Should the remaining German people escape to Hungary and Poland and leave Merkel and Soros's diversity state to collapse in upon itself in their absence? Something like this stragedy is employed in The Tu--er Di---es
Pan-Germanic Ethnostate
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Good idea, Germans can just go back Prussia
We don't want cucks and based people don't escape their land
I don't think anyone wants to give Germans and Swedes access to their countries at this point.
This will happen sooner or later. 99% kids born last year were white and then were Asians.
Poland will rise only because of the simple fact that is lack of shitskins. We just need to fix our business law. Society's attitude can't be any better. And our youth is extremely redpilled, like super extreme.
Aryans formed a Völkisch belt in Germania
Matter of time before they elect their Führer, their birthrate beats that of Berlin cucks (even with the refugee boost)
I know they're retarded but their genes are good, just use them for breeding
Don't let this one slide Sup Forums you fucking autists
Come to America
Come to Pennsylvania
This, mass migrate to Prussia.
ironically it'd be just like atlas shrugged. ethnic enclaves are the last true hope man, far in the north and hidden away.
Because Germany doesn't have a tense history with Poland at all. I understand they're being wronged by Zionists, leftist rats, and the traitors of the political elite, but has a point. Germany would no longer have any meaning and exist only in memory. Maybe, it's been that way for some time. Unfortunately, there will probably be a lot of losses before they erwache the current crisis they're facing. There's only so much blatant truth a government can suppress before no one supports or trusts that government. This can decades but it happens.
Bischt du Deitsch?
Why does this gif stop?
lernad a male a gscheits schwäbisch.
How do I get involved in joining one of these Völkisch settlements? I've been looking into going off grid and living a self sufficient lifestyle however don't have the funds to seriously put it into practice.
>people that are hellbent to destroy a group of people
>simply stopping because they moved away
Clearly this is no real solution.
I second this. We have so much room is the western US entire nations could be formed. Homesteads are a great start, and if we form militias and a basic trade network we could have some serious autonomy.
i feel really sad for the germans 2bh
but maybe a nation that has become so weak deserves to die
i can't imagine anything like that happening to poland, people just wouldn't stand for it, no matter what any politicians would decide
i hope we won't be bordering a caliphate in a few decades
>good genes
Pick one.
Where is pic related?
Get in touch with someone who lives in one, or go visit in person. Find a wife (they don't like single men, pedos are a real concern) and start a family there.
Just make sure you are welcome to the community and know what the traditions are. Probably no Sup Forums though.
Looks like England. Can't imagine it being anywhere in the US with stone walls and landscape like that.
the pic is some random thing I saved, think its in england actually. But i've traveled all over the us and there is so much beautiful virgin land. I'm telling you, if our nations have betrayed us its time we make our own.
how are things in rural UK? any chance of homesteading?
Already happening.
More and more people move away.
We only just removed you out of Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania half a century ago. Please stay where you are.
how long will germany last without the germans?
How long will the US last without WASPs? A few weeks max once they're displaced (that's being generous).
how could they be so short-sighted? if they really couldn't ascend, all they had to do was remain a minority and milk gibs. do they not think beyond next week?
Anyone have this gif in full or is it not playing all the way through for just me?
I'm praying for a mass white people movement to Mother Russia where Brother Putin will welcome all of the Adamic peoples to bring their wisdom ,intelligence, knowledge, spirituality, and of course genetics to make a super place, impregnable to any outsiders and safe for Adamic people to live and exist and thrive in safety and security...
Brainwashed is a better word, they aren't inherently retarded
Gotta throw out all those turkic asiatics first
Ich kann dich nett verschteh. Schwabischer are welcome though
that's the most stupid, schizo thing I've seen on Sup Forums that I'm sure was written without any sense of irony
How about a new hanseatic league that is more than economic? Something ethic and political.
>good genes
topkek. thanks for the laff
Learn Pennsylvania German and we can establish Pennsylvania German enclaves on the basis of cultural and language preservation while still keeping out non-whites
Honestly if you're going to be a Christian it should be Christian Identity like this user.
*sips 2% milk*
The blonde hair and blue eyes alone dude.. Aesthetics
>posts kike shill opposition
>sips shit milk
You're not even white are you? One of your ancestors probably came into a slave