And what's the first factor to be taken into account?
I remember reading that her newfound opposition to cutting public sector jobs was stupid because most of those people are incurable liberals who hate FN and always will.
I don't speak French and therefore can't understand French politics so perhaps a French user can weigh in on this.
Ryder Powell
Yeah public sector in France is a joke they are always in strike for more money and won't do shit to deserve it
Colton Sanders
1)She went to soft and changed her platform to appeal to more people 2)Did shit in second debate 3)Not enough big events 4)Didn't have the far-left votes 5)French people in Brittany and Paris deserve to be nuked
Andrew White
>to appeal to more people
then how'd she lose?
Colton Garcia
t. Fillon's voter
Charles Reed
they voted for Merkel and HRC
Sebastian Flores
>The bottom line is that we must infiltrate and corrupt mainstream institutions
You sound like a kike, but I agree
Angel Russell
>and HRC
Didn't win. Is a total fucking loser, and will rightfully be forgotten by your country.
Caleb Taylor
>and will rightfully be forgotten by your country.
Hopefully. She wont he popular vote, however
Gavin Davis
Her economic platform was a joke and scared many potential voters away. People wanna keep the € and she went too far too the left.
Xavier Hernandez
So? Popular vote does not win you the presidency in your country, and rightfully so. When has unchecked mob rule ever been productive?
Jayden Foster
That's BS and you know it. She lost because the whole thing was rigged against her. She wasn't good enough to overpower the MSM. Implying any of her opponent would have
Ian Gomez
Man the meme war wore me the fuck out. I was using every piece of evidence to convince 3-4 people a day that trump was the better choice. I had to navigate peoples minds.
Christopher Ward
There needs to be (and will be) more mudslime attacks and rapes etc. It is inevitable. They just haven't had enough peaceful delivery trucks and beheadings.
Jaxon Richardson
Brandon Garcia
The entire media was against Trump as well but he still won. Perhaps Marine doesn't know how to fight them like Trump did.
Easton Ross
Yeah I know. You said no one votes for females but HRC won the popular, which means people voted for her.